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Ela 08.16.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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ons, who stand in calmness and are able to center your feelings. We see how your emotions can be troublesome and lead you to take actions in violence that you inevitably come to regret. This area in your life is one of the most important that you have to contend with and learn to control.

Self control is not easily gained, and it requires much willpower and practice. However, if you are to achieve masterly control, you could not be in a better environment to test your progress. What you will notice is that as you become skilled in containment, you will feel much better in yourself and able to remain relaxed and at ease at all times. You can eventually live your peace and calmness at all times, and nothing outside of you will make any difference. It is not easy to achieve and requires much practice and determination. It will however be very worthwhile and satisfying and your health will gain the biggest benefits.

When you get angry and negative emotions invade your body, you cause imbalances to the flow of your energies. These upset the function of your body and continual negative emotions will result in illness. You cause changes that result in toxins being produced with the resultant problems. We know that your processed foods are chemically laden and that this it is also a large factor in your bodily condition. They can cause anything from lethargy through to an excessive attention deficit, and seemingly the ability to be unable to relax.

If you want to tackle the challenge to put your body in order, a good place to start is with an examination of your diet. Fresh food is superior to processed food, and uncooked foods as opposed to cooked. Fresh fruit and vegetables will contain more goodness, whilst cooked foods lose some of their nutrition in the process due to being heated up. A sensible diet, plus exercise will give you every chance of eliminating any previous build up of chemicals in your body, and allow you to achieve a healthy life style free from illness.

I will allow for mental problems which can also be damaging to the body, but even here these can be exacerbated by chemical imbalances in your body. Get your self in good shape and then you will be able to mount a serious attempt to come to terms with your emotions. You have tools such as meditation, and we advocate such means to help you in self control. The beauty of such methods is that you can do them at any time you have a few minutes of quietness and privacy, and the benefits are immediate. Many of you have life styles that are very demanding, and those private moments are very essential to your well-being. A group meditation increases the effect of such benefits, and can be a very powerful experience. You have many excellent meditation courses that you can choose from, and some will introduce a spiritual element if that is what you seek.

On Arcturus which is my home planet, we have many spiritual temples where we can go and meditate. Our dimensional level is higher than yours, we are of the 5th dimension and we can contact Beings from even higher levels and become spiritually enlightened. One of our main interests is to seek the truth of all creation to further our own evolution. We are also extremely interested in all forms of healing, in which we are quite advanced. When we are able to visit Earth, we will share our knowledge with you and soon you will be able to carry out quite miraculous healing. Your knowledge and abilities are in their infancy, but we will provide you with the methods and equipment you need to advance them. Sound and color figure very much in our methods, and you do already have some understanding as to how they can be used.

You are surrounded by energy, but on Earth you use many pieces of equipment that produce damaging waves of energy. You are continuously surrounded by debilitating energies from many of your home appliances, and even outside you are not free. Electricity gives out a form of radiation, and its field can be quite large and penetrating. Microwaves are also damaging, as are radioactive elements used in a number of your industries. You can understand why you need to be rapidly introduced to different forms of energy that do not harm you or your environment.

Man has proved to be very innovative, and you are to be commended for your adventurous spirit. However, as you have developed you have begun to understand the limitation of some of your scientific discoveries such as nuclear energy, but you lack the will or resources to change them. All of these matters will be addressed when members of the Galactic Federation come amongst you, and that cannot be too soon. Changes can be introduced that will overcome your problems very quickly, and this will all be part of restoring your Earth. It will eventually be returned to its original pristine condition, and this is essential to enable Mother Earth to also ascend.

I am Ela and I invite you to contact us now in your thoughts. You can ask us for help with any health problems you have and we shall try to help you until we can come and treat you in person. We have much Love for you, and we do not look down upon you, but see you as part of us and we seek to lift you up. Your experiences will have benefits far beyond anything you can imagine. They will be recorded and available to all who wish to know about duality. You have served others through your selfless acts in allowing yourselves to be the vehicles for physical experience. We salute you all without exception and wish you joy and happiness. We Are All One within the Creators Energy of Love.

Thank you Ela

Mike Quinsey
