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Mother Earth Speaks: To the Political, Business and Military Leaders of the World

By Maiyaa Bhadra

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oing to me. Each time you drill into my crust, each time you do a underground test, each bomb you drop onto my surface in your warring, each sonic boom, sends vibrations that go all throughout my body like a shockwave. It shatters my crystalline structure and causes damage to my techtonic plates. For you to understand what this feels like for me, imagine someone punching you in the teeth repeatedly and despite your screams for mercy and your howls of anguish they will not stop.

Because there is so much of this going on at all times I have no time to recover, to regain my balance and to heal myself. I am asking you to be as kind to me as you would be to a human relative whom you love that is ill and give me the time and space to heal myself.

I am asking for one full solar day, 24 of your hours. That is all I am asking for. Just one small day.

I am asking you for one day to cease all drilling of any kind, all underground testing, all mining and blasting, all bombing and explosions of any kind.

I know you need my resources to live. If I have time to restore myself I can continue to produce those resources. Please do not deplete what little I have left. You are draining the life out of me. I cry and you do not hear my pleas. Please hear me. Please take me seriously. Please show me the same compassion and respect you would show your own mother, for I am your Mother. I sustain your life as you know it. I birthed you. You sprang from my soil and you go to my soil when you die. I am not inanimate. I am alive and growing as your scientists can tell you. I am a sentient being. I am the sentient being you depend on for your life to continue.

I know that this request will send people(especially the oil and mining interests and the warring parties) into a panic and they will think that they cannot comply with this request because it would bring economies to a standstill and they would be afraid their enemies would take unfair advantage and they would lose something they value. I ask you to consider, would you rather that, for one day, or would you rather continuing to have such severe catastrophes? Would you rather I run out of resources and everything die here on my body? That is the risk you run though you do not wish to accept it.

Go, take a holiday, play with your children, love your beloveds. Sit on my green grass and look at my trees and rejoice and celebrate your life. Dance and sing and play music. Eat and drink and be merry. Come together to enjoy one full day of peace and a rest. It will all be here for you when you come back to it. I'm not going anywhere.

I have given you my bounty for thousands of years. This one day is all I ask in return. I ask for one day a year to rest, to recover, to restore myself. You can have the other 364 days. Please, all of you get together and agree on a day once a year and honor your committment and keep it as the most sacred day to you. My body is as sacred as is yours. Please remember that. In that day put all your anger, hatred, malice, defensiveness and greed aside. To those who commit crimes against other human beings I would ask you too, to take this one day a year off. I am asking the world of human beings for one day a year to do no harm to any living being. It will be a good rest for you all as well as for me. Make this day, instead a day of kindness and joy.

I have asked this ordinary woman to deliver this message to you. She has no stake or political influence, no agenda. She is just a common woman. Please heed her words. I have spoken to her because she was willing to listen and to carry my words.

I love you my children.

Mother Earth

This message was channeled by Maiyaa Bhadra on October 10, 2004. Please distribute this message widely, especially to world leaders, to the owners of oil and mining companies and to military leaders throughout the world.

©Maiyaa Bhadra 2004. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reprint and distribute this message as long as it is not altered or edited in any way.
