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A Message From Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner

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you with hints when major situations are about to occur. This should give you some preparation. We work with you in the Light Realms and in the dream state also. We cannot pinpoint exact timetables due to the differences in time in our dimension and in yours.

At this time we have many ships around the Earth. There are also other participants from other planets surrounding the Earth providing a variety of services. Had it not been for this assistance the disaster would have been far greater. You are being constantly watched and guarded. You are being cared for also in unseen ways that you have yet to realize.

Due to the state of affairs that are taking place on your planet you will begin to see more of our presence. This is no longer a time to keep secrets about anything. All will rise to the surface just like the Tsunami waves in your Indian Ocean. Those who are in charge of your governments will be rendered powerless when it comes to the new priorities that you will be facing. Their best-laid plans will no longer take priority for they too will be faced with the fears of their own survival. They are reconstructing their own ideas and are wondering how they can be serving themselves while appearing to be responsive to the needs of their constituents.

There comes a time in the evolution of each planet when major changes must occur. The Earth can no longer wait for humanity to catch up with higher consciousness. She knows what she wants and where she is going. Those who have lagged behind in their evolution will not be going along with the Earth. This is her will. We in the Pleiadian High Council over see our own star system. We have been around and on the Earth since the beginning of time. We have a vested interest in the health and well being of the Earth. Our own DNA is connected with many of you as well as the Earth. You will not be left alone to go through these changes. They will occur over the years with waves and lulls in the process.

We request that you become open to us and to our assistance. We have only your highest good in our intentions. We look forward to the glorious time when we will walk among you like many others who have been waiting return in full form to the Earth.

We also work with many councils of Light that assist the Earth. She is going through her birthing process with many midwives. We are only a part of the assistance that envelops the Earth right now.

Evolution means to evolve. This means that things can no longer remain stationary. They must move in the evolutionary process. Resistance simply makes the process more challenging. Embrace what is happening knowing this is part of a divine plan. Trust that all of the resources that are needed are yours. Reinstate the awareness of your own masterful powerful gifts. These gifts that you will bring back will enable you to rise into the fourth dimension and higher will all that you need. Every bit of guidance will be yours. Your manifestation abilities will provide what you need for your physical survival. You will be reconnected with your soul family as you work along with the Earth and all of creation to settle the affairs of the Earth into the higher dimensions.

We have all been waiting for this time of sacred regathering. It is now in full force. We are with you as the multi-dimensional capacities are activated and realized. You are a part or the most powerful force of Light ever to be amassed for a planetary ascension. Thank you for your dedication to this cause. We welcome the time when we can be with our family again.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

"Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For Love is sufficient unto Love."

~Kahlil Gibran~

In the name of ONE , Sandy
