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A Message from the Starship Kara'ten

Through Spirit Eagle

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umanity's spiritual progress. We are here at this time to bring the curtain down on your final stages of 3-dimensional life.

Your progress into the Galactic Federation of Light is a result of your completion of a job well done! We have watched you over many lifetimes. We have nudged you on your paths. We have rejoiced when you have chosen those paths that would more quickly lead you to your awakening.

Yes, we are the ship you see in the east in your night sky. You, dear souls, are very precious to us. We have lent you our strength when it was needed, we have whispered in your ears of a life beyond comprehension, we have soothed your troubled souls, and unquiet hearts. We rejoice with you in your moments of ecstasy when your hearts are filled with the Love of All Creation.

Yes, you know us Dear One, and our appearance is like the insect on your world, the Praying Mantis. They are on your planet to remind you of the times when we have been together. They are gentle Beings in their aspect.

The announcement you ask about will get done, however it is possible that First Contact will happen first if there is deliberate delay by those who would secure their earthly positions first without regard to humanity's destiny and Creator's Plan.

Rest easy, you are not alone in this and have /never/ been alone. We rejoice with you in the dawning of your New World! Good Night Dear One. We will talk again!"
