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Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council04-02-05

Through Valerie Donner

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se upon the Earth. This is happening geographically and internally. It is a part of the release of the shadow side of life on Earth. We see it like your little ping pong balls bouncing all over the place. Who knows where they will land? They seem light and out of control at times. The key is to let them fly and to not be attached to having them return back to you.

You are beginning to understand slightly that you own nothing. There is much focus on the Earth with the material possession of things. This lesson was taught to you through your Asian tsunami. One minute there was a physical presence and the next minute it vanished. Hanging onto the possessions may cause you your life in some instances. You saw this in mud slides in Southern California. Some people refused to leave their homes in unsafe areas and lost their bodies. Taking chances with your life by hanging onto what is no longer serving you could create loss of life.

I am stressing this concept because some of you may be in places where you will be faced with the need to make quick decisions as the Earth changes continue. We will be of as much assistance as possible. We are already working with many extraterrestrial groups to assist in stabilizing the Earth. We have been effective in this and have circumvented potential catastrophes. We monitor and know what is going on all around the Earth but even we are surprised sometimes with events. We have the technology to do this but last minute changes can be made. Once an event begins we can only do our best to support you and the Earth through the upheaval.

You have your own internal guidance systems. They are akin to our computers. If you stop, look and listen the guidance is there. You will need to listen deeply during the coming times. How attached are you to your material things? What value to you is your life? How are you progressing in your contributions to the Earth and the changes? Have you stopped to ask yourself if you are where you need to be or is it time for you to think about relocating?

All of these answers are available to you through your inner guidance systems. I am teaching you this because this is how we work in the higher realms. We are in deep connection with our guidance. We are in close communication with each other in our work teams whether we are on ships or at home on our planets. We work in unison. This is one of our gravest concerns about Earth inhabitants. Most of you have not learned to work together. This is true even with the ground crew. You each take off on your own trajectories and have not developed the respect and trust of each other. You have such diverse pathways and beliefs. This makes the ascension process even more complicated. It remains a concern with the entire off planet efforts.

Little by little as the ground swells and breaks open you will find that out of necessity you will be forced into cooperative ventures for your very survival. You will grow in strength of teams. Your collective efforts and creative intelligence is vast. It matches what we provide for you except that you have yet to experience this type of teamwork. You will be astounded at what you can do. We will also be there to help you develop these new work patterns and ethics. It is integral to moving into higher consciousness.

In the core of your matrix there is a genetic coding for the entrainment of cooperation. It has been dormant due to the third dimensional energies. It would have been energetically wasteful to attempt its activation earlier. However, it is going to be activated as necessary. This is how all of life works together in the higher realms. It is also how the cells in the human body work. They work for the highest good of all without competition.

It is required for the survival of the organism and in this situation for Earthly survival.

All of nature is working together to further the New Earth. This ascension process has been in place with the patterns of re-evolution ready to be activated. Everyone is working diligently within, upon and around the Earth to further the process. It is a mammoth endeavor. It all involves co-operation. I suggest you consider your ability to co-operate with others to a larger extent in your daily lives. Practice now. Use it later.

I will continue to provide Pleiadian principles and perspectives to serve you. I will give you things to consider as times of change accelerate. Please think about what I am saying because in the future you might need to be quick on your feet. The safest place you will find for your self is with your inner guidance. Please use it to track your inner whereabouts, your physical situations and to check in with your emotions. All will serve you. They were designed for this purpose. Use the natural means that will keep you in sync with the Earth. You are made of each other and for each other.

I am Mira, in service to you and the Earth.
