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Relay Relay Relay September 19, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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e want you to know that the

Light and the Love energy is a very Real Force. It would be as an

engine that propels The Work forward. It has the effect on

physicality of smoothing the work that we are doing along with your

White Knights (as you call them).

We are most gratified to see that your despair and impatience at

setbacks in the time line has lessened over the weeks. More of you

have become Determined that Nothing, absolutely nothing will prevent

Creator's Plan for Earth from manifesting and you do not give in to

despair! Ho Ho! No Defeatists in our Ground crew anymore!

You are the Way showers for others. You are the Fairest and the

Best and you walk with the Strength of the Lions upon your Dear

Mother Earth!

I am a Paschat Warrior, one of Sekhmet's daughters. I wish you to

know that you Are changing your world. Do Not Be Afraid to Speak

Out, to Speak UP for the Truth. The Truth on your world is a

precious thing because it is so hidden in the malformed information

coming to the people! You are WHO will change your world by

Fearlessly Speaking out for Truth, and against Tyranny in Any form!

It is Your world and it is your Shining Hour. It is time to take up

the Sword of Truth and Blaze its' Blue Fire for all of the world to


Stand Tall, Stand Firm and Lead the World in Courage! We are With

You and only a thought away!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle September 19, 2006

7:19 PM