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Group Of Forty Lecture, December 7, 2002

Channeled by David K. Miller

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©channeled by David K. Miller

This is Tomar, we are the Arcturians. Today our lesson will be focused on studying the relationship between spirit and the material world and the Earth bodies and the different landscapes, rock formations, canyons and other areas on a planet. It is a powerful experiment and experience that you have created with the Lago Puelo crystal. This is helping to create a fifth dimensional experience for many people who are now visiting the area. There have been some amazing transformations there in the past 30 days since we have spoken. This is a wonderful transformational process that you have helped us accomplish.

I know that being in the third dimension seems dense at times and I know that it appears as if this is the only reality, especially given the current state of the Earth. I am referring to the many different conflicts on all levels. These conflicts certainly have an effect on the energy vibration of the whole planet. Thus, it is hard to escape the effects of the conflicted thought patterns and the energy distorted patterns that have permeated the universal consciousness of man. Your are all tuned in to the universal consciousness, either through the dream world or through your consciousness, or through your normal waking life. The energy patterns are all around you-- just like the energy patterns are all around you from television and radio--so it is in terms of the warlike and conflicted thought processes and energies that have been dominating the planet. The relationship between the spirit and a place or the spirit and a location are very profound. The interaction of spirit with a manifested Earth location can create an acceleration, a portal and a vortex. These portals have been described in our previous work and many of you have gone to different parts of the planet to maintain and to open portals. In fact, there are numerous portals from ancient history that remain active on this planet. The more well known ones are the pyramids in Egypt and also the Temple Mount area in Israel. These areas demonstrate that a physical location can interactively be changed to manifest a portal that will help people access a higher level of energy and a higher experience.

You may say: what would one need portal for since if you are doing the proper meditation, proper prayers and the proper downloading of information, then no matter where you are, you would be able to accelerate and raise your energy. This is true, but you still are a being that is affected by thenegative energies of your planet. You are affected by the energy around you . I say it is natural to want to be in a higher place. It is natural to want assistance and it is very natural to find yourself attracted to different locations that will help you to raise your vibration. This lake with the Lago Puelo crystal has elevated the consciousness of many people now because the interactive forces, the spirits that were already around the lake became more active. The spiritual energy that was present became accelerated and with the focus amd the thoughts that you and others in South America projected to that place, a beautiful raising of the energy occurred.

. Tin the channel's house his room has become a very intense portal as you have been meeting here for many years. The ability for you to raise your vibration in this room is accelerating this moment as I speaking and am reminding you of this interactive energy with the place and your vibration. This is the key-- creating an interaction force between your vibration and thoughts, your intentions and the place. These are the two factors: factor one is the place and factor two is your interaction and intention in that place that will open up the energy. If you look at some of the ancient portals from the Anasazi(ancient Indians from Arizona), you will find that they have not been activated for centuries. You may find that you do not know where they are. There are many beautiful places that have been activated by the ancient peoples. They have not been used, nor been practiced with. It is necessary to seek out these old power places and to reactivate them.

