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Kirael Shift Report: December 2003

Rev. Fred Sterling

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uman consciousness. For if we keep it in what we call our most recent history, you can understand that the Harmonic Convergence was the awakening, if you will, to a whole transfer of energy into the soul journey, and the Harmonic Concordance is the absolute reality that the world of Light will join with you to help you move into this most unprecedented form of experience.

That in mind, I say to you as you leave this thing called 2003 and enter into your 2004, in the simplicity of my numerology you are leaving the Year of Love and entering the Year of Mastery. Why did the Earth plane come to such a great awakening at this time in its own evolution? It is because the world of human must come to understand that the Concordance was an awakening that you are no longer human. As you enter 2004, the Year of Mastery, you will understand more of your spiritual self.

In order for the spirit world, the world of the great masters, the world of the guides, the world of the angels, the world of the councils, to truly reach you now, they must be in closer contact with your spiritual self. Some of you refer to it as higher self or higher power, while some of you refer to it as the essential light. I refer to it as the I AM Presence.

You enter now a world that is so thoroughly open to your thoughts that all you must do is recognize your own mastery, and the world around you will be mastered.

You ask me, "Master Kirael, what do you mean by master? How is the world to be mastered?" Well, understand that the Concordance set it up so that we from our side of the veil (the light particles not gathered in the force of human experience but still evolutionary in their own right) have now begun to intermingle with your higher selves on a level never experienced before.

We have now opened ourselves to your individual lights. All you need to do to master this new energetic form is to open your heart to the I AM Presence. It is once said that the Creator spoke the words, "Just say that I AM." And I say to each and every one of you, if you will say to the world surrounding you, "I AM the I AM Presence," you will begin to find within you the mastery that you have never before experienced.

The question must come, "Do we have a chance, Master Kirael? Is there a way we can master a world that seemingly has almost gone mad?" Skirmishes are breaking out around the world. Governments are testing their own spine to see if they have the courage to stand up and fight. Countries that have spent the greater part of the last 15, 20, or even 30 plus years trying to be peaceful nations are now suddenly willing to throw their arms into the foray. I am speaking, of course, of Japan which has been at peace for so long with the world and is now not quite so peaceful as you might have seen them.

They are not the only ones, my friend. China, which has forever pretended to be an overly populated country, has not kept up with the current events. You will find as you move into 2004 that China has not only kept up, but it has surpassed many.

However, the most important thing you will find is We the People. We don't ask the people if they are Chinese or American or French. We ask them, "Are you We the People?" And when they say, "Yes, we are," we know we have a collective society, a society that will band together in 2004 and unite under one of the greatest powers the world plane has ever seen.

It is about We the People standing in the light to be counted. We, of course, pray it will begin at the very end of this month in December 2003 when we celebrate ""60 Seconds for Peace"" during our annual BILLION PERSON PEACE MEDITATION.* Sixty seconds for people to make a decision. "Am I ready to let my world fly apart at the seams? Or, am I going to stand in my light and be counted?" Make that decision, and let the world know about We the People.

If you continue to let the so-called leaders of the world direct you down a path with no light, it is as though they cloak themselves and make their decisions, and pray that somehow they will be able to sell you a bill of goods. If you wish to continue like that, mastery will be a hard road to walk.

But those of you willing to accept the I AM Presence, "I AM that I AM" should be your mantra throughout the rest of this year and the coming new year. It should be the mantra which keeps you safe and secure in the knowing that you are doing what you must do. When you stand together as lightworkers, you will notice the world changing in the direction you would like to see it change.

It is time, my friends, to master a world you have let slip through your fingers. By not having the energetic force to stand up and be counted as lightworkers, you have allowed for a small amount of people to maneuver the entirety of your world.

I say to you: No more, my friends, no more. The Year of Mastery says We the People must band together, united in a faction of light. A world that can let love, which they have just learned in the year 2003, a love they feel deep within inside themselves now, to allow their journey to open into mastery. It is saying to the rest of the world that my higher self and your higher self have no color. Our higher selves have no shape of eyes. They are simply bursts of Light of the Creator's Force.

