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Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

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his day with the notation and some illumination on the idea of the

changes that are taking place within your civilization. Recognize

that there is now much accelerated change going on, and the very

idea that you find yourselves gathering together in more and more of

these types of interactions is an indication that you are now

willing to begin to explore and expand the sensitivities that you

know you contain, the sensitivities that you have begun to realize

exist within you.

These changes, the changes that occur within each and every

individual in your society, within every gathering in your society,

do have an overall effect upon your civilization as a whole. And

each and every difference that is created within every individual in

your society allows the entire civilization to be able to be that

much more aware of the probabilities and possibilities of changes

that they do in fact desire to have and create within the world in

which you exist.

Each and every individual is connected to every other individual

through the electromagnetic field of mentality of your planetary

sphere. And you can recognize that every individual -- whether you

are conscious of it or not -- is unconsciously in communication with

every other individual. Yes, every other individual upon your

planet. And in all reality with every individual within All That Is,

within Creation -- to whatever degree you need to be aware of that

connection to allow you to perform the service and function within

the parameters you have created for yourself to function within.

Thus you will be aware of whatever degree of that communication that

does exist that you need to be aware of, to allow you smoothness of

operation within the society in which you exist. Now, the more you

expand your understanding of what it is to operate and function

within your society, and the less restrictive you allow yourself to

be within that society -- in terms of your own expressions of

creation ability -- then the more awareness you allow yourself to

create of your connections to many other levels, many other realms,

many other dimensions of experience.

Therefore, each and every one of you who is willing to begin the

exploration of your senses, the exploration of what you are now

discovering within yourselves to be true -- whether it seems to be

something different or not from the society you have believed you

have always existed within -- has nothing to do with the idea that

this is the transformational age upon your planet. This is the

transition life.

This particular life span at this time, and for approximately the

last forty of your years, has represented many accelerated changes

within your society. This does not stop with your technology, but

permeates into every single level of your consciousness, and in all

reality the technological changes, the surface changes, the physical

changes that you witness within your society, are actually

reflections of those permutations, those transmutations within the

levels of your consciousness.

Because only -- only, only -- when you contain a belief that

something is possible can you then create it to exist in your


It may seem as if -- because of the way you have structured your

belief system about physical reality -- it may seem as if once you

see something, then you believe it. As you say, "Seeing is

believing." But exactly the opposite is the case. It is, "Believing

is seeing." What you see in your physiological reality you can only

see because you have first believed it was possible to perceive that


Therefore, because much of this belief takes place on an unconscious

level -- because much of this belief and much of the reality you

experience is at first created on a non-physical level above

physicality -- you do not allow yourself many times to be aware of

the mechanism that actually creates the physical reality you


Therefore, if you are willing to recognize, first and foremost, that

it is what you believe to be true that creates what you experience

to be true, then you will recognize that belief creates experience --

which reinforces belief, which recreates experience, and so on and

so forth, thus creating what appears to be the cycles of repetition

you experience in your physiological reality.

That is why in these gatherings, even within the exploration of your

own individuality by yourself in a solitary fashion, the exploration

of what your beliefs about reality are, have a very great effect

upon your ability to unlock and rearrange your physiological reality

into what you prefer it to be, rather than what you think it must

be. Are you all following along?

AUD: Yes.

B: Therefore, as you partake and participate within the idea of this

interaction this day of your time, recognize a few of the following

parameters: each and every thing you have to say, each and every

thing you have to share, is a gift that all individuals, including

ourselves within this interaction can learn from, and gain new

perspectives, new points of view and new insights from.

There is no reason for the invalidation or the judgment in a

negative fashion of anything you have to say that represents what

you hold to be exciting and true for you.

Therefore, the degree of freedom that you exercise within any

communication upon your planet, and between yourselves and any other

civilization, will be directly proportional to the degree that you

can allow for an acceleration to take place that will allow you more

conscious awareness of yourself, and therefore allow you more

conscious awareness of the fact that you are creating your reality --

even as you experience it so quickly, so automatically, that for

hundreds of thousands of your years you have not even been aware of

the fact that you have been creating it, except in very brief

momentary glimpses that you have termed various states of revelation.

Now is the time to demystify all of these ideas and bring them from

the realm of mythology into the pragmatic and practical

understanding of the physics, the mechanisms through which these

ideas work, through which you actually do in fact have full -- and

yes, we do mean full and total control! over the physiological

reality that you experience in your lives. You all follow along?

AUD: Yes.


AUD: (Silence)

B: Do not all speak at once.

AUD: Continued silence.

B: All right. Therefore allow us to delineate a comfortable manner

for you. You may, if you wish, proceed in any manner that you have

co-created this day of your time for this interaction. Or if the

moment moves you, you may simply, very precisely and very boldly,

say, "Bashar."
