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A Lesson in Faith - Message From Sananda


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hanges that cause delays and tax season is here! I am afraid. I need money to hold me over until Nesara.

S: I know your concern on this matter, however the time is upon you. There is much to change in a short amount of time and you will be benefiting immediately from this process. Try to stay focused on the light of this truth and it will be here in an instant.

L: With all due respect, Sananda, and you know I love you, but this has been said so many times before. What if I listen to you again and then another month goes by and I have thousands of dollars in bills to pay out. What then? I have waited, unemployed in faith since last January when I sold my business. I have tried to convince others of the same and now not only do I have nothing to show for these truths that I proclaim, but I also have no income to protect me. What would you do if you were me?

S: I would remain at peace knowing that I was cared for.

L: I know that I am cared for, S, but the timing thing is just unrealistic. It's not that I don't believe, I do firmly. Its just that I need something to hold me over until this manifests. Besides, I am losing my marbles with all this waiting. I think I may be literally sick from waiting, do you understand?

S: Fervently. I understand your woes and the woes of all who wait. But I plead with you to stay centered in faith at this last moment in the chain of events. You are so close and if you could see what I do you would understand the importance of being in total faith right now.

L: Then show me something. Show me what you see, so I can understand.

S: I can make it apparent to you by your willingness to remain in faith. This is the only way to show you the palpable results you are searching for.

L: I get that, S, but when is enough, enough?

S: Yes, I understand my child but others do not carry the same burden as you.

L: Well what if I don't want the burden anymore, what then?

S: You have contracted to see this to the end and you have the strength to take it there, otherwise you would not have signed up for the job so to speak.

L: So in practical earthly terms, what are you saying? That I should not try to procure an income?

S: I am merely stating that the expended energy would be unnecessary due to your upcoming financial rewards.

L: But again, what if this takes another 3 months?

S: Your ability to stay focused on the light will help to bring this to manifestation immediately. Please understand that your power to change things is significant. If you stay in the light you will not only let go of the pain of the present moment but you will also be enabling change to manifest in a shorter period of time. Your capabilities are beyond many others because of your determination. Tap into that resource that you have and use it to uphold you in times of woe. We support you in this process and together we will be victorious.

L: So how long do you suppose I should wait?

S: I believe that time is only what you make of it. What I am saying is that time will be on your side if you make it so. Use time as an advantage, not the opposite. If you can mold your day around time instead of molding time around your day, then you will prevail.

L: Can you give me an example?

S: Indeed. For instance, if you can use your day to accomplish the tasks at hand that are necessary to live than you have created a situation which will be advantageous to your working of time. However if you use your day to dwell on the reasons why you cannot accomplish the tasks at hand then you have created a situation in which time is a disadvantage, do you understand?

L: Yes, I get that. But what if I want to spend my day making money right now?

S: Then so be it. You can choose to do whatever you desire with your day. Know that soon will come a time though were you will not have the need to "make" money, money will be bestowed upon you.

L: Ok, so then how about we make an agreement. You are not exactly sure when this will manifest and neither am I, so lets say I give this one more week. If there are no palpable signs of movement then I will start taking the necessary steps to procure an income. Does that sound fair to you?

S: What is fair matters not. What is deemed reliable is the meaning of all of this.

L: I am not sure I understand.

S: You have the ability at all times to create your reality. This reality is based not on what is fair but what is in your hearts desire. If you really listen with your heart, you will know what is best for you. Your heart is the only reliable source.

L: SO your saying that if I listen to my heart it will tell me what I want, right?

S: Precisely.

L: Well, my heart is telling me that I want peace, health, and financial freedom. And like many, my heart has been telling me this for a long time. But none of those things have happened yet. So what then, do I change over and now listen to my brain which is telling me I'm broke, or is this the time of ultimate faith?

S: this is a time for you to rest in conscious awareness of whats to come. To bring that reality to closer to you by visualizing it and feeling the emotions related to your new reality.

L: Kind of like virtual reality?

S: Similarly so. Use this invocation to create your reality and it will manifest. See it clearly, taste it, smell it, hear it, feel it with all of your senses and so shall it be.

L: So you mean to say that if I do all of this, I can change the whole world??? Just my desire alone can overthrow the government, implement Nesara, bring you back to earth in the flesh and pave the way for First Contact? That seems extreme.

S: I'm saying that each time you do this you bring it one step closer to your own reality. Each time you negate the idea of it all, you push it farther away. This game of tug and war is what is happening between the dark and the light. There is a constant incongruity in the workings of both forces. It would be an advantage to the light if more people realized that the constant state of wavering is what slows down the momentum of bringing the changes forth. That is why it is so important to stay centered in faith without wavering. You have done this many times before and you will again. You simply have to find the balance to remain steadfast in the light.

L: So your saying that if all of us lighworkers made a commitment each day to visualize this new reality and what it would feel like to each of us, then we can manifest this very rapidly?

S: Precisely. This is why we always say it is up to you to decide. It is up to you to pave the way for your new world. We can assist, but we are not omnipotent as you are thinking.

L: Interesting concept. Than who IS omnipotent? Is Christ Michael?

S: The creator himself is omnipotent for he is the maker and decider of all. We are all just expressions of his choices therefore we can only influence.

L: This is interesting to me. So CM couldn't just lift the proverbial curtain, so to speak? He couldn't expose the wizard?

S: CM is the creator of his experiment, yes. However it is not up to him to decide the outcome. That is the purpose of an experiment, to see the unexpected results. He can aid and assist where necessary but part of the human experiment is folly. This concept determines the outcome, not CM.

L: I think I get it. I am so brainwashed to think that God can fix it all with the swirl of his wand.

S: Creator God can.

L: I wish he would!