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Merlin Speaks: "You Stand At The Intersection Of Light & Remembrance

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ities. I have walked throughout time wearing many hats of position. Originally as Thoth, as Hermes, as Joseph of Armithea, as St. Germaine, and as Merlin. And now I come forth on this day just for a little bit to infuse you with the remembrance of how you can turn the 'lead of your life into gold'.

You all have the innate ability to transmute through a thought, through a word, through a glance, and a touch. You have the ability to move past time and space as you know it and by-pass the speed of light and laugh at the speed of sound. Intertwining your energies with all of life. Dancing with the eagles, swimming with the whales and dolphins, fencing with the wind. You have forgotten the beauty of the elements of your planet.

Do not wait for the state of ascension as you are amended to the union of heaven on earth. Do not wait until the light announces to you. "It is time to ascend, it is time to rise from a leavened state. Hesitate not, for it is time to go beyond what you are capable, removing the veil that has hidden you from yourself.

You stand at an intersection of light and remembrance waiting for the light to turn. But it is you that must announce and pronounce that

incoming light to every cell of your body in a tone of celebration, and a movement of dance that goes beyond what you once knew to be space and time. Come forth fully - do not stay in the hidden depths of your being, in the basements of the past, in the rooms without windows that darken your hopes. Alchemically your timer and timing is set to engage at the time of the Summer solstice 2002, as your humanness enters the Apex of the Photon light and the planet earth comes fully into a concave elliptical lens of the future. Changing all of life's perspective as it sees itself in the new life that reflects off of a dual Daystar (Sun).

Move the alchemical unit of you into every aspect of your life. For all of it is interconnected and inter-woven and you cannot separate yourself from what you are creating and what is creating you. For every inch of you, every hair, every thought, every iota creates continually with or without your permission, with or without your knowing. Creation stops for no one and no thing. So knowing this, create the gold - instead of the lead and the rocks that you trip upon daily. See every situation, no matter how it looks to your human eye as an opportunity to express to yourself, the true beauty and the true love of what you are about.

IMerlin did not sit in the dungeons upon my proverbial hands, grinding up life with a pumice stone but I walked amongst life as you do. You have forgotten your Magic. The magical part of you, --- the part of you that can in a thought move from one location to another. The part of you that can open doorways that are seemingly boarded and bricked shut. The part of you that can fly, can breath underwater, can transform into any animal, any leaf, and any stone in any minute.

You let your five-day-a-week holographic projection trip you up, you let your money trip you up, you let your loved ones trip you up, and you let your own human desires trip you up - place them all within a vehicle and fly them to the moon. I come to strip you of what you know to be yourself, to pull away the follicles and the hairs of your humanness to expose a unit of light so grand, so magical, so divine. You wear these vehicles life after life, time after time - and still you do not like them. Every time you wish them away. Yet always they serve you well.

Your humanness comes into a format of being very sensitized and sensitive at this point in time. Do not push it away with words that are not wise, with words that are not loving, with words that hold no feelings, but embrace this time and day fully, not fooly. Tell it thank you for you are about to enter the doorway of the Apex of the Photon. Look closely at your flesh, for it sparkles. Look closely at the colors of your eyes for they have changed. Look at your thoughts. All of these elements make up you. You are a body of earth. You are a body of light. You are a body of heaven. And you are a body of man and woman. Treat yourself magically. Ask the Light that you innately are; "Tell me how to fly again. Tell me how to become invisible. Show me how I can feel the heart of the one who is my true love. Show me how to love the people I do not love. Show me how to turn lead into gold." You have walked the crooked path of Rumpleskiltskein for far too long. Now walk the path of Merlin. Let the energies and the light and the change and the love flow

through you as it once flowed through me on earth.

You have the doorway within you to all dimensions, to every civilization that has fallen and risen again, to every lost continent, to every lost star, to every lost galaxy. Time does not exist for you. It exists because of you. Welcome this initiation into 'the Apex of the Photon Light'. Welcome it in. It is not your enemy. It is not evil. It is not bad. It can cause confusion and distortion as it sweeps the house of your soul clean. I leave you with magic in your heart and magic in your walk. And I say but one more word. Do not confuse the magic I speak of as the same as the magic of the old - for you have gone past those days and time. Yours is a Cosmic Magic, a Magic that is Light years ahead of you - not an earth magic that keeps you stirring the pots of the old. This Magic comes from the stars. It comes from you in the future that sits there announcing to you in the now - what is to come undone and

what is to come to be. Now I leave. Merlin.
