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Relay Relay Relay Sept. 11, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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essage of hope and joy. You are beloved and taken care of by those in the unseen world around you. We ask that you all be ever vigilant in your duties and opportunities to spread the message of FREEDOM across the lands. Let ALL fear and ALL sadness go because five years ago Humanity came together (for the most part) in compassion and Now you will come together to claim your Birthright as children of the Goddess. You will claim your rightful place on Mother Earth.

It is time to shout from the roof tops the CALL TO FREEDOM! It is time to bring yourselves Home to Love and to Compassion! You are beyond what you see on your televisions or hear on your radios or read in your newspapers. Accept NO LIES!!!

Does it not feel as though you are on the threshold of an Open Door that opens onto a new and exciting vista of Beauty and Peace and Love and Compassion? You ARE There! We Walk With You! I am he who walked with you from the beginning of this sojourn on Earth. You are ALL Greatly Loved! Sleep this night in the Arms of the Great Mother!

Telepathically Communicated by Spirit Eagle Sunday 9/10/06 11:27 pm