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Epicenter News Heart Flash - What To Do About Hurricane Wilma !!

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s time, we will keep this very simple, which as you know is the sign of genius. (smile).

Question number 1.

What can we as L/workers here at this time do with the deadliest Hurricane yet, to strike the Florida Coast by this weekend?

First, to know and to be aware, this is undoubtedly under the control of the shadow govt. opps project. Some of their more recent space flights have had the technologies to connect with computer technology here on earth at earth bases of operation in the US. They are using this technology to completely destroy any remainder of life (humans) they deem dispensable. It has been and is their modus operandi, you might say. You have been their experimental guinea pigs for a long time. They are doing this to attempt to take complete control of all resources (which they have taken a great deal of already). They assume this is just a done deal and no glitches. They are in a hurry, because the Light Forces, we included, are fast on their tails, and exposure is just around the corner!

Their continuing mission days are over to destroy places on Gaia, her people, animals and plants. These next few days left in Oct. are crucial for all of us here in service to the New World destiny of Love and Peace. Our moves are divine and always on time. Trust this in your heart of hearts. The Light Forces have succeeded in the complete takeover, ending this lower cabal's being here in existence on Gaia any longer.

Question Number 2.

Is this a HAARP/scalar wave shadow govt. project, or is it natural?

Yes indeed, it is a shadow govt. ops project, as are their centralized projects, (chemtrailing, cloud seeding, weather changing, emf manipulation, etc.). You are aware that this has been increasing. We have neutralized the effects of these also.

Question number 3.

Can we stop this hurricane and it’s devasting possible effects?

Yes indeed, you ground crew L/workers have the focus and intent to do just this, assisting with us in unified agreement to seeing this manipulated wind being controlled by lower technology.

We and you can stop this manipulation! Join with us now and see Wilma calming down. Beat your drums, shake your rattles and sing your prayers of Peace and Calmness right into the epicenter core of Ms Wilma, and tame her fury. The light of the increased volume of your/our volume will amp up the light field and nullify the shadow fields. Get it? Let us all stop right now and do and see and be with this focused intent and build upon this energy field with all we have and shoot this energy envelope straight to the heart of Wilma. This is what you are capable of, for you know the truth and you are out of the lower frequency of the shadow matrix. Understand?

Yes I do , and yes I will! Let's do this, my Rainbow Warriors of magnifenct Light!! Let us do this the minute this is read, and join and unify our forces of light to stop this dark wind. Let's get real creative here. LOL


In Peace, Kara Kincannon

In talking with Lois on the phone last month I was surprised when Fritz came flying in and joined ourconversation. This is referred to as mediumship (I prefer to call it telethought communication). Fritz diedin 1993. He was Lois' husband of over 30 years. He was German, and a genius. Later he said he would be happy to work with me if I agreed. I said yes. This is the first message that I have received from him since then. What a delightful surprise! Kara
