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Hyperdimensional Oasis And Real Earth

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kely and in nightmares.

The human mind generates its own world. But the world it generates is a dreamed world of slaves who dream themselves as free. Except that this is widely spread, and it is a solidified but unreal dream. The surface of Earth is a desert land, beat by magnetic winds and crossed by artificial matrixes, magnetic frames, which are the foundations of the dreamed world.

The underground stations of the ruler race are like immense ants' nests. They are the stations of their massive invasion of the surface, where they keep the original matrixes of living matter, producing and exploiting an enormous amount of energy/light and trying, with blind clonations, to reproduce the real consciousness. The dreamed world which, like the human body, is produced by a time tangent open in the human mind, a deep alteration of the original genetic code, a virtual box for consciousness with strongly altered molecular aggregates, a prison where the consciousness doesn't find the way of escape. Almost the whole biosphere of the planet has been replaced with cloned frames and the lack of living soul, and not able to produce living consciousness. The races of humankind have had the same destiny. Only 30% of the world population's virtual bodies are destined for real Consciousness.

Zec 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. (I added this verse. Gary)

The rest are merely cloned matter of dreams, virtual aggregates which are artificial and not of integrated consciousness. The 30% of the world population hold a real Consciousness but it is trapped in the ferocious prison of duality and death, into a dream of a virtual world, virtual identity, virtual body and virtual brain. The action field of the real Consciousness is very limited by the dimensional boundaries of the false mind-world and the only escape route is the total transformation into Immortality.

This is the entering of Consciousness into its real multidimensional awareness, into the sacred light fields on the surface of real earth. The reality of the physical body dissolves progressively, the mind bearings vanish, and allows to appear the features of the Reality and the Consciousness, and dressed with the eternal body, it is free to enter into the timeless realm.

These high light fields are an hyperdimensional oasis, created and maintained on the surface, from the ancient ages, by the People of Agartha. They are localized in some sacred places of Earth. They are small zones within protected environments, natural parks or areas with particular social, cultural and ethnic conditions of tutelage. The hyperdimensional oasis are the origin of the sacred places of the world, cradle of ancient civilizations and native peoples of Earth. They are oases of reality, of boundless time, freedom and enlightenment.

In the hyperdimensional oasis live small groups of operators. They are multiracial and multidimensional beings with high consciousness and VRIL power. They are guardians of the sacred Doors and operators of Light walking unseen in the world of men.

When they enter into the world of men, they assume a human identity and form, while keeping their full consciousness and power. They are little drops of Heaven spread on Earth. In the oasis the physical life is the original matrix, symbiotic unity, and sublime and timeless bliss. The whole activity of the hyperdimensional oasis is led by the Shiva Lineage in Shaya-YaPool and the Great Mother Woopaa, solar Beings generating from the Sublime One.

The hyperdimensional oasis are out into the dreamed world of men and their frequency is continuously attacked by the false bearings, besieged by the dark grid of the world. But the oasis is the stronghold for the Sacred Doors through which the invincible Cosmic force of VRIL maintains, empowers and enlarges their high light positions. The active presence of the oasis operators in the virtual world spreads the original force of reality, awakening and freedom amongst the dwellers of these lands, who are always native peoples in their sacred lands, giving them the irreducible spirit of their ancestors.

All the hyperdimensional oasis all over the world connect the sacred isle of Thule in the gulf of Biscay. They are light spheres on the surface, and sacred Doorways to the Lighthouse of Thule, House of Gods on Earth and Door to Agartha and Nibiru.

Around the isle of Thule, in the Basque homeland, there are three oasis of light. Amongst the green hills, crystalline waters and high peaks of Euskal Herria. The consciousness, and physical living matter, shifts from time to eternity, from death to immortality. From the slaving control of the rulers of the world into the real Earth. As the dream vanishes with the awakening, those who walk on the sacred path of immortality see the hyperdimensional oasis of light and look at the false world of those who keep on dreaming, as a virtual effect of blinded consciousness.

(Yeah, it's me again. Gary) Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

ShaYa is great and merciful. There will be Four hyperdimensional oases in the Basque homeland, the new VRIL and the high Voice will be given to the oases all around the world. To welcome the newly awakened friends of YaPool, on the sacred way of the return to Reality.

YaPool from Reality
