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As We See You

The Council Twelve Channeled by C.N. Rodgers

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omplete and wonderfulness.

We invite you to look through our sense of vision, and to take in the energy we send with this message so as to begin to take in your completeness.

The 3rd dimension is so clouded with miscomprehension that we now speak to you to look from beyond what your world is now presenting and look into our consciousness.

You will see yourSelf in ONENESS and a complete picture of whole and total Spiritual Beings.

Nothing is left out from you; nothing is impossible for you to perform within the guidelines of Divine Creative Unfoldment.

It may be a challenge for you to take the step we ask you to take with us, but even just a slight glimpse of what we know of you will be enough to begin this process we are suggesting.

Knowing more of who and what you are through this process will offer you a greater view and will promote a more accelerated growth.

No one is more or less.

What this view promotes is love for one another.

See this as an exercise or experiment.

Look at each other with this awareness as we see you.

Practice this as we give you the energy to do so.

We send your Love and LIGHT and a clear view.

A note from the channel. I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore

I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to www.healingstargate
