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Quoda Message - The Glow-Energy Comes From Stillness

By Carrie Hart

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, you drive away the very thing that you are trying to attract. The things you want in your life are like wild animals. If you are very still, they will come to you. If you are loud and pushing and trying and planning and creating a little maelstrom of energy, they will hide behind the trees and watch in amazement. What in the world is she doing?

Pull energy can also drive away. If you are trying very hard to obtain something through manipulation, then this will be sensed, and the very things you are trying to achieve, in this case normally a loving relationship, will begin to resist and pull against you. The person you are trying to attract through pull energy will try very hard to resist, even if it cannot be seen.

Energy is felt, and people resist having their own energy forcefully manipulated.

If you truly wish to attract people and events into your life, then you are to use stillness instead. Deep inner stillness brings peace, joy and love into your life, regardless of any outward manifestation. And when this happens, when you are completely still and inviting peace to be a part of you, you begin to glow. And this glow is a light, a beacon, which lights a way for events and people to come to you. This beacon glows out and calls others to you without interfering with their own personal energy. This light is something that you can share with others without diminishing yourself or them.

And in this way, all are enhanced. In this way, the energy of all people is increased, for it all comes from an inner glow.

It is as if you are a fire, and the fuel is within you, endlessly burning and glowing, ever refilled. And others can take their own internal fuel, hold it to yours and glow more brightly. And yet doing this does not diminish you in any way. The flames leap across and ignite others without any loss to you. For you are not giving away your fuel, the inner joy and love and peace which fuel you. You are merely sharing the flame, the external manifestation of this internally generated energy.

People and events are irresistibly drawn to this glow. And the brighter you glow, from a heart of stillness, from an internal peace, the more wonderful things will flow toward you. The more you try and chase and manipulate and maneuver, the more people and events will retreat from you.

This can be difficult for very capable people who are used to making things happen in a physical way. But yet it is true. You should have seen by now that the things you attract through your push and pull energies have opposite sides, that the attachment you form to them through your actions creates pain and loss. But when you attract things to you through stillness, peace, joy and love, there is no opposite side. This is the way above and beyond karma and the law of opposites. This is the way to the heart of truth: inner stillness.

And so, what must you do to achieve this inner stillness? Many things, and they are those things we speak of in these pages. Things about setting aside fear and doubt, about setting aside the past and worries over the future, things about honoring yourself and others. And yet, at the same time, there is nothing you must do, for the silence is part of nothing, and will come to you when you have stopped trying to change, when you have stopped trying to be other than what you are, and have totally and completely accepted your life and your self as you are, as they are. All is as it is. All is accepted. All is understood. And now, surrender to the silence of the one, the silence of the all, the connection with the beingness which is all and nothingness.

And so, you see, you need to do nothing but sit quietly and be. And then will the stillness descend upon you. Hush, hush, busy mind. Quiet down to a moment of peace, a fraction of a second in which the beauty and wonder of life may pour in and stoke your internal fire. Just be. Be in stillness. Set your desires aside. Just be. In your perfection and in the perfect connection you have to all that is. Just be.

And in this state, let yourself glow. Glow with all that you are. Glow with your connection, with the power of the entire universe made manifest within you in that brief fraction of a second, in that one moment of quiet and stillness. And in that one moment, you will accomplish more than all of your efforts, your plans and your trying put together, for in that one moment you have surrendered to the will of what is, and allowed what will be to flow from that.


Go to to learn how Carrie Hart became a spiritual healer, and what services she is now offering, including personal messages from Quado, shaman power animal retrieval and full spiritual healing sessions.


Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

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