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Moving Closer To The Great Shift

By Messenger Dariel

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s are also causing all sorts of disruptions in normal sleep patterns, and many are reporting waking up between 3-4 AM. The past three days have been especially intense, as many contracted on the soul level to take on the feelings of those who are still not aware of what is taking place. Intense feelings of depression, fear, sadness, and a general sense of hopelessness were the symptoms this messenger personally experienced. This experience shall be ending today at the latest, so if you have been one of those who volunteered for this, rest assured it will be over after today. We must have compassion for all those who have not the knowledge of the Great Shift that is coming.

The pressure to get NESARA announced is moving ahead with great impetus. There were actually a series of four secret meetings held in secret locations recently, one of which was reported by Dove. These meetings were pivotal in bringing into manifestation the implementation of NESARA. Those who wish it not are pulling out all stops to delay and hinder it, and, as reported by Dove, there is also a full-blown plan by those dark agenda ones to substitute a shadow nesara for the true NESARA. This is a stripped-down version of the true NESARA that Messenger Dove reports on. If the shadow version comes to pass, it will still be a great benefit to mankind, and perhaps a stepping stone to the full benefits of the true NESARA. Due to fear of the unknown, many people are opposed to such radical changes as the true NESARA brings, hence the shadow version may be more palatable to many more people. It is hoped by the Spiritual Hierarchy that the true NESARA will be the one that is implemented in the end, as it will bring the greatest benefits to mankind. Time will tell which version is announced, but rest assured, NESARA will come!

The reported closing of the IRS Regional Center in Ogden, Utah is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many other centers that are scheduled to close as well. The IRS is on its last legs, and Commissioner Rossotti was quoted when leaving his position that the IRS is losing the battle against tax cheats. Even under the shadow nesara, the IRS is history! And good riddance! The IRS was the agency most feared by Americans, most fraught with corruption, and most fraudulent agency in the US Government. Most Americans were never lawfully required to file or pay the Federal income tax, and yet most of them dutifully complied with the law that never was, as Bill Benson so brilliantly researched in his book by the same name.

The IRS fraudulently conspired by changing the secret codes on each Americans Individual Master File (IMF) in order to put them under the enforcement provisions of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. This is why good people who refused to pay taxes went to prison, because they did not know that the IRS had changed their occupation code on their IMF to firearms importer, or distilled spirits manufacturer or such, thus placing them under the direct enforcement rules of the ATF. The scam has now been fully exposed, and this is just one of the reasons that the IRS is done. There now exist several organizations, such as IRS Codebusters, that are freeing Americans from this terrible fraud.

As the frequencies coming into the planet are raised higher and higher, the vibrations of all living things are increasing. When the vibrations hit certain levels of frequency, they trigger certain DNA responses in each being. More and more people are awakening each day, and they add new impetus to the coming Great Shift. As the mass consciousness swells with new paradigms, the old will slowly fade out. An example is this past Christmas season. Almost everyone was saying that it just doesn't feel like Christmas this year. It is no secret that the merchants experienced the worst season in 30 years. People generally spent less, and most didn't send cards this year. It is almost like the people said collectively, We are fed up. We are tired of the commercialism. We are not going to respond like robots this year! This phenomenon is going to increase in many other areas of our lives and will spread like wildfire!

The impetus toward World Peace is rapidly becoming the focal point for many activist groups all around the world. Peace is imminent! There are two major events coming up, one is tonight, December 30th. The One Billion Person Peace Meditation is being sponsored by Rev. Fred Sterling and you can tune in to the live broadcast on the internet at The time is 7 PM Mountain Time.

The other one is on February 9th  and this requires a bit of preparation. James Twyman is sponsoring a Spoonbenders Course on the internet. You may sign up for the course on his website at It begins on January 1 and is strictly by donation. The goal is to have 100,000 graduates, who can successfully bend a spoon with their mind. The idea is that if one has enough focused mind power to bend a spoon, then that same energy can be used to bend the course of history towards peace! Please consider being part of this, as miracles are going to be accomplished with this exciting technology.

As we learn more about our adversaries, we are coming to appreciate their wondrous abilities. You have to admit that they all played their parts exceedingly well. Dariel needs to send a barb of truth forward that may not be so well received yet. Dariel dislikes this part of his job, but it has to be said. Does anyone remember the prophecy in the Bible that says that in the last days the lion shall lie down with lamb? What does that actually mean in real terms?

Well, Virginia, the secret of the big, bad wolf (or should I say reptile) is out!

