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Message from Matthew - February 18, 2006

Suzy Ward

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from our usual format and timing. The importance of this message stands alone, and more so, it is within my priority that always has been to provide information to help you prepare spiritually for the changes at hand and those to come.

You cannot know the thunderous goings-on that aren’t apparent, and what is apparent may seem as dark as ever. A projection emerging even among some light workers is that it could be years before the status quo, or worse, in your world can be fixed; and in the opinion of the most pessimistic pragmatists, it’s too late to fix anything. Everything is being fixed, of course, and this will become evident more profoundly than you can imagine.

It could be said that that is both the “good news” and the “bad news,” because the dark forces know their time is irrevocably up and ended in failure. They couldn’t keep Earth and all of her peoples bound in third density negativity as they intended and they know that any more attempts at massive terrorism to create worldwide chaos will continue to be foiled by ET technology. The ages-long battle between the light forces and the dark forces is for souls. Consequently, the energy streamers of the darkness are lashing out in peak frenzy and intensity to infiltrate as many Earth souls as possible while there’s still a window of opportunity to entice some out of the light and prevent others from ever seeing the light.

You may think that the greatest challenge you will encounter in the months ahead is the current and potentially even more oppressive measures taken by governments. No­those situations, along with the national leaders who hold onto power by various forms of intimidation, are being handled by the universal laws in motion. Your greatest challenge will be the people who will rebel against the truth that will be revealed about the origin and purpose of religions. Religion forms the belief system that extends to all facets of billions of lives, and the initial reaction for the majority of adherents will be total rejection of the revelations, which if accepted, would shatter the very foundation of their lives.

Consider how you would feel if suddenly information disclosed worldwide were akin to this: An eternity in heaven or hell follows death; the only close connections between you and anyone else are family ties and friendships; the only civilization in the universe is on Earth; when you talk to God, if you hear an answer, it’s from Satan; and if you believe differently from this, your whole life is based on lies. You KNOW this is not your truth, and your entire being would reject it. Those billions whose beliefs also are their very being don’t know that they are living in the veil devised by dark deceivers, and they will react the same as you would. If they are to make the journey with Earth into the higher densities, their reeducation into the cosmic and universal truths will be essential. And painful. For many, it will be too painful to keep on living in a world where the “anti-Christ” for the Christians, and by whatever other terms equally apply to those firmly in the grasp of other religions, has taken over the planet.

The intent of all souls in high light stations who speak to you through their receivers is to offer guidance to prepare you spiritually for this era of unprecedented changes on Earth. Some receivers have been deceived themselves; they believe that their sources are who they claim to be, but actually those sources are base entities DISinforming with the intent to create fear and confusion. This, too, will come to light, but in the meantime, disinformation sent out by well-meaning receivers generates energy streamers of fear and confusion that reach the masses who don’t even see those messages or any of the messages from the highly evolved souls, either.

Many, many people on Earth are foundering in the effects of that negative energy conflicting with the positive energy of the higher frequencies coming in. Quite aside from their fear that world conditions will worsen, they don’t understand what is happening to them personally. They are puzzled and frightened by the first glimmers of telepathic connections, physical anomalies, severe mood swings, and for some, a new restlessness about life and maybe even a mystifying sensation that they belong someplace other than Earth. Many have turned to drugs, prescription and “illegal,” to escape their feelings, and they don’t know that the drugs are exacerbating the feelings. Souls in high stations constantly are sending forth light to all even as we must accept that some will refuse its self-empowerment and spiritual upliftment, and thus fall prey to the determined dark predators that are making their last stand with all the power they can muster.

I’m not speaking of bodies dying en masse, but of the en masse minds that don’t know they have the innate ability to resist the invasion of dark tentacles. Nor am I speaking of the recalcitrant souls who knowingly have chosen to remain in the dark camp, but rather I refer to the people who are most vulnerable to the stepped-up assaults by the darkness in its madness­madness in both rage and loss of sane reasoning. These people are the ones foundering in confusion, ignorance, fear and drugged escape­the newly awakening and the still unenlightened. Because of these “weighted odds,” so to speak, I have been given leave to help make the playing field more level by requesting highly evolved souls on the planet to explain how you can identify both the dark souls and the unaware people through whom the dark entities are operating.

These unaware ones are NOT dark souls, but rather, due to the reasons I stated, are the most susceptible to dark influence. Among them are your family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, medical care tenders, school teachers, service people­the spectrum of global society. Yes, you can help those whose lives you touch by letting your love and compassion flow out to them, but do not let your emotions be negatively affected by the characteristics and behavior of the lower energies that are operating through them. The darkness desperately wants you to fall into that trap, and they are ever on the lookout for lighted souls who become thus affected. Beings of light are the major targets on the dark agenda and pulling them out of the light is their greatest triumph.

Please understand that, no more now than before are we judging ANY souls, nor should you! They may be in the last phase of karmic completion that includes mastering the dark inclinations you see, and their next soul-level choice is embracing the light either in this embodiment or “graduating” into Nirvana. Or that may not be the case, but regardless, judgment of any other affects only the judge, and adversely. Further, the degree of darkness in an individual is not an issue; it isn’t necessary to try to “rate” any. This is solely a matter of your being able to recognize dark souls and the people through whom dark entities are working; the guidance is for your edification and protection. Darkness is contagious and your immunity to it comes from knowing how it is operating and recognizing its targets.

The people you know and love may respond to the light emanating from you and from the ever-greater intensity beaming to Earth from myriad off-planet sources. But accepting the light is the choice of each individual­you can set the course only of your pathway, not any others’. You must be prepared to stay steadfast in the light even as you see people dear to you choose to leave the planet, either by soul contract completion or by refusing to accept the forthcoming revelations as the truth. You know that if it is the latter, they will enter a realm that offers them another chance to grow into the light that is continuously available.

The other option for people who cannot re-form the foundations of their life is to fight for their beliefs to prevail, and many will choose to do that. You must know that I tell you this to reinforce your spiritual resolve, NOT to inject a note of fear! At soul level you know that you chose this lifetime because you are experienced in dealing with rebellious populations, just as you are in reeducating ones who are willing to listen, and this experience will rise to your consciousness when it is needed.

So that you can distinguish between the dark souls and those through whom dark entities are working and thereby deal most effectively with all, I asked my mother to gather information that will assist in your identification and protection processes. And now, Mother, please add that and also the guidance for connecting telepathically with light beings and assuring that sources you reach are who they claim to be. Some readers may know this innately or may have learned it, those to whom this is new can benefit a great deal from it, and all who wish can make this guidance available to receptive people.

S: Matthew, I’m just going to write my notes and not take time to put them in literary fashion because I know you want this to go out.

1, The eyes are a direct reflection of the soul’s frequency. To distinguish between light-filled souls and dark, look into the eyes. The eyes of a lighted soul shine with aliveness; dark souls’ eyes are dull-dead, devoid of warmth or light. A person with a lighted soul can hold a steady gaze when talking with you; a person with an “ordinary” dark soul or is heavily influenced by darkness keeps glancing around, unable to meet the light in your eyes.

2. Strategic touching. Dark entities know that the nape of the neck and lower back are especially vulnerable to their entry into a body’s energy system. Someone who grasps you in either or both places probably is NOT being playful or affectionate­the darkness in them is trying to infiltrate you. This doesn’t come from that person’s intellect or conscious awareness; it’s an automatic response to their influencing dark entity’s attempt to interrupt your energy flow so its streamer tentacles can enter.

3, Tone of voice, choice of words, topics of conversations. Indications of dark entities working through a person are gossip; sarcastic, hurtful or boastful remarks; unjustified criticism or blame; monopolizing a conversation; in a large group, insensitivity to others’ conversations by speaking out loudly; obsession with talking about fearful subjects. When you’re listening to someone and can’t tell whether the person is speaking from ego or soul, mentally ask your soul and pay attention to your immediate reaction­it is instinct, one way the soul communicates with the consciousness. ALWAYS listen to your soul voice­it never lies. Soul knows when lies come from other sources and alerts you via your instinct, intuitive thoughts and sensations­trust them.

4, Characteristics; change of behavior. Controlling or intentionally harming others, torturing animals, uncontrollable anger, greed, dishonesty, insistence that only their beliefs are right, and egotism are obvious reflections of dark souls and dark entities operating through unaware people. Infiltration by those entities is evident in people who formerly did not exhibit those traits or condone the actions and suddenly their behavior includes one or more; a slight tendency toward the traits or actions and/or cracks in the psyche “invite” this.

