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The Divine Feminine ~ What is going on with Mars

Through Leigha Rose Starr

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ominion and Domination. There is a difference between that which assists, empowers, blesses in Love, and that which would control with the harshness of the fist and everything under its thumb.This Channel was listening to the radio recently while traveling across the country on behalf of Light, Pure and Loving. She heard an advertisement for those who consider it their right to bear arms and to hunt others, killing them. This Being described himself as a hunter, and he talked about ‘God-given dominion’, he talked about it as dominating. None would ever deny the right to food to eat, we would say to those who are in this Hunter~Warrior~Killing phase, that if you will consult that which you quote as ‘God-given’, you will find that the words in whatever religion or belief system, are not dominate, it is dominion.A question has been asked about the Energy Flows and how it is affecting all here, that Mars is so apparent in the Heavens, and so close to your planet.

The reason I have made these statements is part of the explanation. Mars has been perceived as an Energy, a strong Energy of War and Fire, of the Hunter and the Warrior. These archetypes have served and served well for Humanity on this planet, and there are places within your hearts where everyone of you know that it is time for these roles to shift.Of course, everyone has the right to feed themselves and their loved ones. Of course everyone has the right to life in a safe, and if you feel you must, protected place. We would say to you that these feelings are coming up for you to explore them, and that there are some differences that we would ask you to be in perception within yourself.And so we come back to Domination~Dominion. Domination means you have power over and you wield that power. Dominion, from the perspective that we would discuss it, means that you are aware of all, large and small, every aspect, the Big Picture. That in that Big Picture, you have an experience known as human life, and in that experience you have been called to make choices, it is called Free Will.Everyone has Free Will.

There is an aspect of Free Will that I would ask you to think of, the Free Will has a responsibility to make a choice for yourself and for those for instance children, small children who do not have the maturity, the wisdom or the strength to make their own choices at that time. In Dominion you have the right and the requirement to make a decision, to make a choice, to activate that action and to deal with the consequences of it.We would ask you to also be aware of allowance, loving allowance, that is rooted in the knowledge that All have been given life and that life is abundant, and that there is a responsibility to be in loving allowance of all the other life, of all the Free Will and as some have said, "your Free Will ends where mine begins."

This is not necessarily a Truth, but it does point to the fact that each has an opportunity to be aware that others have choices, responsibilities and opportunities as well.The one known as Master Jesus taught a very simple rule, it has been expressed in every major religion and belief system on this planet, you call it the Golden Rule, do to others that which you would have them do to you. This means you treat others as you want to be treated, this doe not mean that you do to others before they can do it to you, or that you do to others any and all that you can do, hoping not to get caught.

These two latter expressions which are very common on this planet, puts you in a Flow where you end up being ‘down’ in a situation and someone else is ‘doing to you’.If you choose to live in Dominion of your life, treating others fairly, honoring them, taking that which is required for your own life and existence honestly, honorably, honoring yourself and honoring others, then that is what you will receive back. Those who perceive themselves as dominating, most likely in truth, are experiencing ‘ victim’ relationships and feel that they are in need of love, of strength, of wisdom and therefore they are ‘victims’ and must dominate others or be victimized.We would ask you to look at this, this is part of an old paradigm in which the energy of this planet you call Mars, the Red Planet has been part. That time is done, it is finished! And those who are using this Energy to create war, the rumors of war and the experience of war, be it in one relationship or many, are playing in an old paradigm. They are setting themselves up for experiences themselves that are that which they are inflicting on others...cause and effect... This is how this planet has worked, you put it our there, it comes back to you.I would now express to you an opportunity, a doorway which has been opened by the movement of this planet across the heavens and into such close proximity with this planet.

Mars has a wonderful energy of the Fire of Spirit. It is an expression of the Holy Spirit of the Sacred Fire. If you will allow yourself to shift perspective, this gift, this blessing, this flame, will empower you in your own Spirit, in your own flow with Holy Spirit. Humanity has now been called to a point where the Spirit, the Soul is more fully rooted, more fully seated in its heart and is expressing as a more fully realized Human Being, Spirit united in the physicality with the mental and emotional gifts. Mars in your heavens, which is at its fullest for observation on the 27th of this month is a call, a wake-up call to the experience of this beautiful, Divine, loving Flow of the Fire of Spirit. Some may even call it the Masculine expression, the Divine Masculine Flow, now coming forth in a flow that is more loving, is seated in Wisdom and Strength, free of the need to prove its power, for it is Fire of the Holy Spirit. It is a strong, loving Presence in every human Being on this planet, be it male or female in its expressionAnd that which as been experienced as the Masculine Flow of domination, control, manipulation will find that it has shattered, it is like the shell of an egg that is falling away, and within it is one of the greatest gifts Humanity can experience.

Many are uncertain as to what the Divine Masculine in this New Flow is. Open your heart, open your minds and unite them in the Love, the Fire of the Spirit and you will experience that which is the Divine Fire of the Divine Masculine.Many are afraid for they know not what it is that they are being asked to choose, they know not the Love, the experience that is brought to them. I would say, take one step forward, allow yourself to experience that which is brought forth and you are truly, truly blessed, and you shall find what it is to truly be a Spirit expressing that which is God, in human form.Fear not, all that is required is the choice, and we would even say to you, if you don’t like the choice, you can change it. You can go back into your closed heart, your closed mind, the chains and the pains of human existence, it’s your choice. A freedom, a blessing is brought forth at this time, the planet has made the choice, she chooses to experience Love, Love Divine in both Masculine and human form as part of her Beingness. Join her, join the Beings of Light and Love who are also choosing to open and unite their minds and hearts so that they may experience the greatness of their own Spirit, their own Beingness. I bless you, each and every one in Love and Light, we are One.

Thank you.

Blessings, In the Name of One, Sandy
