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Jeshua (Sananda) Speaks About The Role Of The Beholder Activist In The Evolution Of The Collective Consciousness

In The Evolution Of The Collective Consciousness

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Jeshua Speaks About: The Role of the Beholder Activist in the Evolution of the Collective Consciousness

Beloved one, we have been speaking of realities, of dimensions, what you make for yourself as the sandboxes to play in. We have been speaking how this reality, small “r,” is but one of the sandboxes that you make to play in. It is one where you build the sandcastles and then when you have built as much as you want of the sandcastle, you have choice to knock it over and to build another one, different design, just for the creative fun of it.

We have been speaking of how you have made for yourself, within this reality, concepts and boxes, boxes with labels, where you have felt as a collective consciousness there was a certainty, a security within that box, and yet at the same time you wanted to push out the sides of the box because you felt that there must be something more.

Bridging 3rd dimension

You are at a most wonderful place now where you are bridging 3rd dimensional perspective, because you understand world perspective, you know what the brothers and sisters are feeling. You have been there. You have felt it yourself. And there are many times when you cry unto the heavens and you would like something changed. And then you take that deep breath and you bridge to the 5th dimension, for a moment or so, into the divine peace of Allness.

There is no separation

You are doing much that helps in the evolution of the collective consciousness. For the collective consciousness has, as an entity, a soul. And that soul is crying out for healing, the same as individual souls are crying out for healing. And the collective consciousness is at a place now where it is ready to entertain a new perspective. And those of you who are willing, as you are, to be complete with the old sandcastles, and to move on to the bigger questions as to “What is sand? What is this box I think I am in? Perhaps it isn't a box after all; I thought it was a sandbox, but where are the boundaries, where are the edges?,” as you are willing to play with these questions, you affect all of collective consciousness, because there is no separation. And as you are abiding as the bridge in between 3rd dimensional thinking which you know so well, and 5th dimensional freedom, you find yourself more and more in the place of the beholder, the place where you can see, understand, what 3rd dimension is all about — you know it very well; you have played the scripting over and over and over and over, and when you were not actively playing the script, you were in the wings waiting for the next time you would be on the stage — and you know 5th dimensional perspective, the space that knows hope, that knows holy vision, and you see with greater clarity how everything works together to bring out the divinity that has been forgotten, for so long. And as you are in the place of beholder, ideas come to you which you then bring back and put into action in 3rd dimensional perspective, because you have a wider vision, a greater understanding of how things fit together. And you become the Beholder Activist — which sounds like a contradiction, and yet it is not — because you come from the place of the Beholder, where you ask for the holy vision, and then you bring the ideas from that place and put them into action in 3rd dimension, as in giving to another one the words of advice, encouragement, as in rising up and speaking your truth.

What you know will be

In the next twelve months of your timing there will be many actors playing the scripts upon the stage. You will envision from 5th dimensional perspective that which you know can be, which will allow you to speak your truth and to be the activist in 3rd dimension, to come together with others of like mind and to speak out for what you believe and what you know can be, and for what you know will be, because there will be evolution of consciousness. That is a given. The timing of it is up to the improv, where all of a sudden there is a shift that does happen in the evolution because enough of the collective consciousness has “gotten it.”

With your perspective from 5th dimension, from holy vision, from that place that knows divine clarity, you come and you work in 3rd dimension. That is why, truly, you have taken incarnation at this time: to be the Beholder Activist, to bring a new perspective to this place which is crying out for evolutionary leap. The harvest is ready. It has seemed in times past that the harvest was aplenty, but the harvesters were few. But you are meeting more and more ones who are ready to help with the harvesting, the evolution of collective consciousness into a new perspective. You have agreed that you will come together once again, and you will write on your web, you will write on your papyrus, your paper, that which needs to be written. You will make the telephone calls, and you will speak your truth one-to-one and in groups.

For you know the evolution of collective consciousness into 5th dimension is going to be. It is going to happen. You can take heart from that. Some of you have been hoping, desiring, praying, and then at the same time thinking, “But not in my lifetime.” And yet you are very, very close. The veil is growing thinner all the time, and there are more and more of ones, such as you, of like mind and who are complete with the most intricate sandcastle. Now you are asking, “What is sand?”


You come from a place where there is allowance for ones to do their completion. You understand that. But at the same time, that does not keep you mute. You give hope. You give vision. You put it out there in front of other ones who are right on the verge of knowing their completion and wondering, “Where do I go from here? Do I go back to what I have always known, or do I go forward?” And they do not even put that question into words. It is not even verbalized.

But not Mute

And then you come along and you say, “I have this vision. I know it will be, where ones will live in harmony and respect each other, because we are of the same Creator, of the same Life principle. We are alive.” If you can find no other common denominator, you can find that you are alive, right? And as the Beholder, you bring into 3rd dimensional consciousness a new perspective. Now, just because you love the other ones, which you do, and you recognize their divinity, and you respect what they are completing, it does not mean that you have to be mute, it does not mean that you have to go off and take yourself to a monastery somewhere, which you have done previously in other lifetimes, or to take yourself to a cave away up in the mountains somewhere and to then commune with the divine masters, as you have done in other lifetimes.

Challenging role to play

This lifetime you have agreed to be the Beholder Activist, and it is one of the more challenging roles to play, because separated ego is going to say to you, “You'd better not say that. You've tried that before and what happened? You were burned at the stake. What happened before? The head was asked of you.” The separated ego is also going to come in and say, “What right do you have to suggest such an idea, that there could be harmony? Ones have always lived in groupings that had to defend themselves. It's always been that way. There's always been a leader, someone who could guide us, tell us where to go. What happens if we live in harmony and equality? Who's going to tell me what to do? Where's my security?” So separated ego is going to give you a listing, if you will, of problems, challenges, threats, warnings. That is okay. You take those questionings and warnings to the place of 5th dimensional perspective, and you breathe, and you say, “That which has been, has been, but that does not mean it goes into the next moment.” You are free, right now, of all past baggage. You are free, right now, of past old belief systems and self-images, and image of what others and what the world had to be. If you will claim that freedom right now, beautiful ones, and you do, you are free, completely free.

We have spoken recently of the months ahead, that there is going to be much of shift and change, some of the wings of the sandcastle collapsing. Count it all as good. Know that the old sandcastles have to come down before the new ones can even be contemplated.

Allow yourselves to expect change

Allow yourselves to expect change. Allow yourselves to welcome change. Allow yourselves to be in that place of readiness that goes to 5th dimensional perspective immediately at any time anything new comes to you. Take the deep breath, and go to the place of holy vision. Then as you are guided, come back to this place that yet believes in a certain paradigm of collective belief, and become the activist with a new perspective. That is what is being asked of you. Now it is time.

So be it.

—Jeshua ben Joseph

in expression through Judith