If you haven't got a clue what is being talked about, you had better get educated in a hurry. Researcher David Icke has exposed the fact that the shadow government and most other organizations, including all organized religions, are in fact controlled by a group of usurpers who have a rather scaly past. Please read The Biggest Secret or Children of the Matrix if you want the full story. His website is and there is much information about the reptilians there as well. Absurd, you say? OK, then sleep on and ignore the facts, if you wish. Why does Genesis refer to Satan as a serpent, and why did Jesus call the religious leaders of his day a generation of vipers? Food for thought!

Anyway, it is now known, through interviewing eyewitnesses to satanic rituals, that these reptilian controllers have certain extremely bad habits. One of them is they love to sacrifice humans! Nasty habit! Why do they do this, you may ask? It is because they need certain components in human blood in order to maintain their human shape. If they don't get those components, they revert back to their natural reptilian form, which is not conducive to maintaining their subterfuge. Where do you think all these stories of werewolves come from, anyway? Where do you think all those missing children with pictures on milk cartons have gone? Where do you think Elizabeth Smart went?

The Grand Illusionary Game is almost over, and this situation cannot and will not be allowed to continue much longer. How is this major conflict of interest ever going to be resolved and brought into balance? Has anyone given this matter any thought whatsoever? Messenger Dariel has been giving this subject a great deal of thought lately and he decided to ask Beloved Master St. Germain about this. (No, kiddies, this is not the Ascended Master St. Germain that is a figment of Doris Ecker's imagination, according to Patriot lad this is the St. Germain that talked about the coming Golden Age clear back in the 1930s).

The answer that St. Germain gave was simply brilliant! He reminded us of the prophecy of the lion and the lamb. He explained that as the planetary frequencies increase ever higher, there will come a point where no more human sacrifices will be possible. No more killing or eating of flesh whatsoever! Can you spell v-e-g-e-t-a-r-i-a-n? This will all come about in Divine time, and at that point the humans will accept the reptilians as just another species in creation. The reptilians will no longer need to shape-shift and appear as human. The lion and the lamb - get it? When humans can finally get along with one another, regardless of color or race, they will finally be readily accepted into the Universal Brotherhood. The good news is that our Lighted Brothers are here to help us get through this wondrous process together. The Time Lords will be accelerating time even faster this year in order to bring these changes about quickly. Have you not noticed a softening of hearts, including your own?

Furthermore, before any of us go about judging our reptilian brothers too harshly and condemning them for their evil acts, consider this. There are no victims, only volunteers! You have heard this metaphysically stated hundreds of times, but get this we have all played out every role in every possible combination in our multitudes of lifetimes. Deny it if you wish, but if you do, you are in for a rude awakening. You have most likely played the part of one of these magnificent reptiles yourself in a past life! What we, who serve the light, now perceive as evil is simply an act of survival on the part of the reptilians. If you were in the same shoes, you would act just like they do, would you not? Judge not, that ye be not judged!

It all goes back to the fundamental question of where does evil come from? Who created Lucifer? How can we experience goodness, without it's opposite? How can we be a hero, without a villain? Who would want to play the part of the villain? Someone has to play the part, so guess what - we all have to play the part of the villain, or there could be no play! In essence, we all agreed to this plan in order to gain soul experience. Dariel has had to come face to face with his own dark side on several occasions. It is a shocking and sobering thing to realize this, but once realized and accepted, it makes the game that much more interesting. Ultimately, every being will return to cosmic balance.

Lest anyone thinks that this messenger approves of what the reptilians are doing with their human sacrifices, or condones their actions in any way he does not! This free-will experiment has gone way too far, and this one is particularly weary beyond weary of the endless battles of light versus dark. There are only two options one is to remove and segregate the races and the other is to call a final truce, where both races could coexist on this planet. This is all part of the Great Shift and it is manifesting even now. All of Creation is watching and awaiting our decision on which way to bring this play to its ultimate conclusion.

My twin soul had a dream last week about several women who were in a huge circle giving birth to new babies! The Divine Plan is being birthed right now and everything is proceeding according to the Plan. Hold on to your vision, focus on what you desire, and not on what appears to be going on around you. Stay out of judgment and if someone's truth does not resonate with yours, simply turn away and do not judge, condemn, or criticize. All end time scenarios are being played out and everything will eventually balance out. Until then, love is the only answer love is the only way. Stay centered in that pure unconditional love, amidst all the chaos and turmoil. May the peace that surpasses all understanding prevail in all of our lives, is my humble prayer.


I AM Dariel
