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Message from the Celestial Hierarchy for The Newly Unfolding Earth

Through Mark Stearn

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shaping your world through your growing consciousness. We are venerating your planet at this time through engaging the diamond heart of your planet. Our major base of operations at this time and for some time to come is your beloved Uluru that is the heart chakra for the planet and a major grounding for our initiative as we freely move among you now. As was already shared in a previous message your ascended masters now move through your human affairs planting seeds that act as vortexes for your release from limited awareness.

Your world stage is floundering. Our base of operations is secretly working to topple the entire stage from the inside out. We have constructed a fool-proof plan that is all about engaging the media awareness and showing them that we are among you. This is the card that will topple the entire card castle that has been so wittingly put in place over the time that you have engaged the third dimension. Your natural mineral deposits are now set for release. We have been working tirelessly on your behalf on a plan for the natural freeing up of the deposits that you will use to construct your fleets as well as your new cities once the time is right. The chemical composition of the deposits is being altered as we speak to provide malleability and lightness in nature. The veil of duality is thinning and will continue to do so. This will provide the necessaries for us to make it more known that we walk your world.

Mother-Earth had to reach a specific base frequency before we could freely engage your world. You are now officially anchored in the zero point that provides the stability for direct intervention from the spiritual realms. We have longed for this time. Your planetary process is reaching its fruition. Initiatives from your many light-workers is shifting our plans as the overall divine plan is being altered in it’s nature all the time due to the shifting contracts of so many dedicated hearts. Our time among you will be short before the planet reaches the higher dimensions. Once firmly established in the higher dimensions the Earth will begin to flower in it’s nature. At this point you will vibrate freely as the energy beings that you are at your core. The New Earth that is still waiting patiently in the higher fifth vibrations will gracefully meet your experience in a flurry of excitement, deep base movement of our great central sun and the infinite dancing lights of the heavens.

This final activation process is closer than you can possibly imagine. The nature of your world is constantly giving itself over to the limitless depths of home now. This is shifting the nature of your world forever. The very working frequency of planet Earth now rests firmly in the nature of home. Now to address the monetary systems that are now being transferred over at this time to a new way of functioning. All is actually happening behind the scenes it is simply that you will experience the outcome once the official announcements come. All banks on Earth are being engaged by us your friends into transferring over their vast funds to the treasury. At a specific time in your near future the treasury will be officially overseen by us the celestial hosts. How the funds are to be distributed is to be fully decided once the changeover has finally occurred. Know that there is to be an equal distributing of the vast resources of this planet. This will be to put the divine plan fully into action on your beloved Earth.

The movement in the ethers is at an all time high. Us the Celestial Hierarchy are now moving the full capacity of our forces into direct alignment with the will of Earth. This is an unprecedented move by the Great Central Sun in accelerating your grand merging process with home. The base vibration of the Earth will shoot skywards once the complete force of our operations is in full swing. We are arriving by the multitudes through your planet’s sacred keeper spots. We are forming a base of operations in every corner of your globe, in each country. You will begin to collectively experience our heightened vibration the more the Earth graduates into the vibrations of the fifth dimension. It is all in hand now. Free will on planet Earth is now very subject to the will of the divine plan. Physical Earth is now beginning to rest in the Ethers. This is quite a coming home dear hearts! This is how you are gaining your natural composure as the infinite aspects of home on a voyage far from your origins.

Earth time is short dear hearts. Your world leaders are acquiescing to divine will and the collective will of the movement behind your ascension process. You are engaged in an unstoppable momentum that leads to the stars and far beyond. The engaging of the star nations with Earth has been happening now for approximately well over ten earth years. You have been kept in the dark on all of the proceedings. The official engaging of our beloved brethren will be key in opening your world to the vast neighbourhood that you now freely inhabit. You are already energetically anchored for an unprecedented physical first contact with the fullness of the space neighbourhood. Your heightening vibration is the very key that leads to home and sets you unconditionally free. As we have already said, time is now short. You are paving the way dear hearts, where you are at now could not have been achieved without the dedication of your fully sovereign hearts. We forever salute you in your unending embracing of all that is in creation. Adonai!

We are your friends!