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Message From The Sirian High Council

By Patricia Cori

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wing that there is no other knowing that the time is upon you. We ask you to take inventory of your methods, your intention and your resources. We call upon you to take responsibility for every thought, every act, every word. And we ask that you move decisively and with absolute determination – speaking your truth in every moment and space: to be as leaders, unshakable models of integrity and the clearest voice. To be as teachers for the children While laying yourselves open to their visions of the New Frontier.

You do know what you’ve come here to do, although life’s distractions may have blurred your memory. But here is the moment you knew was coming – The time when you are being called upon for your clarity and strength – your ability to shine the light into the darkest corners; your desire to rouse the sleeping from the deep; your capacity to serve as beacons for those lost at sea. Rally the others and help them, too, to move swiftly … in the light of human consciousness. Never losing sight of the fact that it is the time of the Earth Keepers - a time to give back what you have taken from the earth.

Go now, children of Gaia …you are at the threshold, ready to turn the key ready to walk through. -
