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Telepathic Communication From Spirit Eagle

Spirit Eagle

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I am Paul of the Galactic Federation of Light and I am one of many fellow citizens of the the planet Giroes many star systems away from yours on the other side of the Galaxy We have journeyed here before when your planet was forming into the great jewel of the Galaxy she was to become. We have checked on her and your evolutionary journey from time to time. We feel it is appropriate for us to be here and honored to assist with Her and Your Ascension process.

The name of our ship is the Giroes 2. Yes, there Is a one ! We have 20,000 souls on our ship and we are a bit further out because our ship is larger than some but nevertheless we have equipment that enables us to observe you from afar.

Getting back to the children: the older children will probably require more assurance from you regarding our good intent. This is unfortunate, but your movies and cartoons and colorful comic books portray extraterrestrial civilizations as warlike and cruel. (much like humans have been and still are). If you don't have children or yours have grown up, be ready to re-asure the children that our presence is benign. Explaiin to them in a way they can understand that the Creator of all made life all over, not just on this planet. These precious little ones will be the first! to grow up in a completely transformed world. They are here for this transistion into a new way of living and creating. This will be a glorius adventure for them and for you. Respect these children, they are great lights in your world. And listen to them! They have much wisdom to share and there is much to learn from them. You are on the threshold of a glorius future! A future of balance and the end of duality. Take the hands of your Little Ones (Big Spirits) and skip into the golden future with them! Be little children again! Lighten your hearts in laughter! We will shuttle down in the thousands to be with you; that time is but a moment away. Good Night Dear Sister!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle June 18, 05 12:30 am S Eagle wrote: Da! te: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 00:20:59 -0700 (PDT)

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
