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Atmos 09.09.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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f all of that experience at your disposal.

The question is what have you learned that will now carry you forward to the next stage. Have you concluded that Man’s way is lacking something, that it encourages the seeking of all things for Self. That even what is purported to be God’s way, is sometimes a denial of what the Truth really means. Your lifetimes are a mosaic of different experiences that eventually lead you to the Truth, and that there is only the one way, through Love. It is ironic in some respects that the materialistic way of life is usually promoted, and the idea is projected that the acquisition of wealth is desirable. You are lead to believe that it is in order and are, indeed, encouraged to do so.

You have lived with these thoughtforms for so long, that you have not really questioned their validity. You are taught that your life is one of opportunity, and that if you beat someone else down on the way to your goal, that is acceptable. The realization that in so doing you are taking from another does not seem to be a factor that concerns you. Competition is encouraged, and is summed up by your expression that talks of “the survival of the fittest”. Some religious movements have denied wealth and brought life down to a very basic existence, almost a denial of anything that is available to increase the quality of life. Some individuals have made vows of poverty, and so the "merry go round" of experience carries on.

Dear Ones, the irony that I refer to is that you already have everything you need for any particular lifetime. There is no real gain in having more than you need, as your needs are always met. If you have chosen an experience in poverty, then you may feel a certain lack of needs but you will have sufficient for it. If you chose a life of wealth and riches, clearly these will come your way. Both are examples of lives being chosen for the experience of handling wealth, or the lack of wealth. In the long run, whatever you acquire cannot be taken with you, yet some people spend their whole life amassing money and objects of value around them.

The greatest irony is that it is not until you have overcome the desire for material wealth, that you find real happiness. It is in the deeds that you do, the sharing, love and service to others that you find happiness. It is the love that you hold, and the recognition that you are All One. You seek outside of yourself, when all that you need is inside of you. Materialism encourages greed and self gratification, and you measure of people’s worth and status by what they own. The pureness or the beauty of the soul seems secondary where materialism is concerned. However, it is for these experiences that you came to Earth, and today you stand at the end of that journey. What you have learned is now preparing the way forward, and those that have sufficiently evolved are heading towards Ascension.

As you enter the higher dimensions you will find that you do indeed have everything you need. Everyone has the ability to create exactly what they desire through their power of thought. Yet, having reached such levels the desire for individual wealth no longer exists. All that is thought into being is formed in its highest concept of perfection in richness and beauty. There is no ownership such as you now experience and all is seen as belonging to creation. Through creation you can, in fact, have everything that your heart desires, and live in perfect happiness and harmony.

What you have sought upon Earth has been a pale reflection of what creation is about, but the memories of previous times in the higher realms lives with you. In your memories is an awareness of the beauty that pervades them and you yearn to return to those halcyon days. Outside of your cycle of duality exists the true reality, the one that you have tried to copy while upon Earth, yet is elusive. You have lacked the true power of creation, and even although you see clearly in your minds eye, you can rarely produce it. You do however see the Creator’s design and hand in all things around you and the perfection in which it was made.

You will soon be taking the first steps towards a new experience. The material age is closing, but not before all forms of wealth are fairly distributed, and your true freedom is restored. It is time to move on and prepare the way for a smooth transition to the next stage of your evolution. Love and sharing will be the order of the day, and great happiness will bring people together in a oneness of purpose. The benefits of NESARA are the design that has been decreed for these end times to carry you into a new era of co-operation and one in which all can participate.

With the coming of your family from Space you will be introduced to new technology and another piece of the mosaic will fall into place. You will start to create the new Earth, and in a quantum leap forward carry yourselves into the New Age. This will bring wonderful times and experiences to you. You will take your place in the higher vibrations that will speed up your enlightenment and remembrance of who you really are.

I am Atmos of the Galactic Federation and I tell you we are ready to meet you all. Although apart from our craft you do not see us, remember that we are nevertheless working with you, and for you all of the time. Victory is assured, and soon the activities of the dark shall be curtailed and finally stopped. They will have no place in our plans, as their time is finished and we shall all move on into the Light. We encourage you to move your thoughts into the future, and you will be helping ground it into your present time. We send much Love from all of the Galactic members, as we cheer you on to the "finish line".

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey
