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Online Channelling through Meg Blackburn - May 3, 2006

Meg Blackburn

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y patterns have changed once again and continue to speed up. In such a way they are coming at you from a horizontal positioning, streamlined as they move through the dimensions and gaining momentum before they slice through you like etheric knives. As they do, you are being opened in even more ways that are not familiar to you. You are being given all at once re-harmonization in such a way that you are being shaken to your core. Karmic circumstances arise to your awareness and force you to pay attention. Are you listening? Do you see that now is the time to finish certain situations, acknowledge your inner truths, open your heart to new and different experiences and notice completely in what place you exist within yourselves at this time?

None if this is a problem. The only time that there is a problem is when you are resistant to the changes. Many of you are being affected in physical ways as well. Your bodies, being the most dense of your manifested selves, are displaying symptoms to the changes as well. The back of your heads is changing. It is widening and

thickening. This allowing for expansion and protection of your brains as your conscious expands exponentially. As a result of this, some of you are having headaches of unknown origin. Some of you are having stiffness in your necks which may move into your shoulders as well.

Eye issues are rampant at this time. Anomalous disturbances within the field of vision, tired eyes and blurriness. Others of you are having digestive issues. Your liver is sluggish, your intestines irritable or slow functioning. Your kidneys are taxed and your joints are aching in places they never have. Do you embrace the pain or dysfunction of your physicalities as an outward sign of your inward struggle or do you continue on track toward your ultimate goal of perfection as a soul experience?

Many of you are at extremes of tired all the time or so energized that you do not sleep. You awaken hour after hour, or do not sleep at all. Emotionally, many of you at this time are finding it difficult to remain balanced. And so it is that you choose to fight back or to hide and not deal with the changes which occur within you? Do you understand that the need to fight back is the embracing of outward illusion, misperception of truth and an acknowledgement of imperfection? To take the changes personally is something only your ego would do. Your ego is dishonest. Your essence knows the truth. The entirety of creation is experiencing these things. Relax and allow yourselves to shift with the changes.

And with this shift comes changes within you and within your world. It is what you have prayed for. It is that which you have strived for. It is what is necessary for the very light to expand and create those changes that will ultimately lead to your release from self imposed illusion that there is any imperfection at all. And the changes are escalating. Many of you find yourselves being carried forward as if something greater is propelling you into experiences that take you to higher awareness, synchronicities and abundance within your very being. Others of you are finding that you are also being propelled forward as if you are careening out of control and you can't seem to find a place to jump off. That is because you haven't yet jumped in. You have allowed yourself to become of the illusion that you are a singular and omnipotent being that is alone in your journeys. You aren't really participating in your journey, just coasting and waiting for it to end.

What we mean by this is that many of you have told us that you are tired. That you feel as if you have completed your journeys and that you want to go home. Do you not realize that in every given moment you are home? That your essence lives where it chooses as it moves through its process, your process? Do you not realize that the light of home as you call it, resides in every aspect, every cell every molecule, every energy that runs through you at all times?

The light of your being is there for you to call upon to tap into your origin, your cosmic lineage, for the benefit of not only all of the experiences you have ever had, but those of everything that came before you and that mat possibly be. To embrace anything other than your perfection is untruth. It is illusion, perception gained by the opinions of others as they have lost sight of their own perfection. And so what we say to you is this: Do not worry about the state of your progress. It is what it is and has always been. Instead, allow yourselves to savor every moment of the journey in such a way that each moment becomes a profound experience for you. Each bringing a revelation of your perfection and all that you are and all that you have been, as all of your being is perfect in any given moment.

If you had truly completed all of your karmic circumstance, all of your challenges, you would have no need to be present in human form. At the same time, you would have nothing to gain and nothing to contribute within the experience of the One. You would be light. Or not. The challenge is to shed the perceptions of being alone in your flight. You have the wisdom of the ages at your disposal. We and others are with you at all times. Whether you choose to accept or acknowledge this is yours to choose. But if you wish for a positive and expedient progression of the shift that has begun, if you wish for your journeys to be filled with higher vibrational aspects, if you wish for your hearts to be full and for you to receive that which you often give, then you must accept and participate in the flight. Live your truth. It is beautiful.

Many of you are waiting to find your purpose, or depending on that which you have been told by others to come your way because if they said it, it must be so. It is not. Your purpose is not a singular achievement in your life, but every moment that you are. We have said this before. As you choose, as you live, as you love, all that you are communicates with all that is and tells it the details of your experience. As all that is receives your messages, it rearranges harmonically and restructures the reality of itself. Concurrent with those changes, the One communicates back to you, to all of the light essence that resides within you and provides limitless options for the next moment. As this occurs, your experiences change as do those in all of creation. Imagine having that much power. Imagine the limitless possibilities within the One. Imagine. You are unlimited.

So the bottom line then is to remain within your personal integrity. By this we do not mean honesty with others (though that honesty is important) we mean honesty within yourselves and of yourselves. When the experiences you are having reflect equally above and below from within and that which you see outside of yourselves, the Truth becomes self evident and you are no longer of any discomfort. When you have given yourselves the freedom of being that which you are and that which you have always been in such a way that your being dictates your experiences, you will have found that which you have sought and that which has sought you. It was there all of the time. Perfection.

As yours and with Grace, we offer to each of you and to all of us as well the remembrance of infinite blessings that live freely within the integral whole. The infinite choreography of simultaneous being of, with and within the light. That being is in and of love. Be in peace.