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Ag-agria via Mike Quinsey - 03.03.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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embroiled, and we perceive that quite a number are due to the ego taking precedence over your intuition.

Humans seem to have a sense of pride that drives them onward, that sometimes comes from your interpretation of your own importance. Everyone seems to want respect, but cannot always balance that against the needs of another. We watch you with a profound admiration, as each day of your life you face difficulties and somehow seem to come through them. Every day is full of potential challenges, and we see how you respond, and we quietly wish for you to listen to your inner voice of reason. Some people, appear to deliberately throw their weight around without caring about another s feelings. They seem to be on a mission to get to the top regardless of how they achieve it, and it is considered by them to be their goal in life. You are such a mix of personalities, and even as individuals you have the ability to switch from one to another. For some, life is a constant battle with themselves as the ego tries to exert itself over sensible reasoning. We wonder how you cope with the emotional side of your lives, which can be very volatile and upsetting. You are truly the most complex characters, yet with all of the ups and downs, you still manage to laugh and smile.

Can you understand why you are all coming out of your cycle of duality with the opportunity of Ascension? You have deliberately taken on the challenges that you have lived through in a series of lifetimes going back thousands of years. You have, so to say, gone in at the deep end and now you reach the shallow end, and you have found your feet. You knew it would be tough, but with your resolve you believed you could achieve a successful conclusion. Now, those of you who have elected to go the whole way to Ascension, can rightly feel a pride in your achievements. Pride for you, is an inner satisfaction for which you do not seek recognition. This is the difference from egotistical pride, which requires the acceptance and attention of others. Many of you have reached that point where you have almost total control over your emotions, and that means that you have put your ego in its right place. Yet, even so, you are still tested in the cauldron of earthly happenings.

It does mean that you have taken charge of your life, and you direct it on a path that is clear to you. Many seem to aimlessly go through life, tossed around by the waves created by other people. There must come a time when you decide what your life purpose is going to be, and if you can see the greater goal, all the better.

We, who are your Guides, are aware of the difficulties all around, and we help you face your challenges. We in no way exert undue influence, but we know you as well as you know yourself and your life plan, and we do our best to keep you on track. The point is that while we may have the authority to help, it is much better if you acknowledge our presence and call upon us when you are in need. We hear your prayers, and we share your happiness or sorrow, and we are with you for the duration of your life. We learn from our association with you, and, indeed, one never stops learning. In time to come other souls will look back at the cycle of duality and the parts you have all played in it. They will understand it without the need for direct experience, as you will have done it for them.

Life is about service to others, and the selfish and greedy people who only care about self will learn their lessons exactly like everyone else. Some take longer than others and need the lessons of life repeated several times. No one is better than another, although you tend to gauge this by a persons status or individual wealth. You are all doing what you planned, from the lowest to the highest. It makes no difference, and when this is understood, everyone will have respect for each other. Try to see those around you in a new light. You are all fellow travellers on your way back to the Godhead. If people come to you with problems, see this as an opportunity to give a helping hand. You have a saying, "There butut for the Grace of God go I", and there is never a truer saying. If someone comes to you, it is no coincidence, and you should take a moment to think about what you can do to help. You cannot live another person's life for them, but you can acompany them through their difficulties.

I am Ag-agria and I wish to say how much you are loved and admired in the higher realms. The Light and Love pours down upon you incessantly, and as you approach a new phase in your progress to Ascension, it is becoming very strong and focussed. Lift yourselves up out of the dark, and concentrate on making your pathway clear, and let no one deter you.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey

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