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You Have No Time To Lose

From The Voice - Through Phoebe Lauren

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ing and visualizing correctly, that is, you are keeping your focus on what you want to create and not on what you don't want to create.

Remember, Dear Ones, we cannot remind you enough that where you put your attention determines what you end up with. You are, right now this very moment, working on creating your future. The Universe answers you all the time, giving you exactly what you want.

If you want a new home, yet you keep thinking of the problems with the one you have, you will not leave where you are. You must totally and completely, once and for all, forget what you have if it is undesirable and focus 100% on what you do want. When you enter completely into the new vibration of what you want, you will manifest it.

In between wanting or desiring and having, there is something else that can happen. Let us return to the example of wanting a new home. Suppose you are clear that you want to live in the country and you want to have so many bedrooms with so many bathrooms with such and such kitchen. In other words, you are very clear about what you want and even its location. Then someone offers you a little cabin in the mountains and suddenly you wonder if that would do. Well, Dear Ones, the answer is NO, that would not do. Suppose on the other hand someone offers you a castle with 50 rooms - if you want to run a hotel, okay, go for it; but, if you want a house that can be your real home, then it's probably best to pass.

Let's use another example. We know that many of you are looking for your partner and that you still haven't found him or her. Remember do not dwell on the fact that s/he hasn't come yet. Instead, concentrate on how you will feel when s/he finally arrives. Imagine that person next to you and all the good feelings you will have - all the love that you will share.

Now, while we ask you to remain open to all possibilities, we know that there are some parameters in your search. For instance, if you are very tall you may not want to be with someone very short; if fat turns you off, it probably always will, so best to look for someone who has an average weight. If you simply can't stand someone with red hair or curly hair or whatever, you can be pretty sure your partner will not turn up looking like that! The idea is that you will be attracted to the person on all levels. Why do you think you have a picture of an ideal man or woman in your head? It is a message from the Universe that is leading you to your ideal mate.

Now, this does not mean that s/he will necessarily look exactly as you wish, but it certainly means that the person will "feel" exactly as you expect. In other words, you will know your partner by how YOU feel when you are around him or her. Here we are not talking about sexual attraction, but about a vibrational harmony that exists when you meet someone you are to be with.

Having said that, let's take an example. Suppose you love children, but you don't want a partner who has small ones because you have already done that or you don't want to ever have to raise children, yours or anyone else's. You meet a lovely man who has three small children every other weekend and half of every vacation. Like the small cabin or the castle, you wonder could this be it. We are here to tell you don't waste your valuable time; you don't have enough time to lose time.

MOVE ON . . .

Don't think twice. He isn't Mr. Right!! Don't waste time wondering about him. Don't try to live with him. Don't date him. Sure, he can be a great friend . . .maybe.

The more time you spend with a person that "isn't right for you", the more time it will take for you to meet the one who is right for you. Another example, you meet a woman who wants to have children. You are sixty years old and the last thing you want is a child. Don't do it. Don't get involved. You are losing time and you are stopping the other person from getting what she wants. In other words, you have put yourself in a lose-lose situation. Who needs that? No one, at least not any longer. You have moved beyond that stage of suffering and "making do" with what you have.

Move on and close the door. Don't bother with married men or women if you want a real partner. Hello! Good-bye. Don't waste time looking back. It didn't work. It wouldn't work. It doesn't work. Okay, so close the door and move on.

Of course, you always have a choice. You can go live in that little cabin, pretend to be a pioneer or a hermit, chop wood, plug up the leaky roof, be cold in the winter and hot in the summer. If it's your ideal home, go for it. If not, even if it's free, say thank you and move on. The same for the castle - if you want to be a receptionist, maid, repair person, and have all the worries of running a hotel - go ahead buy it or if it's free, accept the responsibility. However, if you want to do something else with your life, then a big "thank you, but no thank you" is appropriate.

Now, we have given you enough examples to get the idea that it is very necessary to know what you do want AND also to know what you don't want. Some of you may ask why Mr. Wrong comes along before you meet Mr. Right. This is what we want to explain.

When you desire something, you put a call out into the Universe. Remember the Universe is always creating and is always answering you. When you put the desire into the air, naturally more than one person will answer your call - more than one house will appear.

It's up to you to determine if what you manifest is really what you want!

These people or things that come into your life are called "forerunners". That is, they are a partial answer to what you want, but not the whole package. They are there to tell you that you are getting close to your goal.

Before you can make a hole in one, you have to learn to play golf.

Life is no different. If you want something you've never had before, you have to get out there on the golf course and practice a little. Every time someone comes into your life who is not your appropriate partner, rejoice, dance in the streets. It means that the person you desire is getting closer and closer.

Don't lose time trying to make something round fit into a square space. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right for you. Have you ever heard of someone going into a bookstore and saying, "Oh, well, I'll just buy all the books since I'm sure to find something I like." That's what a number of you are doing in your manifestations.

We would suggest that a more appropriate way to select a book would be to decide what book you want or at least to know what interests you and then to go shopping. This goes for everything you want - when you put your intention or desire out into the "Universal catalogue" you are ordering up something or someone to come into your life. So think about it before you place your order.

Remember we gave the example a while back where you have a catalogue number and you call them. When the person who is taking orders ask you what you want, you tell them you don't know, just send you any ole thing! Now, that's how a lot of you are living your lives - with just any ole thing. Wouldn't it be more interesting and far more rewarding, if you knew what you wanted before you picked up the phone?

And then, here's the case of the "forerunner". Suppose you know what you want in the catalogue - a red dress for example, size 10, on page 103 at the bottom. You order it, but when the package comes, you find a green sweater extra, extra large. Now, Dear Ones, do you pretend that that green sweater is your red dress? Do you put it on for Valentine's Day and tell everyone at the party that it may look like a big green sweater but that it is really a red dress? Who would believe you?

Yet, every time you accept something that isn't what you really want it is exactly what you are doing. You are walking around living your lives making believe that your big green sweater is the perfect fitting red dress that you really wanted.

Okay, we are having fun with you. Normally speaking, you would put the sweater back in the box and return it to the company that made the mistake. So what to do if the Universe sends you something or someone that you don't want to dance with? You send it back, not tomorrow, but today.

If you want to manifest what you want, then you have to have the courage and wherewithal to send back what doesn't work for you. There are no lessons to be learned with accepting what you don't want.

So, Dear Ones, don't make the mistake of thinking and acting like the green sweater is the red dress. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the forerunner is the real thing. Close the door. Don't lose time because you have no time to lose.

A forerunner is just that . . .it is a message from the Universe that your desire is about to manifest. So when you meet someone that isn't right for you, rejoice - it's one less person between you and your real partner. Remember every inventor has many failures before s/he finds the solution to the problem and every failure puts him or her one step closer to success.

So you have no time to lose time . . .

We are with you.

(Message taken by Phoebe Lauren from the Voice; to receive these messages directly in English, French, or Dutch, please e-mail: