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Activation Of The Grail Point

The Pleiadian LIght Through Hannah Beaconsfield

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you some information about another point on your spinal energy core that is coming into activity now. This point is not an ancient one that became dormant with the descent into darkness, but rather a point held in the DNA, the genetic patterns, that represent the ascended human species.

This point is activated first on the astral body of consciousness as the new DNA patterns come into play on that level. Then the energy "bleeds through" to the physical level. This new energy capsule begins forming between the heart and the solar plexus. It is just below the base of the sternum between the converging ribs.

In the chakra spectrum we would call the color of this center an apple green, blending solar plexus yellow with heart green. This is a subjective interpretation of the frequency of this point. Others are "seeing" it as a gold or an iridescent vibration, shimmering with many colors. We like the apple green because it summons a color image of clarity and light, combines a

warm and a cool color and it resonates, in the apple symbol, with some of the mythology of your deep psyche.

We are calling this center the Grail Point because it is the point of containment for the Christ level of consciousness in the ascension process. This point connects the lower chakras of Earth focused energies with the upper chakras of transcendent energies. It is also a point that acts as an integrator for the total energy network that sustains ALL the bodies of consciousness. It radiates outward and effects all the chakra points (major, minor, and transpersonal) with its energies. The energy of this point is the spirit support for the bodies of consciousness transformed by incoming light energy. It is the Christ-light within and it has already begun its activation on the astral and extension to the physical.

The Grail Point is an energy center that is connected with the ET founders from Sirius. It was incorporated in the latent genetics of the astral body, programmed to be activated at this time in your development when the ascension process is beginning. This center is receiving support for its activation from the incoming Sirius energy effecting the Terran development now. This influence is coming from channeled material, walk-in spirits, and starseeds with a strong Sirius connection.

The theme of the Grail, which transcends the Medieval associations with the Jesus drama, has been part of the mythology of the human species on Earth since its inception. This is because, as an ASTRAL REALITY it has "haunted" the human subconscious and surfaced in mythic form from time to time. The connection with the Jesus drama is a very important one for the current understanding of the true meaning of the Grail. It is understood by many who study history, theology, and mythology that the Grail Cup represented, on one of its multi-levels, the womb that carried the latent genetic coding forthe ascension process. Jesus was born of these genetics and his ascension to the Christ Consciousness was through the activation of the Grail Point and the characteristics carried by its energy frequency. This was the "Sacred Heart" of Jesus. It is the point that links the human emotions (third chakra) with unconditional love (forth chakra). Both Jesus and the Mother Mary have been depicted with this Sacred Heart image.

The Grail cup, holding the blood of Christ, is a symbol for the Sirius contribution to Earth genetics. The seeds of their contribution are just beginning to germinate now. They are the seeds of integration and ascension to the Christ level, for all humanity. The Grail quest is not an elusive dream, always sought, never attained. YOU are the Grail: the container for the Christ level of consciousness. The Grail is not something to be found. It is something to be opened, activated and released from within.

The subconscious knowing of the Grail potential has played itself out in certain dramas designed to both preserve and/or disseminate the "genetic line." These contradictory impulses have served the species though often through painful means. There are certain genetic lines which are familiar to you in your present world situation which are good examples of how this drama played out. The connection with the Hebrew line is a most obvious one. The subconscious impulses, in the case of the Hebrews, was to preserve the astral genetic potential by exclusiveness, by discouraging inter-marriage and establishing closed communities, whether by choice of under duress. History and forces of opposition however drove the Hebrews out of their home base and they migrated around the world. Though exclusiveness was still encouraged, human nature took precedent and the genetic programming was shared with all the nations in which they have lived.

Another group who carried a strong original inception of the Sirius energy is the group you call Celts. Their source for the astral "implants" was in the area of the Caucasus Mountains, which was an early ET "breeding ground." The Celts swept across Europe and like the Hebrews shared their energetic astral patterns with all along the way. In their last stronghold, Ireland, they were moved by opposing forces to take flight to the New World and spread their astral patterning there as well. (As were other groups.)

A group also forced to move by opposing forces through their history were the Gypsies. Their origin was the Indian sub-continent in the foothills of the Himalayas, another ET stronghold of genetic inception. You can see, by forced emigration, the mass-subconscious was in fact spreading the energetic patterns to assist the eventual ascension of your world. This form of genetic civilizing is a characteristic of the male dominated forces of your more recent history.

This same astral genetic potential has been carried by some of the civilizations which resonate a more feminine energy. Many of the red and brown skinned races of your "third world" countries carry a more "feminine" life approach. These groups have often been assaulted by the more male dominant civilizations. Though they have been reduced in numbers by these assaults, they only had to hold their ground, to survive, to be available at the beginning of the ascension process. And since the feminine aspect is rising to an equal position for the ascension, their contribution will be felt in a very strong way. You can see that the potential for the inception, opening and activation of the Grail Point as a major chakra in the human energy system has been very effectively spread all around your world in preparation for the transcendence of the species.

Through your recorded history there have been many times when opposing or dark forces working through various groups have attempted to sabotage the evolution of Earth to become a planet of light. One notable modern example was the Nazi attempt at genocide. The deep underlying motive of the dark forces use of the Nazi movement was to wipe out the

"Jesus genetics" or the Christ Consciousness potential for the Earth consciousness. In addition to the Jews, they also targeted the Gypsies and other groups they feared. This was a last ditch effort by the dark forces. Filtered through the human factor, there was a misunderstanding of the scope of the changes ahead for mankind and the true nature of the Grail energy.

Fortunately, the light DID and WILL prevail or we and other ETs, from ascended levels, would not be communicating with you and the current obvious signs of change would not be visible. The signs of change herald the movement of the world species to a new level, a new dimension of reality. The emergence of the Grail Point is to create an aperture in each person for the energy to initiate, support and express ascension.

Those among you with strong ET ties, particularly Sirius ties, will feel the opening first and the rest will entrain their energies to this Grail frequency. It is just one aspect of the ascension process, but an important one.

Be at peace; the Light IS within.

**Hannah is the author of WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH, available from Light Technology, 1-800-450-0985 and RIDING THE PHOENIX: Surviving the Global Resurrection, from Xlibris, 1-888-795-4274. Both can be ordered from WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers

e-mail: Hannah Beaconsfield has been channeling for many years, beginning with automatic writing, which she still uses most of the time. In 1989 she began voice channeling with the help of Lyssa Royal and her channeling course. Hannah is a metaphysician, Choreographer, and Artist.
