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Time To Respond

by Ron Baker

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ow that we are a site about empowerment - that means a marrying of the spiritual with the physical. That requires a response to all aspects of our lives. We will continue to share all that we can to encourage awakening and responding in love and solution.

There has been more talk about war as a continued way to dominate, with no real solution to anything. As most of you know, we have been passing on clear, empowering information for years. The reason we have done this as a free service is we believe it is vital to educate people in this time - to wake up and respond, to choose life rather than fear.

Gabriel has informed us for years about what would be taking place in our world, as the light first reveals what is out of balance. This will lead to healing shifts only as people respond to what is happening. We live in a world in many countries where we have been seduced by our conveniences, toys and options. That has in many ways left us like little children who have never learned to grow up and get involved in community for the highest good of all.

It is often the case in our work that we discover people have not known how to have a personal vision, much less one that connects us all together for the good of the whole. However, unless we wake up and begin to learn how to get involved, we will find ourselves duped by the agendas and control of a few.

As long as we stay in fear and do not learn how to go inside to heal these things, we will continue to numb out and hope that the big people (like governments) will just take care of it all for us. That is not happening. It never has. But we have gotten used to certain comfort zones. We have not wanted them shaken up. But the time has come for the world to change unlike anything we have known.

Simply ask yourself, "Does change threaten my sense of safety?" Or "Do I embrace change as the opportunity to grow?"

Gabriel has been so accurate for these last ten years. We have watched each step unfold before our eyes.

Gabriel has shared in the last year or so the agendas behind this "war on terrorism." Fortunately, there are many others who are committed to getting this information out to educate. So we want to make you all aware that Gabriel has confirmed there are many agendas of control taking place behind the scenes and before our very eyes.

The people of the United States and England do not wish to dominate and hurt others. But we will be seen in the same way Germany was seen just a few decades ago if we do not consider the possibility that we are being duped.

I am writing this letter because as we have reached the anniversary for 9/11, we have been reminded of fear and threat. There are many unanswered questions. But most people have not trained themselves to question, only to hope that we will be taken care of. We believe it is time to change that - to learn how to take charge of our lives, to wake up and listen to the power of our hearts.

We can only expect our congress to represent us as we learn to communicate - to speak up and share what we need. Unless we communicate, we many watch the Bush/Blair agenda go ahead after oil and control in the name of protecting us.

This is not about spreading fear. On the contrary, it is about waking people up to look deeper at all possibility, seeking the deepest truth that will serve the good of the whole. when we are in fear, we tend to go into a "me focus" of survival. This will always create a me against "them" scenario. However, if we learn to reach out and share and seek the good of the whole, we will learn how to come together to create the world that is important to us as a whole.

If indeed we go ahead with war on Iraq, we will find ourselves challenging almost all of our allies, as well as some other major powers of the world like China and Russia. It is important to do research. If you look to who would benefit the most by taking over the oil reserves, as well as going to war it becomes a little clearer.

One of the primary players in this event is the Carlyle Group. They are the munitions company that would supply the war primarily. This company just happens to be headed by Bush, Sr. (and Dick Cheney.) Our present government is also loaded with oil families with great investments and interest in a war with the Middle East. They have already invested millions of dollars to get the oil out through Afghanistan and want to continue that path - an attempt to take over the worlds largest oil reserves in the Middle East.

So as we move through the anniversary to 9/11, ask yourself what you learned about you and your involvement in the world. Did you discover that you feel empowered to respond to life and to change? Did you discover that you have a pro-active approach to life? Did you discover that you are willing to stand in your truth? Or did you find yourself shutting down in fear, unsure how to deal with your feelings? Did you feel powerless and unsure how you could do anything in the fact of something "so big?"

The most empowering approach to life that we know is to learn from what each moment teaches us about ourselves. If we discover that we need to improve at certain aspects of our lives to feel the true power that lies within each one of us, then we have been well-served. If we learn to come together to become that much more powerful to create something wonderful, then we have been served in the best possible way.

So we are encouraging you to listen to your hearts, to pay attention to what is going on, to watch what laws are being presented. For instance, there were TONS of laws put into motion last year while the country was in deep fear and survival reaction.

I spoke with a Senator's representatives, the people who work around them every day. They say that our calls make a big difference. They want to know what the people are asking, saying, sharing. So please take time to share.

We, at Children of Light, stand for an empowered world of equal individuals. That is what Gabriel has been sharing as well. And he has shared that it is time to wake up and respond. Otherwise, we will find our world taking a direction that leads us deeper into fear, war, destruction, etc.

Gabriel has been very clear to say that there are MANY, MANY more of us (the people)....than the few who seek to control. By joining together and seeking solutions (not opposing those who seek to control), we will learn how to respond and know ourselves as powerful together.

With this letter, we are including an email we recently received with many perspectives about the Iraq situation which has been conveniently introduced on the anniversary of 9/11.

In New York City, we gathered together a powerful, loving group on Wednesday for the worldwide meditation. Together we were a powerful reminder that it is possible to join with one another in community and seek the best for the whole. We are learning that solutions and response are possible. And we are encouraging you to join with us in that vision.

So search your hearts. We will continue to present information and support as we go through this together.


Ron Baker and Robert Baker

First and foremost, we encourage you to write or call your particular state's leaders, senators and congress people. Or call them all if you have time.

One example

Senator Robert G. Torricelli

Local Phone: 973-624-5555

DC Phone: 202-224-3224

DC Fax: 202-224-8567

Senator Jon Corzine

Local Phone: 973-645-3030

DC Phone: 202-224-4744

DC Fax: 202-228-2197
