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Choose Peace Now! - Angels of Peace

by Sarayon

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ger than I thought, but every word is important for this project. Many of you have already seen the message I sent out before even starting this group, about my 911 story, but for those that didn't see this email, it is important to share this one piece.

In the days immediately after 911, I was sent by the angels to many places in Europe to anchor a new divine blueprint and vision of unity for the world. They first sent me to Berlin, saying that I had to leave immediately to get in position, and they had to practically push and shove me to get me on the train, because the only seat I could get was on a smoking car, BLAH! and I would have rather stayed in Vienna. We were able to anchor a powerful matrix of energy in Berlin though, and had lots of fun. The angels asked me to go with them to some of the museums, which I thought was really funny, because they had never done anything like that before, but soon we were off to the next stop.

At the peak of this journey I was sent to the Vatican to hold the vision of a unity of all the world's faiths. After doing this I had an extraordinary vision of the pope crying, for he was realizing the oneness of all the religions, and as I watched this I saw two Islamic brothers standing with him, singing an Islamic prayer of peace. I looked and saw that their prayer created a light that flowed out of their heads and into the heavens, and it had a distinct color and wave-pattern. I then recognized the pattern and began to look around the world, and everywhere I looked I saw this same characteristic wave-pattern radiating into the heavens from individuals and groups all around the planet during that time just after 911, and the angels were coming to respond to our prayers. It was in that moment that I realized that a prayer for peace looks the same no matter who is praying it, regardless of their religion, and the angels respond in a special way to this unique call for service. I realized that prayer had the power to unify us, and people would soon see past religious differences and into the unity created with prayer, which is part of every human's natural divine abilities.

When you pray, it is not just the angels who respond. They will take your prayers and calls for peace to the people in the world who can do the most to help manifest it, for we are all learning to respond to each other's prayer signals. We are the answer to our own prayers! The angels have told me this many times! This is how we will awaken as a civilization that serves selflessly. The louder the call, the more of us will hear, and we will all begin to respond to each other, for a call for peace represents the good of all! Our leaders will learn when they can hear our prayers. So imagine what I saw now, with these beams of light radiating into the heavens from people and groups all over the world. Now what if we were all directing that special call, that characteristic waveform, not to the heavens, but to each other! For those who have never thought of prayer this way before, know that your thoughts, intentions and prayers actually create intelligent light! It is a telepathic living energy! We actually respond to each other's prayers all the time without realizing that is what we are doing. When we come into a person's life at just the right time to help them, or they into ours, our prayerfields are the invisible side of the process of synchronicity. When you ask for something or pray, you send out a light, and those who listen may respond, and the angels are the go between, helping to connect the need with the abundance, so that prayers get answered.

So keep this vision in your mind, of all of these prayer fields from individuals and groups across the planet going not into space, but as of now, broadcasting back towards Humanity. A call that reaches every corner of the globe! So now I must take you back to an earlier event in my own life that ties into this. New Years Eve 1999. The clock has just struck midnight in New York City, and in another hour it will be the year 2000 in the central time zone, which is where I was at in Oklahoma, meditating for world peace with three of my best friends. Sitting on the living room floor with Bob, Gigi and Shelley, holding hands in a circle, I guided a meditation calling in the highest possible divine light onto the planet, and holding a vision of World Peace. Unexpectedly in the middle of the meditation, a powerful force entered the room. It was the Ascended Master Buddha. I had mostly been attuned to Jeshua, so this was a unique surprise. I felt this incredible spiritual presence fill me from within, and he asked me to share his words with the group. I had never done anything like this before. Once after leading a group of friends before in a global peace meditation, I was aware that the angels were singing to us, and we could all feel the vibrations, but this time it was different. A Master had something to say!

He said, I have come to you with the Crown of Peace, for you have each committed yourself to helping us all achieve the goals of Peace. This gift from the Masters will help each of you to always wear this vision in your minds. I then described to the group what looked like a ring of light that was being placed in each of our crown chakras. I could feel my crown chakra more distinctly than ever before, and I felt a resonance of Peace in my mind. Years later when I had the vision after 911, I came to a new understanding of what this ring of light was actually for. It allowed me to channel the collective resonance of all who are committed to Peace, and it made it easy to beam that frequency from my own mind, as a prayerfield, in any direction. On that night, our little group had graduated from praying for peace, to making the call for peace, and holding a vision and field of energy that anyone could tap into. In the last year, I have had a similar experience of receiving rings of light placed in the crown chakra. Last Spring I asked Spirit and the Masters and Angels, what gifts do you have to share with the participants of my next event, and my whole head began to vibrate, and three rings were placed in the crown, and immediately the rings began to vibrate and communicate with me about the collective prayerfield that they represented. So the participants of the last spring conference I held were people that had been called there to receive these gifts, for they were ready to accept the responsibility of holding that prayer field for the world. Synchronistically, all of the presenters had come together to share visions and guidance that reflected the potential contained in these prayer fields. At the end of the conference, the angels placed the rings of light over our heads in a special meditation ceremony.

And what do you think these rings of light look like in the crown chakra? A HALO perhaps!? You are all ready to take responsibility, and embody this frequency to your fullest capacity. Many of you have already received such an activation. You know this because of your knowledge of prayer. You wear this Halo Ring of Light over your heads, and you share in a collective vision and frequency, and find strength in the sharing. If you are not sure if you have received such a gift, then you may ask for it now in meditation. Ask and you shall receive! I am sharing this gift, for I believe everyone that receives this message is ready to join the call. Our whole world is surrounded by countless angels and divine beings who are sending us Peace and holding Peace. When I travel out of the body I can see countless angels as far as I can see around the world, their gaze focused upon the Earth. Through this attunement, we shall start to receive what they are sending, and carry that vibration on into the field of human lives and events. We don't need to ask the heavens for Peace. Don't you think all of those prayers I saw on 911 were responded to? We must be able to receive the frequency of Peace, and beam it back out to others to generate the same field of energy that fills the higher spiritual realms, so that our world aligns with the higher worlds. We will be the Angels of Peace, responding to the help signals of those who are still sending their beams out to the Heavens! Until they make the choice to join us and the angels, and enter a new level and experience of prayer! So ask for this in meditation, or before you go to sleep. I am calling forth this activation for the group to receive, and if you ask the Angels of Peace for this gift, it shall be given. If you know you have already received this, then ask for the Angels of Peace to attune you to the presence of all those who are joining this list, for this will be a powerful group to work with. Now for the real meat of the story!

Last December, I was visiting my mother's house in Oklahoma where I grew up. I had lay down to go to sleep when a powerful group of angels entered the room. The whole room seemed filled with a glowing white mist and the angels were wearing white robes. The whole room seemed to disappear and I was lying there before an angelic council. They began to speak to me and said, "Enough human beings have awakened around the world that you can now be formed into a collective higher mind for Humanity. Each one of you will now play a much larger role in awakening the others." I could feel all of the people around the world who were beginning to embody Humanity's higher mind and resonate with each other as one. It was a whole new level of intelligence coming to the planet. The angels then reached into my mind and called forth my language banks, and centers of communication. I could see this part of my mind holographically as it was expanded into the room for them to work on. They brought forth a vast set of light symbols. It was a living language of light. The Divine Language! Then they programmed this divine language into my language banks, while explaining that over the next year, they would be working to activate two specific areas of the brain that were related to telepathy, which had been previously dormant. They said that this same divine language and activation was being given to countless people throughout the world, so we could all be able to have the same understanding of each other through one mind! No matter what language a person spoke, those who had awakened would all share a common language that is fully functional telepathically, for it was being gifted straight into our minds by the angels. When we listen for the thoughts and not the words, we will begin to speak the clear language to each other!

I was excited to say the least, but that was just the beginning. A few weeks later I was in my bedroom back in Boulder, Colorado when something happened. I saw a bright flash of light, like it was right in my mind, and in front of my face, and as the flash happened it caused some of these light symbols in my mind to vibrate in a specific order and way, which communicated a living resonance, and immediately my English language banks made the translation of the expression: I AM AWAKE! It was the first communication from the collective mind! The angels must have completed installing the divine language into all of those who had awakened, and we were all resonating our first expression as this new level of mind. It reminded me of a story of the Master Buddha. He had just come down from the forest into the village for the first time after being enlightened, and he was glowing with such a higher vibration that people asked, Are you a spirit?! Are you a god?! The Master simply replied, I AM AWAKE!

This is the most exciting news that I can think of to share in this moment. For so long I have waited and believed that Humanity would awaken. I prayed and meditated for the world for what seems like ages, and now to see this and to be able to share it. The Awakened Ones have now formed into a Collective Mind, and the resonance of this one mind is growing rapidly, gently integrating more and more people into it. And it is time for us to all to now play a much larger role in awakening the others. The Angels of Peace will show us how to do that, and that is what these messages are all about! The Voice I speak of is the Voice of our Collective Mind and Heart! We are now witnessing the fulfillment of the ancient prophesies, that one day all nations shall be gathered together, and we shall speak a clear language.

Now, when the collective calls for something, we have the ability to hear, understand, and answer the call, for the divine language is making it possible for us all to hear, understand and interact with the prayer fields of Humanity in a new and conscious way. Because of the power of this new level of mind, and the tool of the Internet, we can become a single voice speaking to the sleeping masses to wake them up!

As if to confirm all of this, I got a call shortly after hearing the voice, from my friend Ami. Before I could even tell her what had happened with the activation, and the first communication from the collective mind, she began to talk excitedly about how she felt we were all going to be able to speak a clear language. I KNEW IT!! SHE KNEW IT!! The angels had been with her as well. I told her about what happened, and she agreed that we were becoming aware of the same thing! I have written a great deal more on this one subject, but I will keep this short. Ami was not aware like I was of seeing the activation when it happened, but the clear knowing was there, for she is in tune with the awareness inside of her. When you really think about this activation, you may come to a deeper understanding of what you have been feeling over the last year. When I felt Ami, I felt an awakeness there that I recognized within myself. We felt the same!

This is some of the most exciting news on the planet! All of the awakened need to know about this part of the shift. I believe that this information will inspire hope, because this is what we have prayed for and waited for so long. We are closer now than ever before to achieving total Critical Mass! We now have the tools to do it! If a person has not yet joined this level of awareness, then simply reading this message will activate their potential. Ask the angels to be attuned to the divine language and it will be done!

Please share the good news with as many as you can, in as many ways as you can. Print this out and read it to your spiritual groups. We have reached a level of group consciousness where no one has to struggle to awaken like so many of us did anymore! They can simply join the resonance of the collective heart and collective mind, and become informed about who we are! Shortly after I heard the voice last December of 2001, the messages of the psychic children began circulating around the Internet, saying they had finished weaving the grid of group consciousness around the planet. I knew it was another confirmation! This is only the beginning! And that was almost a year ago. Think of where we are now. This is the moment of Truth! Not 2007, not 2012, but right now is the critical moment when we must come together to create peace and stop the destruction. I cannot stress this enough!!! If you could see what I see in the potential future, you would share this message with as many as possible. I know many of you know what we are faced with, and I am so grateful for all of the help. Now is the time for Vigilance! If enough people act now, we could create Peace on this Earth in a matter of months, even weeks, and I am going to do everything in my power to support that happening right NOW!! In the next message entitled, The Invitation, the Angels of Peace will give some specific instructions on working with the insight I have shared, and going deeper into the transformation. I am vibrating with such love and hope that so many around the world are hearing these messages, and what I am about to share makes my whole being vibrate with Joy, and my body is on the verge of tears! It is very important for the success of what we are going to do that we have representatives in this group from as many countries as possible. Please reach out to contacts in other countries that you think would resonate and share with them an invitation to the group. Even if we only had a few thousand people in the group globally, I would want it to touch every major city if possible. This is part of the gridwork that will be explained in the next message. I apologize for the length of this message, but once you have the whole set of messages, you will see why everything I shared was important.

Blessings and Thanks from the Angels of Peace! Sarayon U.S event Global Site

Angels Of Peace, Second Message

Greetings Peace Angels,

Whenever a group of people chooses a reality together it creates a grid. Their agreement is a form of resonance that creates a possibility of agreement and resonance for all other beings. In the face of a potential war and great disaster, many people around the world have chosen peace instead, and claimed this as a possibility for all beings. This is how the Peace Grid came to be. It is literally a global doorway into a probable world that all may enter, where there is global everlasting Peace! So how do we get people to share this world with us? Enough people must become aware that they have a choice to make, and that everlasting peace is one of the choices. The choice will be obvious when people realize their power. It is already becoming very clear that war is mostly a product of special economic interests, and not what the majority of people really want. I started becoming aware of the peace grid at dinner with a group of people just a couple of weeks ago. One person was predicting war, great destruction, and horrible loss of life in the very near future, but everyone else at the table was more optimistic. The energy of the fear vision present at the table that night helped me to notice a grid of energy that connected the rest of us together, and I saw and felt how we all leaned on the support of that grid within each other, so we would not be swayed by fear. What was also apparent was that the strength that we were leaning on must have been coming from more than just that little group at the table. We were only part of the grid.

The Angels of Peace came to me and said that they were coming now to protect the Peace Grid, and they shared with me a prayer process to help us cocreate with them and the grid. Long ago, I experienced a shift in the way I pray that they want me to tell you about. At some point in my life, years ago, I was beginning to discover the power of prayer. I found that when I prayed prayers that represented the well being of Humanity and the Earth, I attracted much more attention and energy to myself. So I got really inspired. I would go out into a field at night near my house, and I would pray every night, sometimes for hours. I was very aware that I was sending a bright beam of light into the higher dimensions, and after praying for everything I could possibly think of for the world, I would look up to see countless angels all over the sky who had come to hear my prayer. So I began to pray more and more all the time. I would wake up and pray. I would pray on the way to work. I prayed over every meal thanking the Earth, Spirit, and all who had grown and prepared the food, as well as always praying that everyone in the world would have food as I do. I would get home from work and go straight to the field to begin my nightly prayers. I would repeat short prayers over and over, like: Please remove all separation from my awareness! For the greater service of Humanity! or, I surrender to God, I surrender to God, or I am perfectly aligned with God! I am perfectly aligned with God! over and over again. I would ask for things like this over and over, moving deeper into a state of communion with the Eternal Spirit. I would pray for the healing of the Earth, with my hands upon the Earth. I started to live in a constant state of prayer!

So one night everything shifted. I was in the field and I simply became attuned. I had a new insight about how to direct my prayers. With my heart and soul vibrating with Love, I began to call to all the humans that were asleep. I imagined that I was a voice whispering in their ears, and I began to talk to all humans telepathically, calling them to awaken and join the newly arising field of consciousness that had begun to connect our hearts together. What gave me the idea is that I started feeling the presence of others around the world who could hear my prayers, and they sent their greetings saying Welcome, we are with you, and you are part of us. Brother, we share the same prayers! The angels have told me that I actually helped to awaken a lot of people when I started talking to them telepathically when I started to pray in this way over the last five years. What I found is that whenever I would speak a message that was aligned with the prayers of this global group, my voice and thoughts seemed to have an added resonance, and I felt that I was representing others in my consciousness. I began to speak with the voice of the awakened, to the souls of the sleeping. I began to go out at night and stand at the top of a set of stairs overlooking the field, and I stood as if I was standing before the audience of the world. I began to call on those who pray to be with me, and to speak out loud and telepathically to all who could hear our messages, and invite them to join the collective heart. It is time to awaken dear ones, for we have work to do, I would say. Let Love guide you, and may angels brighten your day. Now imagine 100s of 1000s of people all over the world, praying in this way with a single message, in every possible language, with multitudes of angels amplifying our collective voice, to open a massive doorway into a collective future that we can all simply step into.

Each one of us who have made the choice of Peace is like a point in the Peace Grid. All you have to say to stand in this grid is: I Choose Peace, and I Claim This for All Beings! Now what we shall do is strengthen this grid, expand it across the globe, and as we are collectively holding open the doorway into the Path of Universal Peace, we will speak with one voice to sleeping Humanity and show them the door! It sounds pretty far out, but this is the way we have done this on other worlds before. For so long we have been praying for Peace, and the angels have always been here holding this frequency of Peace. The angels told me recently RECEIVE PEACE! This is the key! A bubble of Peace surrounds our world. We live inside a bubble where there is an illusion that distracts us from the infinite Peace that fills the infinite space around the bubble. This bubble is gradually shrinking, being anchored by those who are reaching out and claiming it, pulling it down and allowing it to center itself within our beings. Peace is a universal frequency. We don't have to create the Peace that will transform our world, we just have to receive it, accept it, share it, wear it. So remember the vision in the last message where instead of all of us beaming our prayers of peace to the heavens, we began to receive the Peace of the Angels, and joined the call, shifting the direction of prayer to be like a beacon radiating toward every human being. With countless people doing this, it would bring that bubble that surrounds the world down and anchor it at the level of masses of people who have a voice more present in human reality than the angels. The angels hold this sphere of Peace around the planet, and our Peace Grid is the beginning of bringing that sphere down into the world to create part of Heaven on Earth. When we receive Peace, we receive the sphere; when we invite others to receive, we are joining the voice of the angels from the heavens, calling to all to join the eternal Peace!

As this field of energy radiating from the angels and all humans who can receive it and broadcast it, forms a sphere around the planet, wherever the field converges on a human being who receives it, the field forms a ring of light in the aura. This is the Halo that I spoke of in the last message. It is a symbol of the unity of this prayer field. The pattern and vibration of a circle is important, because this pattern is reflected throughout all Creation, from the highest level to the lowest, from the largest to the smallest. The circle is one of the most powerful forms that can connect us to the presence of the Creator, and all of the Angels. So when you hold the vision of Peace, hold the vision of a circle in your mind, and ask for Archangel Michael and the Angels of Peace to protect this circle of Peace that you are holding for Humanity so that it can continue to grow in vibration to touch every human heart and mind. So if we are to raise our voices and speak as one to awaken the rest of Humanity to the possibility of Peace, what shall we all say? We need to have a message. I believe the angels shared that with me. We represent the Grid of Peace, the angels have asked us to receive Peace, we collectively hold open a global doorway that represents a possibility of Peace for all to choose, so the message is simple: CHOOSE PEACE NOW! As I was connecting with the angels in the shower the morning after they came to me, I was filling up with their energy and opening myself to receive what they were suggesting I do.

Sarayon: How do we communicate this grid of possibility to others?

Peace Angels: Choose Peace Now! This message, which we will help you amplify, contains the holographic reflection of the entire Peace Grid and the Family of Humans and Angels who hold it, and it contains the choice, which is the doorway one may step through into the presence of Peace.

As I heard this, I began to speak the message, Choose Peace Now! Choose Peace Now! And an extraordinary thing happened. I felt the voices of the angels joining in with mine to demonstrating what they wanted to do, and it caused a tremendous surge of energy through my entire body and chakra system. I could feel them amplifying my prayerfield tremendously. It was like when I would pray prayers in the field that many people resonated with. By tapping into the collective prayer field I felt more energy and my voice even seemed to have more of a vibrational resonance, only this was much more powerful than any of the prayers in the field! With the angels behind this one message, my voice both physically and telepathically seemed to have more resonance than ever before. I know this is one of the answers to my prayers. For years I have prayed to the angels, asking for them to give me the key prayers that would make us all whole again, and now it is finally time for them to deliver this information. CHOOSE PEACE NOW! It is both a plea and an imperative. But mostly it is an Invitation! That is where we should center our focus, on inviting others to join us in the field! As I stood out on a hill last night contemplating this message, I practiced repeating it and broadcasting it out, to feel the resonance behind it, and I became aware of the children of the world. I felt a place deep inside of millions of young children crying for Peace. So many of them can see the future, and they love us all. They don't want us to go to war ever again. Inside of all of us, there is a little 4 year old asking our mommy and daddy, why do people go to war? Why to people want to hurt each other? It is time to let that child inside all of us come forward and join in this prayer, until it reaches every human being and we all become like little children again.

The whales and dolphins, with their spherical awareness and sound healing capabilities are going to mirror this message and this grid of peace from the oceans, as the angels do it from the Heavens, and we shall join together in one voice to invite the rest of Humanity, and especially those who are behind the interests of war to CHOOSE PEACE NOW! We must invite our brothers and sisters to join us. They do not have to awaken fully to do this. All they have to do is make a choice, and their higherselves will work with each of them to begin integrating into this grid of Peace. This is the first step! This is the foundation that is being laid, so that other higher grids of possibility that are very sensitive can have the opportunity to anchor and flourish in an environment of Peace. So do you see the shift that we are going to create? We have been calling for assistance from the heavens, calling for Peace, and now the angels are saying, we have all the assistance we need and they are transmitting the universal frequency of Peace. We must step up into their level of prayer by receiving Peace and reversing the flow of our prayerfields to complete the circuit, so that the knowledge of what we are now receiving from the angels begins to appear as a shining light of possibility inside every human being. We must stand in the doorway into that first level of Heaven with the Angels, even as we are here on this Earth, and we must speak to our brothers and sisters with the voices of the angels and be the angels on this Earth, showing Humanity the way back home. The angels will share with us the key prayers that are aligned with the collective soul desires of the world, and that reflect the highest possibility of resonance in the collective consciousness. They will give us exact instructions on how to create the strongest prayerfield, beginning with CHOOSE PEACE NOW!

Let this message be our mantra until we all share a single sphere of Peace, mirroring the essence of countless divine beings who are with us in this time of need. When you begin to broadcast this message, you will call to yourself the presence of the entire Peace Grid, the Angels of Peace, and the collective voice of the Dolphins, Whales, Children, Ascended Masters, and all of people around the world who are going to be joining this prayerfield as this message spreads. This is as simple as prayer gets, and as powerful! As you begin to speak the message inside yourself, allow all of the collective feelings around Peace to arise with you. You will hear those that cry for Peace in your own voice. You will feel them and you may cry the collective tears. You will hear and feel the presence of those who are shouting CHOOSE PEACE NOW! as a demand for Humanity to wake up. You will hear and feel in your own voice, the joyous laughter of those who feel a light heartedness in sharing how simple it all really is through this message. You will feel the awesome strength in your heart, and you will hear in your voice the confidence of countless people and angels as we speak the words, calling to all beings, with the awareness that we are all doing this together. Call upon the Angels of Peace, and go to a sacred place where you can stand as if you are standing before the audience of the entire world, and speak this message telepathically and/or out loud to all human beings. Each time you say the words, pause and allow the resonance of the angels and the collective prayerfield of those who pray, to flow through you, putting a tremendous force behind the words. You may now speak for millions of people that have chosen this, for we are one. Experience that you are the voice of millions, and feel the collective presence of your brothers and sisters within you as you say the words. The words are a message to introduce the doorway to the collective future of Peace; the doorway that we are all holding open now with our intentions. But the doorway itself is energetic, and will carry forth the frequency of the angels who will ride your human frequency to all who can hear the call! They will build the grid around anyone who hears the call and makes the choice, and our Voice will be heard! It doesn't matter what language this message is given in, for as I shared, this prayerfield behind this message looks the same no matter who is praying it. Let us all become one Voice and One Resonance! And feel free to let your heart speak once you have opened the doorway with this one message, for the child in you will be called forth to share its knowledge with the world on this frequency. I will speak more about this in the next message. I could continue writing endlessly with the inspiration of the Angels, but I will break here and allow this to sink in. The next message will take us into a deeper contact with the Angels themselves, and our Ambassadorship, and will give a vision of the next phase of this work for the Peace Grid. I think you can see now why I have asked for as much help as possible in spreading these messages I am sending and building this list. We must have enough people to create a resonance loud enough for all to hear. Now is the time to CHOOSE PEACE!

Blessings and Thanks from the Angels of Peace! Sarayon Your feedback is appreciated. U.S event Global Site

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TRANSLATIONS: If there is anyone that can translate well into other languages and is willing to create and expand an email list for people who speak other languages, please contact me for instructions. This request is for people who have contacts that speak another languages and would be willing to invite others to that language group.
