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Message From The Guardians

Through Laura

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ves of this influx of energy entering into your consciousness and your physical plane. As these energies blend and integrate with you and your world, you will likely feel a lessening of intensity, and some may experience a feeling like " a weight being lifted from your shoulders". Some may feel your heart opening in new ways. There may also be an experience of sharpened thought patterns and a clarity of vision that you have not experienced before. Each will integrate these energies in their own way and own time.

The Mother has soaked these energies into her consciousness and continues her balancing and process of evolution with this infusion of divine source. The alignment with the central Sun has produced a direct path for these energies to enter your plane and the transfer will continue for some time to come at a much gentler rate now that the initial mass infusion has occurred. The solstice provided a gateway for these energies to be delivered to your planet Earth and an opportunity for them to be integrated into the consciousness of all beings on, in and around the beautiful planet you call Earth. As these energies fully integrate into the planetary mass consciousness you will begin to notice some great shifts that you have not seen up to this point. Individuals that have been in a deep sleep will begin to awaken as never before, and those who have already begun the process will step up the pace to an even more rapid rate. Be aware of what is happening around you and do not allow yourself to slip into fear. Many who are not accustom to this higher rate of vibration will initially react to it with a fear, as they are unaccustomed to functioning at this level. Take heart Dear Ones. It is all part of the integration process.

You will observe many, who are seeing things and themselves in a whole new way which they have never done before. They will begin to question all manner of things that they previously just accepted without question. It will cause a swelling in the ranks of highly "aware" people who will no longer just accept the way things have always been without question. Groups of individuals will join together, as never before, to question those you have placed in authority over you and demand answers, explanations and flat out change, when they realize things are just not working the way they are now.

A lot of these individuals will not see themselves, as you do, as spirit having an experience in human form. They will simply know in their hearts that things need to change and change now. You do not have to agree on every point of view to work together with each other. The simple desire and passion to create a better world for "all the people of the Earth" will bond you together and make you an impressive force for change.

Do not restrict yourself or others by believing that you can only work with people, who believe exactly as you do. Look at their passion. Look at what they wish to accomplish. Feel the desires of their heart and then decided, if these are people you wish to join forces with. Each will bring their own uniqueness to the challenges at hand, and each has valuable thoughts, feelings and perspectives to add to the mix. The true power of All That Is, is the blending and integration of the energies of every individual on every level of existence.

Dear Ones, do not forget the Mother in your efforts. She is ready willing and more than capable of assisting you in transforming your world into "Heaven on Earth". She stands lovingly ready to assist you in many ways. All that is required is to request her assistance with a loving open heart. The Mother is in her own process of evolution in which you and all the beings of Earth play an intricate roll, whether you realize it or not. You simply have a choice to do it consciously now. Angels of Earth, you will now see people of all nations, races, religions and backgrounds come together in a way you have not seen before. Large numbers will now see themselves as "Citizens of Planet Earth and, as members of the Human Race", instead of individual countries or cultures. Yes, there will still be those, who foster separation and hatred, these groups and individuals will still shout there slogans at the top of their voices but there will be an ever increasing voice coming in a ground swell around the world to drown out this voice of fear. It will grow and grow and soon it will have to be heard and will resonate around the globe, so that it can no longer be ignored by those you have placed in power over you.

How can you help to make this wonder of wonders manifest in your world? See it, feel it, taste it, be it! Create a beautiful glowing picture of it in your own Heart of Hearts and see it as already in existence in the NOW! Make it your own reality and send your heart energy out to All That Is in every moment of your time. If you feel guided to act in the physical and to join your energies with a group of others working to create this reality, follow your passion. Every individual has an important part to play, whether it is one on one or with a group of thousands. One is not better or worse than the other. All are part of the same whole, and every contribution is honored in the same light.

Is it more important to go to Africa to feed starving children, or is it more important to take 5 minutes to comfort and heal a lost and frightened child? Each is honored for just being. There is nothing you "have to do" to be loved and honored by All That Is. You were created from the energy of pure love, and it is to that, that you will return. How could there be anything else necessary to be loved beyond measure.

We are so honored to be in service to you at this moment in your evolution, and we love you beyond measure, simply for being who and what you are. Your choice to come to Earth at this time and be in such loving service to All That Is fills us with Joy beyond description.

We hold you tenderly in our Heart of Hearts and ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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"I would have you be silent rather than speak one word that does not raise the vibration of the world." - From Heavensent letters - 8/30/05