We have the knowledge and you have the knowledge of different power spots in the areas of the planet. I will not try to list all of them, but I want to point out that there are certain vibrations in different places just as there are different vibrations on certain planets. An entire planet has a vibration, an energy level. You were attracted to Earth with this vibration. There is a vibrational frequency on the whole Earth and there is a vibrational frequency which can be defined as an interaction between the spirit and the actual physical manifested place. There is a vibrational frequency in Arcturus, the star Arcturus and the planet Arcturus. The Arcturian vibrational frquency is a different frequency than what you are used to on Earth. It is a higher frequency because we are a galactic family that does not engage in war. We do not have illness and do not have death as you know it. We have a spiritual knowledge base and spiritual practice that includes all of the beings on our planet. Naturally there is a different energy. This energy is in part activated in the place of Arcturus, the place of the planet Arcturus. The energy is so strong in our planet that we are able to emanate this energy and we are able to transmit this energy. Now, the Earth is still at a relatively primitive spiritual level. Earth is not in a position to transmit and send out energy to other planets and other planetary beings. Earth is in the position of calling, or asking for other beings of higher persuasion to come and assist and raise the vibration of your planet. You are waiting for the Messiah, for someone to bring all this together in an ascenion process so that the whole frequency of the place - planet Earth, Mother Earth, is transformed. It is the belief of the Arcturians and, I believe, you as well, that an interaction with spiritual forces can raise the vibration of a whole planet! We have demonstrated that the spiritual energy of a large group interacting in a powerful place, Lago Puelo, can change or accelerate the vibration of the area so that people who come there feel the upliftment. People who come there feel the raised vibrational energy field This upliftment needs to be magnified a thousand and million times so that the whole planet can shift. I want you to meditate for a moment on the profound process of changing the vibratory field of a whole planet. That is what the ascension is about. The ascension has two aspects. The one aspect is that you as third dimensional beings are transforming and evolving. You wish to go to the fifth dimension. Secondly, through this input of spiritual energy and light from other sources interacting with your work, you can cause the ascension to occur. I, Tomar, have worked with many of you on the inputting of energy. I am referring particularly to the Iskalia Mirror. We brought down to you an etheric mirror to work with you so that you can use the energy from the Central Sun, from Arcturus and from the Crystal Temple to interact with the Earth energy. This input of Earth energy created a higher vibration, preparing the way for a transformation. A necessary aspect of the ascension is the raising of the whole vibration of the Earth. After you leave the Earth, the vibrational level still remains higher. Your leaving and your working has created the right ingredients for the raising of the whole Earth vibration. (WHOOO..HEEEeeEE..TOO OOoooOOMAARRR!) The highest vibration or frequency from our galaxy comes from the Central Sun. The Central Sun is an etheric fifth dimensional portal to the Creator. It is an accelerated portal with a combination of energies that are indescribable. There are references pertaining to the Central Sun such as black hole, trans formational center, evolutionary center, or a core singularity center. None of these terms describes the power of a place that is so connected to the Creator Source. It is the emanating source of spiritual light for an entire galaxy. It is an emanating source of life for this entire galaxy and it is an emanating source of materiality for the entire galaxy. The original task was to bring forth a spiritual vibration, an awakening of spiritual energy to every facet, to every planet, every star in this galaxy. Indeed the Kabbalist refer to this process as the restoration, or in the Hebraic language, the Tikkun - the restoring of those aspects that were once tied to spiritual consciousness and were emitted. Matter and beings lost the connection to spiritual consciousness and became inactive. In this approach, every part of a planet that is already in existence, such as Earth, has the potential for spiritual awakening, spiritual consciousness, spiritual vibration and spiritual magnetic energy fields. Individual power spots such as Lago Puelo, Sedona and Stonehedge as well as the entire planet can become activated. One of the members from Australia asked the channel, what is the role of Australia and New Zealand in the ascension. All part of the Earth must be activated. Does Australia have a particular role? yes. Australia is particularly aligned with the Central Sunm. Australia has a unique connection to the outer part of your galaxy and there are many portals throughout the deserts, which have access to "dream time". Dream times are really experiences that are activated when you are in certain portals. Fifth dimensional light and energy can actively create fifth dimensional cities. Fifth dimensional vibratory portals need to be activated and downloaded in this dream time. Dream time is a way of accessing the universal consciousness of man. I, Tomar, and others have said that the process of raising the vibration of the whole planet, which is one of the goals of the ascension, involves also the activation and the cleansing of the subconscious of Earth. What a daunting task, especially when there is at this point so much activation of conflict on this planet. The relationship between the Central Sun and Australia is a long standing relationship and that the energy from outer space and from Jupiter (especially the Jupiter corridor) is directly linked to several strong portals in Australia. I would view these portals as beams of light that are going outward.