It is time we stand light shoulder to light shoulder and circle the globe. And it will be We the People who stand united, and there shall be no more wars. My friends, I don't offer you a warning. I share a knowing. Your world is not capable at this very moment of going back to war. You have seen the last of the wars you can deal with. Anything further than this will have to be dealt with in a whole different reality, and as long as you are willing to let a few people sway the entirety of your journey, then you run a risk.

There is a great time to be had. You will see. It is our prayer that at the end of December, people around the world will take 60 seconds and open their hearts to the fullness of this journey. What are we asking for, my friends? In the Guidance World, we ask only that you have the courage to look. No more head in the sand. No more letting someone else hopefully take care of something. Now is the time to live through the Principles of Consciously Creating your world.

Some of you may have to burn the midnight oil. Some of you may have to toil hour after hour to ensure the opportunity exists for "60 Seconds for Peace". You have no idea what will arise from "60 Seconds for Peace" once it is established. You can begin to think, but in mastery you will begin to know.

So you will leave this year of great awakenings to love. You have seen it, my friends. There has been love surrounding so many places, so many areas, and now it is time to master the world you are on. Oh, it is easy enough to say, "Why don't I just die and go live with you, Master Kirael?" Because if everybody took that attitude, we would be short one evolutionary journey, wouldn't we?

It is something we must do. I am here. I am committed. Some of my greatest friends of the Light World are here with you, and we intend to master with you. There is no longer a separation, but for you to understand that you are your higher selves, and this particle value you call the human experience is the focus to cleanse the Creator's most beautiful project...Mother Earth.

Q: Thank you for your impassioned opening statement. Could you please explain what you mean by the I AM Presence?

KIRAEL: Yes. In the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, there is one principle called meditation. Some people run from it, some people pretend to do it, and other people actually do it. If every time you enter into the meditative state and selectively speak the words "I AM that I AM," then move into your meditation, you would experience the greater reality that you are your higher self, you truly are spirit, and the physical part of you is a part of your spirit you put here to do the journey.

You would come to the greater clarity that there is nothing to be learned, only to be experienced. And now the experience opens you up to the understanding that thought is the culmination of your entire existence. You would come to this greater clarity in the I AM Presence that every single thought you have is going to have a life, and you are the controller of that life.

You would know that you came from the I AM Presence, and if you established a little space in the corner of your home where you could light a candle or place a statue of someone whom you truly honored or have something there which you truly loved, then every time you sat in that space, whether it be in prayer or meditation or even if you sat there to think, you would see that you had created a sanctuary within your own home.

What is a sanctuary but a place where you can feel at peace and open the connection between the physical self and the spirit self. This sanctuary would affect the rest of your home until the entirety of your home became a living, breathing entity of love and light. You would have made the I AM connection and created your home as a loving part of you, a creation that you had made; a creation by you and your husband, your wife, your children; a creation like the Creator.

Then when you looked in the corner and saw the stack of newspapers, you would see it as though it was an illness in the home. You would quickly go and clear it out, and every time you walked into your creation, you would go "ahhhhh." You know what I am saying? You would walk in and feel the presence of love.

That home would become part of your family. You would love that home, and you would honor that home, and you would feel your I AM Presence within it. You wouldn't feel just like a human being; you would feel like a creator. And that is what you are. That is what the I AM Presence brings you...the knowingness that you are the creator of your world.

Start with the simplicity of a small nook, a corner in your home, then let it build until you are the creator of your home. You will take all of the illness out of it. As the creator, the next time you decide to have a disagreement, I think you will want to go for a walk in the park because you won't want to dishonor what you have created.

Q. You are speaking of creating the sacred spaces within our homes and within ourselves. How does "60 Seconds for Peace" create sacred spaces within our world?

