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The Chief Would Like A Word With You "Karma"

Received by George Barnard

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s more accurately, precisely, flowingly. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu, and I want to speak with you about goodwill. Let us now begin.

“I want to speak with you about goodwill, about truth, about lies, about reality, about realness, unreality, and about karma. Yes, karma, good and bad, let us use the terms most of you are familiar with.

“Developing goodwill means exactly that; growing the very will to do what is right, the acquisition of the very habit to do the things that are positive, that are progressive, and that are to the advantage of another, or many others, as well as self. And a life lived like that, in goodwill, is what accumulates a tremendous amount of positive karma.

“In considering your stays in this terrestrial realm as being only the tiniest part of your eternal lives, it is appropriate, it is good, and it is profitable to live in goodwill, to live in truth, to not ever live a lie. Here and now, unlike in any other time or place, the real credits are earned.

“In any agreement, in any contract even with yourself, or with others, in any form of cooperation, written, signed and sealed, verbalized, or merely implied, it is important to live in truth. It is important for the other party to understand, to know, to perceive, and to experience that which is agreed upon. Anything other, deals with a lack of truth, an untruth or a lie, and constitutes un-reality. That which is other than expected, deals with serious negative karma.

“In small ways and in big ways, this is a time in which much of this will be experienced. This is a time when cooperation between individuals, as a sheer need, will blossom all over the world. This is also a time in which many, who have taken up positions as leaders of nations, states, groups and parties, may be attracting much in the way of negative karma as they refuse to fulfill those duties to which they were appointed.

“This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu, an observer of millennia on this spaceship Earth, being about as political as I will ever get, and unrepentant about the directness of my words. I will now release this receiver from my clutches.” (Laughter).

George: “Thank you Chief. Wow!”