What is the Jupiter Corridor and how does it function? To leave planet Earth, you would accelerate your spaceship to a point, achieving a fantastic speed. When you reached a certain speed and you moved into the area of and around Jupiter, you would find that you could accelerate yourself into a dimensional rift called the Jupiter Corridor. This Jupiter Corridor has been established for eons and it is a conduit for interdimensional starbeings to travel, coming and going to Earth and to other parts of this galaxy. You accelerate and at a certain speed you attain a certain thought vibration. We are talking about the interaction of thought on a place. This is a very important principle in Arcturian spirituality as well as some of the spirituality; that is, coming into consciousness on the Earth the thought, vibrations and spiritual energy of a people can affect the vibration of a place, raising that vibration. There has been a great deal of concentration and work done by other beings to the interdimensional corridor, called the Jupiter Corridor. People have asked about the 12th planet. If it were allowed to come back into the solar system, then it would come from an interdimensional realm. It would appear on or around Jupiter. It would have a magnificent powerful effect on the magnetism of all the beings. The way to leave this solar system is to travel through interdimensional space. The only way in this solar system to access interdimensional space is through the Jupiter Corridor. In order to go through the Jupiter corridor, you have to be at a certain speed. Some of your satellites have gone around Jupiter and nothing has happened. There were no beings on the craft. You would have to attain a certain speed and have a certain spiritual energy. This was hinted at very strongly in the movie, Space Odessy, 2001. The author thought going through the Jupiter corridor would bring you back into reincarnation and a new Earth body as opposed to going out into the galaxies and traveling. The interdimensional corridor (which is not visible to Earth eyes in Jupiter) is a place where there are many powerful Arcturian vessels, Pleiadian vessels and other higher vessels. The vessels are huge, city blocks, miles long. These vessels are cities in themselves. These vessels are there in the Jupiter Corridor. We use these vessels for major transformations and transportations. I mentioned that I am one of the spiritual teachers on Arcturus. We have a group of people that continually focus and work on spiritual light, spiritual energy and holding the spiritual energy of our universal consciousness. There are a group of higher glactic beings that also work with the Jupiter Corridor, holding that corridor open. This is a powerful interdimensional corridor. Interdimensional corridors are portals just like the portals around the pyramids or in Sedona and are now around Lago Puelo. We work to keep that corridor open. We are only allowing higher spiritual beings to come through there. There are other ways of coming into this solar system. These including coming through a Plutonian Corridor. I hope that you continue to maintain your commitment to activating other powerful spots on the Earth. I call on our group in Australia to identify a beautiful canyon in Australia that will be the place where the Lago Puelo crystal can travel to activate that area. I call on our Australian friends to identify that place and to communicate the place to all in the Group of Forty and then we will do another powerful transforming exercise. It has to be a place that they could also go to and be there when we are doing this transformation. I will work with this group to establish this powerful activation. Now that the Lago Puelo crystal is in the Earth realm, it will be relatively easier to transport it telephathically around the planet. (EHOEEWWW>>>EEEEeeehhhhHHH). The enunciation of certain sounds at a spot on the Earth can activate a corridor and can change its vibration. Change the vibration in the place and you then can change your vibration. You are beings that are constantly interacting with the physical vibration. You are constantly making adjustments in your physical body. People are saying that there is a huge influx of cosmic light and energy into Earth. Part of this influx has to do with changes in the ozone level allowing more ultraviolet energy to come in. But there is a tremendous cosmic influx of particles and thought waves coming into this planet. Your body continually makes adjustments to this different influx. The influx is changing as we are oming closer to 2012. Then there will be more intense influxes of energy, more intense cosmic particles, more intense occurrences of comets, meteorites and starships. A starship from another solar system or another galaxy entering this atmosphere of Earth will have a tremendous effect, energetically on everyone who sees it and who hears about it. We, the Arcturians, because we are at a higher vibration, have the ability and the desire to emit light, emit energy and emit higher thought vibrations that will change the physical matter of Earth and will raise the vibration of the whole planet. The whole planet iwll become a church or a temple or a mosque. It is difficult when one enters a religious/spiritual place to not somehow be affected. When I have described to you the Crystal temple on Arcturus, I have described this with a bubble of an energy field like a glass that holds this energy in. I ask that the South American GOF assist me now in placing an etheric bubble over Lago Puelo. Those who are with us, also visualize this etheric bubble. It is a bubble that allows in higher energy and filters out negative energy. It is a bubble that helps to create a deepening of the existing energy field there. (HHUEOWW)

