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Message from Maitreya: Animals


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and assist you, too.

My newsletter was prompted many Earth months ago when my channel and I visited a city in Washington. There in one of the hotels is a dog who is referred to as Stress Manager. This dog has his own business card and does just what it states - he de-stresses those who visit the hotel. Sitting in the foyer of the hotel most of the time, he allows all and sundry to pat him and talk to him. After being in this dog's energy, most people feel de-stressed, lighter, freer and more relaxed.

Animals are here on the Earth plane to do just that - to assist you in your daily lives, and they are a very intuitive species. They work on the intuitive level, and have the most wonderful healing powers. For those of you asking, yes, there is karma between humans and animals. There have been many recorded cases of animals who have saved lives, and of humans who have saved animals' lives. "What of birds?" I can hear you ask. They too, have a role in your life. Many souls have had past lives where they have been connected to birds, horses, sheep, goats and other animals. All animals can play a role in your life, not just cats and dogs. Most animals are highly intuitive, far more than you are. They live in the now, dealing with life moment to moment, they do not think of the future or the past, just the now. I am sure many of you have an animal who assists you at the end of the day of work, to relax and unwind. All animals help humanity if they are allowed to; in other words, if you let them do it.

If you have fear of an animal, then it will feel that fear. Even having fear in your auric field can create a block between you and the animal near you. My channel once met a child who had terrible fear in her aura. It was like a dark cloud, so deep and intense. Lifetime after lifetime of sadness, fear and lack of confidence was in the auric field. This child went to visit a friend who had a beautiful dog that had been living like a member of that family for many years. The child was with her identical twin sister who did not have the darkness in her auric field. The dog felt and saw the fear in the child with the dark auric field, and when it sensed the dark menace of energy so profoundly, it attacked and injured her severely. What it did was simply protecting itself from a threatening situation.

Animals will only attack if they sense fear. For those of you who have an animal, know that your animal is also a "stress manager" that is often a negative clearing house for you and those around you. They are on the Earth plane to play this role - to help humanity in the capacity of giving love and affection, as well as removing negative energy from around you. They play the most wonderful role, but are very often not thanked or respected for it. If you have an animal and you show love to it, that love will come back ten-fold. Learn to love your animals and not have any fears about them, they are there to help all of you in your daily life.


“Leave it in the mystery to shine of its own light.” I Stand Before The Supreme Creator Eyes,and He knows All Things In My Heart,