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Message From The Guardians through Laura

Through Laura

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are changes, challenges ahead and we will stand by your side for the journey. Fear not you have all that is required to ride the wave and successfully navigate the next few months of your timeline. It will be a wondrous time for those who connect to their knowing. It may be confusing to those who still cling to the old energies.

Assist them as much as possible by shining your light as brightly as possible. This will aid and encourage them without them even realizing how it is being done.

Some will come to you with questions and wondering's. Answer them from your heart and they will understand the message. Fear not that they will consider you weird or crazy, their desire to understand

will make them open to things they would not have even considered a month ago. They ask questions because they now feel an undeniable urge to know the TRUTH. Even the ones you thought would never listen and never even consider what you had to tell them will now be ready to hear your answers on some deep level.

You are the lighthouses the beacons. Do not seek them out and try to change or evangelize them, speak only to the ones that present themselves to you with questions. This is your signal that they have

made the choice to listen and they will hear you.

It is a Grand Time indeed!

There are a small number among you who have a very specific mission and carry a special light within. This does not make you more or less than any simply have agreed to carry a unique light

into this Earth Plane. You are now awakening to this special agreement and are about to be recognized as being on a unique path.

You will be recognized by those embracing the new energies and also by some who wish to maintain the old. It will be challenging for some to maintain a balance while being affected by both these polarities. Take heart dear ones, you have agreed and are fully equipped for your mission, your chosen path. Even as you begin to feel "exposed" you have a special measure of divine protection that you set up before you entered this Earth Plane. Fear not; continue your journey boldly and without compromise.

You are not alone and never have been. Shine your special light upon all you come in contact with and they will reflect your light back to you so you can more clearly understand and step into your own power.

You may feel a feeling of vulnerability as the thick veils drop away from you. Remember it was you that put these in place and it is you who are now allowing them to fall away. It may feel strange to you, as you have become accustomed to them after such a long period. This is simply a natural process and it is also an illusion created by the length of time they have been in place. You will balance yourselves in short order. Do not allow the initial feelings of vulnerability to slow or hamper your progress.

Move boldly forward and you will feel these triggers disappear in short order. Simply take that first step in full TRUST of your own power as part of the unity of All That Is.

We honor all for their choices.

We hold you gently in our arms and ask you to hold each other in your heart of hearts.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians


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