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Ag-agria 04.24.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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esent life.

You can go back millennia of time, and your history is so distorted that you will find it hard to determine the facts among the falsely given information. Regrettably the falsehoods are perpetuated by professional people, who have always supported the versions they have been given without any real questioning. By questioning what has been given, you can be ostracized and ridiculed and even lose your status or profession. History is ignored or re-written according to who is in power, and it has been thus for millennia of time.

It is, therefore, almost impossible to find the real truth or get a proper understanding of the history of Man. Yet, it is so important that you have a true perspective of it, because you have all lived through various epochs that have brought you to where you are today. Each period of your history has had something to teach you, and it has a habit of repeating itself. Just as in your individual life you have lessons presented to you again and again, so it is the same for any civilization.

Consider that many realities are born on Earth, and they continue for thousands of years. You are born into the one which is appropriate for the lessons you need to learn. Some realities last longer than others, and those that are based on anything less than God’s Will are destined to die out the quickest. All have value, as they were, nevertheless, created by you, and it is the law that you must see out your creations. In your ever growing consciousness you incorporate the experiences, and gradually you bring more understanding into each life. How much better it would be if you could, also, bring such facts to mind by learning of your correct history.

Take, for example, the Egyptian period, full of mystery and unanswered questions, as to how it suddenly arrived on the scene as a developed civilization. Is it not strange that so much is recorded about the history of the lives of their Pharaohs, yet, no clue is given in ancient history as to when the Egyptians came into being? Is it not also strange, that there is no record of the building of the Sphinx, one of the most magnificent monuments in the world, and the Giza Pyramid complex? Surely such massive achievements would be heralded in many writings throughout the world, yet, none have so far been found.

The answer is that they were built thousands of years before the ancient Egyptian period and with technologies that have long disappeared. It was the coming together of Beings who made their way to Egypt from the last remaining land portions of Atlantis. This idea has been accepted by some of you. See how the truth of this period links you with an even older civilization. The reason for the demise of Atlantis is important for you to know, because today you face the same decisions as they did then. This time you have made the decision to change the reality to one that will result in the Light becoming triumphant. Whatever little may be known about Atlantis, one thing is for sure, that it has disappeared off the face of the Earth. How could one of the greatest civilizations ever known disappear without trace? The truth is that it was destroyed by the experimentation of the Dark with forces that they were unable to control. There are some traces of Atlantis above water, but its landmass was broken up in stages until finally Poseidon sank, and much remains on the seabed of the Atlantic Ocean.

Your history would have you believe that you are the most advanced species since arising out of simple beginnings. In fact, you have risen up many times and gone complete circle to start once again. There is always a plan, and it is progressed as necessary by the souls who bring the different stages into being. Never think it is all by chance, although many times it will seem that way. You have the freedom to accept what is placed before you, or reject it, and it is you who determine how that reality works out. Now, see how you return to experience what you have created. It is all very just and fair, although few of you will know of your earlier involvement.

Now, you stand at the door to cosmic consciousness, and you have little idea as to how you have come this far. Some cannot even comprehend what it is all about, as their consciousness is shrouded in the Dark of ages past. Yet, at every stage all are given the same opportunities to evolve to the present day levels. What is not done is to force anyone to proceed at a speed that is not of their choosing, and they are considered to be no less than anyone else.

The battle to reach a conclusion, that has been made by those of the Light, has nearly reached its climax. Unlike before, your consciousness has been raised sufficiently to become the predominant force. You have chosen the path to Ascension, and it is clearly set out before you. No amount of disruption or delaying tactics will prevent it manifesting. The Dark still try their hardest to circumvent the result, but it will be to no avail, and they will suddenly find that their power has disappeared. You have been able to stop the headlong rush over the edge of the cliff of death and destruction. No more shall the dark practice their deception, and proliferate the world with their lies. It is a time for the full truth to come out, and soon only the truth will exist. Your true historical links with the past will be made known, and of it there will no doubt, as it all exists in the Now.

I am Ag-agria a Guide and Teacher, happy to advise you of the coming times when you shall live in a happy environment free from all of the vagaries that you experience now. It will be a time of joy and a great coming together of like minds. Soon the memories of the past difficulties will fade away, to be replaced by ones of wonderful happiness and true love. My love goes to you all.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey

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