All who are hearing these words and all who are in this room and all who are reading these words, create now an etheric bubble over the place you are sitting to hold in this higher vibrational energy. When you hold the energy in, as we are doing now, it builds, it vibrates at a higher and higher frequency. There is a universal code of activation that now is carried by Sananda/Jesus which is the code or frequency for the ascension of the whole planet. He has the ability to enunciate this code and he has the ability to raise the frequency of this whole planet. Remember our analogy: You could raise the frequency of a place. You can interact with a place and activate that frequency, so beings can raise the frequency of a whole planet. The whole planet can be viewed as a place. You can call on the spiritual forces or spirits that are guarding that place to assist you. There are spirits and spiritual forces guarding and protecting the Earth, particularly the Native peoples which includes the Australian Aborigines. These are the Aborigines who have the knowledge of the spirit world and can be relied upon to share this wisdom. These peoples can assist in the raising of the vibrations. The raising of the vibrations is a task that is beyond what one man, or group can accomplish. There is a need for calling on higher spirits, higher beings. Some are saying that we are not moving to a higher frequency. Some say that this planet is not progressing or evolving and if you look at what is transpiring, it will become apparent that things are devolving. Do not confuse devolving with polarization. Do not confuse the separations that are occurring with devolvement, because as bade as some things are looking, I will point out o you that it is part of the polarization. Those who are polarized to the positive and the spiritual are becoming more powerful and strong. Those who are so polarized to the spiritual may not stop all of the terrible things that are occurring or will occur. However, the higher evolved spiritual beings on this planet will be able to connect with the spiritual caregivers of the Earth at the appropriate time to bring in the ascension and to restore Earth to her place in the galactic family and to raise the Earth's planetary vibration. The spiritual masters and the spiritual workers are creatig the base. Many people are ready for this moment. They are impatient and are wanting to know why it has not occurred yet. You have all been patient. The timing, the moment, the alignements are all unknown and can only be expected. Work to create the anchoring and be the receptacles for this ascension process.

There are some people now who are dying and are ascending. This has not happened before. This is a new opportunity and a new gift for those starseeds who, for one reason or another, have not been able to maintain their Earth bodies and have to leave. The opportunity for ascending based on the work you have done is there. We the Arcturians, are happy to work with this process. Those beings who do die still have to go through certain rituals, certain doorways, certain schools. There is an opportunity for acceleration and entry into fifth dimensional corridors for those who are doing this work now and for one reason or another have to see the ending of their physical incarnation on Earth. This means that those who do die and ascend have an opportunity to raise and maintain a heightened vibration for those who are left who knew this person. Remember, the ascension is two parts: one is your evolving and one is your affecting the Earth from where you came. Therefore, he or she who does die and ascends will have the ability to affect those who are connected with them in a positive way. Our dear friend Sally (GOF member from Arizona) who recently has passed on is being offered the opportunity to complete her ascension. She is surprised at the advancements that she has already made over there. Those who have known her and worked with her in spirit will be receiving spiritual gifts from her during the next months. It will take in Earth time about three to six months for her to complete all the work that she needs to in order to move into ascension. From her perspective, it will not be that length of time. Naturally in the higher dimensions there is no sense of time. Many of you are experiencing some disorientation in your sleep state because you are in a position of going into an interdimensional space or even an interdimensional corridor. You can become confused because you have no concept of space. Up/down, in/out and around do not make sense. You may feel disoriented. If you are in that position, call on the Arcturians.

Just ask for us and we will appear and help you. There is a tremendous amount of disorientation possible for each of you because of the electromagnetic frequencies that you are being exposed to. I remind you to cleanse and to use the bubble around you periodically in your meditations. In the Jupiter corridor, we can send certain frequencies to you because we know that if we can change your frequency, you can change the frequency of Earth. Please maintain your courage during the difficult times ahead and know that you are always being watched. This polarization process, although it may be painful to watch, will hae a positive outcome. We are counting on you to hold your spiritual light. We are looking forward to working with the new power spot in Australia. We ask that the bubble continue to be maintained over the Lago Puelo Crystal. Greetings to the many starseeds throughout the world who are in contact with us. I am Tomar, good day!
