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Diane 07.15.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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y "all" because it does not matter of which persuasion you are as eventually you cannot fail to return to the Godhead. This applies throughout eternity and is part of the breathing in and out of the Creator.

What you have to bear in mind is that every soul came to Earth from the higher realms of Light. You were at one with each other and joyfully entered the lower realms to experience free choice. The Creator desired to know about experiences outside of him/her and you declared yourselves as ready to undergo such an experience. What you were assured of was that in the end-times you would be lead out of the cycle, and allowed to start the ascent back to take your place once more in the fullness of Light.

As you prepare to come out of this cycle, so you are vastly different to when you first started. The experiences you have had have molded you into a greater Being and it has created another pathway for you to follow. You have if you like, specialized in dealing with the duality of energies. You are therefore a natural selection for service in other parts of God's Kingdom, to those who are evolving and have to deal with these issues. It follows that you will offer yourselves in service as you carve out yet another path of experience. Is it not grand that in serving others you also gain from it, and are forever moving onwards and upwards.

To our knowledge, there are limitless dimensions in which to travel and the higher you go the more refined your vibration becomes. There will be no part of the Cosmos that you will be unable to enter, and only the law of compliance relates to the attraction of like vibrations. You cannot go beyond a certain point that is your optimum level. Beings can come down into your vibration, and this often takes place. To you these would seem as the Creator, but are souls who have taken on a God-like ambience. There are no words that can express the overwhelming Love and Light that such Beings carry,and the sheer ecstasy of being in their presence.

There are many dimensions to travel through before you become pure Light, and even in a formless existence the power of creation is used to bring form into being when it is appropriate. Even now, some of the Space Beings preparing to come to Earth can create different forms through their power of thought. The Arcturians are one such group and they will appear as near human in appearance, so that you will feel at ease with them. Never fear that this ability is used to deceive you, I am referring to Beings that are of the higher Light. Even on Earth you have a measure of people by how you feel about them, and some you take to immediately. When a Light Being appears before you with a wonderful energy of love, you will feel and sense the harmony and balance that it brings, and be totally engulfed by it. It will be as if time stands still and just nothing else will seem important.

In time even those who have carried out the dirtiest deeds will find their way back into the Light. It is tempting to say that the lower you fall the higher you climb back. It is not however quite that simple, but nevertheless there is an element of truth in it. It is what you have learnt through hundreds of lifetimes that enables you to reflect the experience back to yourself and in your hearts you will know the answer. Souls that have dropped into the lowest vibrations learn some of the hardest lessons, because they would have it that way.

As you see yourself today, very few of you have any idea of your past lives. Yet, you will have experienced both the Light and dark and as you bathe in the Light today, you may be forgiven for thinking that you have never been of the dark. My Dear Ones, for absolute certainty you have, but to your credit you have successfully trodden the path back to the Light, and achieved it through dedication and the Will to succeed. Not every one has reached this level to ascend this time round, but it has not been a wasted experience. They are still well advanced on the path that will once again offer opportunities to rise up. No one is rushing you, and it has been your decision as to how much you have undertaken in this cycle

I am Diane and also from Sirius, and we have very close ties with you. We have watched over you for eons of time and share your joy and happiness as you accept the traumas of this last period, knowing that shortly all shall change. These times will quickly become a distant memory like a bad dream. So many higher Beings wish to visit you on such a momentous occasion and you shall not be wanting for advice and help. Just know that the last days are here, and will not be prolonged. The Creator has decreed it to be so and your future is assured.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