KIRAEL: Oh, that is a grand question, isn't it? Let's suppose that you are reading this in Afghanistan or anywhere in the world, and you call up a few of your friends. You say, "Let's do this thing called "60 Seconds for Peace" because people around the world will participate simultaneously, and Mother Earth will be showered in love and light for 60 whole seconds.

"I want to get my friends together in this space right here and begin to build a space of mastery, a space here in Afghanistan that cannot be touched by the dark forces. I am going to create it right here, and I will hold it with every ounce of strength I have. And if I can get 10 or 100 or 1,000 of my friends together, we will build a peaceful place, a sanctuary on planet Earth.

"Planet Earth, the home, the abode of We the People. I can't tell you what they are going to do in China. I can't tell you what they are going to do in Alaska, but right here, my 1,000 friends and I are going to create a peaceful Mother Earth."

What if all around the world they began building a place for peace? What if it became a habit? What if it became something that didn't end after 60 seconds? What if the day after the "60 Seconds for Peace" you and your friends continue to send light to that space? What if you don't give up until Mother Earth begins to feel the love of her people? And then her house would become a sanctuary once again.

What if it one light particle began connecting to the next, in Afghanistan, and then Iran, and then Africa, and then South America? What if the people in South America, who are enslaved to the creating of drugs that are killing a greater portion of the world plane, all of a sudden just said no? What if they said, "I am not going to do it?" Or better yet, what if they put so much light in those plants that it took the effect away?

Can it be? Can it be you could put so much light into Mother Earth's home, into your home, that you could begin to change it? And what if the day after the "60 Seconds for Peace" everybody said, "You know what? I am not going to tell everybody else. I am just going to send a bolt of light to the President of the United States, the leaders in the Middle East and the Premier of China. What if everybody in the world began sending them light? No more wars, my friends. No more wars.

Because We the People would have spoken, we will have taken our house and started its cleansing. It starts in our homes. You start by saying, "I have had enough of the mess. I have had enough of the disease in my house. There will be no more arguing, there will be no more fighting and there will be no more mess over in that corner." And peacefulness within the house began spreading out from one house to the next until the house of Mother Earth became enraptured and cleanse[d].

What if the people in the Middle East honestly believe that the people in the so-called free worlds truly cared about them? Maybe they would stop strapping the bombs on their backs and start wondering: Is there a chance for peace for my children?

Maybe if all of what I said doesn't make any sense, this does. What if instead of strapping a bomb on my back, I'll start to think about what my children must have? What if instead of spending all of my money on drugs, what if I think about what my children deserve? We can turn this whole thing around to hand a peaceful world over to the Children of Light, the children that cometh.

Closing Statement

Your world which has awoken to love in the year 2003 has been touched by the energy you call the Harmonic Concordance. It has been touched and awoken to the possibility that your spirit self is finally getting a chance to be a part of your experience. Now you will awaken to an even greater level of mastery to know there is a power higher than you and to know that power higher than you is the I AM of you, the I AM Presence. And with that, you are going to enter a new world, a world that may look a little rocky in the beginning.

You are anticipating to reverse many of your old belief systems and come to a greater clarity of love and to experience that your higher selves have no color, they have no black-and-white issues. The higher self has but one desire. You call it evolution. Your higher self calls it creating. That's all your higher self wants to do...create more and more and more love and light. It wants to master the art of creation in a world that is created for that one sole/soul purpose. That one, O-N-E sole/soul purpose is to create.

And that, my friends, is the only way for you to enter 2004. Be the master. Master your light. Be the spirit of who you are, and let no one turn you aside. Stand until you can stand no more, and let the light be your shield. Let the light be your word. And let the love of mastery be your destination.

Good evening.

BILLION PERSON PEACE MEDITATION "We the People . Have a Dream" LIVE One Hour Internet Broadcast at

Featuring "60 Seconds for Peace"

Saturday, 27 December 2003 10:30 am Hawaii 12:30 pm Pacific 1:30 pm Mountain 2:30 pm Central 3:30 pm Eastern 20:30 UTC (GMT)

For more information on "60 Seconds for Peace" please visit