5. The aura, like eyes, is a dead giveaway. Ask your soul to let you see the person’s aura (energy emanating from the body) and look two inches above the head. You may see only a fleeting glimpse of color, a form or geometric symbol; depending on what you see, you know whether light or dark energy is flowing from the body. A cross or some other symbol you feel is sacred will identify a lighted soul; if you are light energy-sensitive, you may see gold, white, blue or rainbow prisms around the person. The auras of dark souls are dark, corresponding in degree to their energy emanations, and any symbols you see will be the opposite of what you think of as good, or light­e.g., a small viper, a tail (may be lashing out), an inverted cross or a broken star. Look down, about two inches in front of the person’s feet, for the same kinds of symbols that are in the aura.

6. Radiated energy. Energy-sensitive people can feel warmth radiating from lighted souls and cold from dark ones. With the pretense of seeing something on the floor, feel the energy by the feet; dark energy at that point is icy cold. Icy cold hands (unless holding an iced drink) or clammy hands always is a tip-off to dark souls; if you mention their hands, they may say they’re nervous, not feeling well, etc.

7. Other physical reactions. The negativity of dark energy streamers is very heavy and creates a heaviness in your sensations when you’re in the presence of dark souls or people under the influence of dark entities. Also a lighted soul usually starts to feel repulsed, and some will begin to feel their skin itching. Dark energy is parasitic; it drains your energy and uses it to refuel itself. After such an encounter, your body may need lots of water, sea salt or even sugar to spontaneously regenerate itself. You may feel a sudden stiffness as the chakras work to protect themselves against dark energy streamers or feel throbbing in your temple or third eye area. Chakras always instinctively act and react to protect the root system and alert you to the dark energy through physical sensations.

8. Levels of darkness. Dark forces attack their equal in the strength of light-filled beings. Lesser-strength entities will move away from bright light; they can’t bear to look into it or stay near its energy. The more light in a person, the stronger the entity sent to invade it; “tests” for light beings become correspondingly harder because new, stronger entities come. Dark souls and people through whom the stronger entities work have NO power over souls who stay steadfast in the light and know its greater power; your “safety net” is WITHIN, not in any external source. ALL levels of darkness can be defeated by knowledgeable action on your part.

9. The innocence of young children and animals gives them heightened sensitivity to energy. Pay attention to the reactions and body language of children who seem suspicious or express fear for themselves or others and animals that keep a wary eye on their animal and/or human family­they try to avoid people whose energy is dark and feel a need to protect others from dark energy around them.

10. Protection. You must be aggressive against the dark forces. Write out and memorize the following words, which were given by God; these exact words are essential because the vibration they carry is your protection. After you have memorized this command and practiced enough so that the exact words easily come to mind, the command will come immediately and automatically as a sensation and verbalizing no longer is necessary. Practice quieting your mind, then saying aloud or mentally: “In the name of Jesus The Christ, I now command that if you are not of the highest, most evolved form of Jesus The Christ Consciousness, that you are to here and now disappear immediately and NEVER return.” Dark souls CANNOT disobey this command due to its vibrations.

The darkest souls are the most cunning, most determined; they seek a lighted person on one-to-one basis and engage in direct and steady eye contact, like a cobra, to mesmerize the person. To break the effects of their powerful gaze, think the word LIGHT with forcefulness. This command is essential in that situation; the dark soul can’t disobey its vibration, which is the light intensity equivalent of that soul's darkness. This command isn’t a substitute for the other one that's required for protection in other situations.


Matthew’s Guidance for Novices in Telepathic Communication

The capacity for telepathic communion is your birthright, a province of your soul, so welcome it and use it wisely. Ask for protection of the Christed light prior to recording a transmission or receiving information away from a computer. Do not receive when you are ill or fatigued physically, emotionally or mentally or when you are feeling stressed or fearful or angry­your energy level is low in those conditions, making it easy for low level entities to enter your energy stream. Become self-confident but be humble about your new communication ability. Do not become egotistical or focus on fame and fortune; the energy attachments of those thoughts and feelings are certain to connect you with dark sources. Please share with other soul searchers the light-filled information you receive. If they are experiencing the beginnings of their own connections, advise them about these precautions.


Suzanne Ward