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new Sciences, and new Experiences beyond your capacity to envision. But imagine if you will a life of non-complexities that simply will free up time and allow for one to connect with all that is.

The Whole Universe is going through the Ascension process. Presently we of Sirius A and Sirus B have moved into the 11 D realm. Many of our comrades have returned through the Star Gate from your beloved planet Earth to undergo the Ascension process only to return 11th dimensional and resume their contact and missions with you. You see we have cycled also. We are most impressed with your push to move forward and this advancement has moved you to the 5 D much quicker than the Sirian High Council has anticipated. And so it is, you are ready to receive the Gifts that were promised so long ago. This auspicious moment has passed onto you most a phenomenal experience you are about to engage. Welcome to the Universe!

Many Blessings, Sirian High Council

With Knowledge Comes Responsibility In the Name of ONE , Sandy ~ ~~
