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Daily Quado: The Power of Thought Forms

Through Carrie Hart

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nce or more about this when addressing other topics. I would like to hear a whole segment on the power and effect of the mind on our thinking and thought forms which are continually sabotaged daily by the slightest doubt, thwarting our intentions and affirmations.

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Yes, of course, of course.

Please think of yourself as one integrated organism. Your busy mind influences it all. It influences your emotional state, and this emotional state in turn lets loose a flood of chemicals into your body, thus influencing your health. A negative emotional state can completely undermine your life, making you unhappy, making you sick, and also influencing what actually comes to you in life.

This latter happens in two ways. The first is that the negative mental state turns away from opportunities which might otherwise be fruitful, by seeing anything new or unexpected in a negative light. And secondly, the negative thought patterns and their resulting emotional states actually create energy patterns which push away what you want and pull toward you what you do not wish to have in your life. Yes, yes, it is true. You can become a magnet for what you most fear and wish to avoid.

And you can also learn to become a magnet for what you truly wish in your deepest heart. You have this power, both powers. And it is all up to you.

Begin with taking responsibility for your life and your thoughts. Realize that it is your mind, and if you focus on it, you can learn to control it, you can learn to bend it to more positive thoughts, you can learn to become a master thereby of your entire life. Learning to control your mind can change your health and can subtly alter the forces around you. It is a very, very powerful thing.

It is amazing, is it not, how people try so hard to control life, try to control other people and circumstances, manipulating and bullying life so that they can make others do their bidding, while they are simultaneously undermining themselves at every turn underneath the covers, within their own mind? Do not try to control the rest of life. Control yourself. Learn to know yourself. Control your mind and your thinking. And from that will flow a new life, one in which you are not trying to control anything, but in which you are a part of a flow, a powerful flow which brings with it what you want and need in your life. And for those other things, those other forces which simply occur out of the collective consciousness, the quiet mind will learn acceptance and surrender, finding a way to happiness even through the tumult and turbulence of difficult events and obstacles.

There is no state in the future which contains your happiness. There is only now, and now contains all of the happiness you could ever hope for. Remember this as your primary principle. Now is all you have.

And the mind does not live in now. The mind lives in the past, working it over and over, and in the future, worrying and fretting over what might be. What has been, what might have been and what might be. These are the realms of the mind. And they are completely fruitless avenues of pursuit. For all that really matters is now, what lies before you now, what action you might take now, what productive and fruitful thinking and action you might pursue right now at this moment, and of course, what happiness you might just reach out and grab right now.

The path to everything is through now, this moment, through going down deeply into this moment and seeing what it holds for you. Your emotional state should be one of gratitude and appreciation for life, for being you, this precious person, and for being alive now, in this moment. And from there, see what lies right in front of you. See what doors are opening right now, not what doors have closed in the past, not which doors did not open as you expected. But which ones are opening right now. It will surprise you, if you allow yourself to become aware, how many open doors you walk past each day, simply because you had not controlled their opening and did not expect them, and therefore dismissed their importance. And yet, these are the very doors you should be strolling through as the mechanism to fulfill your desires.

We have spoken much about meditation and will speak of it again. The purpose of meditation is to learn to quiet your mind, to gain some mastery over it. It does not matter if you are frustrated that your mind is too busy. Spend the time in bringing it under control. Relax and spend quiet time, letting the thoughts drift across your mind. Keep pulling your focus back to the mantra or visualization or other object of your meditation. Do this gently and easily, without emotion. Spend some time each day, twice a day if you can, to just observe the mind and exert even a bit of control over it, and it will begin to pay off. You will begin to get an awareness of the mind. And with that awareness will come control, for you will begin to be able to tell the difference between a thought of criticism and blame versus a positive thought which is an actual consideration of something you might do.

You will never still your mind completely. Do not concern yourself with that. Just become more aware, and learn to turn it from the negative to the positive. Learn to turn fear into love, criticism into acceptance, blame into forgiveness. Learn to pull yourself out of regret into the present. Learn to turn yourself away from worry into action. Learn to recognize negative thinking patterns and begin to gain control.

This is enough. This is enough.

And over time, you will notice that the mind will not bother as much with its old habits of thinking, because it is always turned away. Just say gently, “Hush, hush, not now,” and substitute the positive for the negative. Do this over and over through the day and it will begin to have an effect. Meditate in the morning and then police your mind through the day. Do this faithfully and you will begin to gain some measure of control.

And as you do this, as you begin to spend more time in the present moment and with positive thoughts, your life will begin to turn around. Instead of beginning your day telling yourself how horrible you are that you ate so much or spent so much yesterday, begin with telling yourself how beautiful and wonderful you are, and then quiet your mind and fill it with intention and commitment.

And remember throughout the day that spending and eating happen in the moment, not in the past and not in the future. They are decisions you make at the time and for which you must learn to take responsibility. Now, at the moment of their happening.

Take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings. Forgive others and yourself in each moment and then take control over your mind and your life. Forgiveness is a very important element in moving forward from your state of being stuck. For if someone else is to blame, either another person or yourself in the past, then there is nothing you can do; they have control. But if you have responsibility, then it is yours to change.

So take full responsibility for your actions and for your thoughts, for your feelings, for your health. Own it all. And if things are not going the way you wish, look to your mind for the cause and adjust your thinking. Things are the way they are. They are as they are in this moment. Accept this moment with love and gratitude and see what it contains.

What it contains will be far better than your old hopes and dreams in any event, if you will but dip down and look closely. For what this moment contains is in fact happiness and joy, right now, deep down, all the happiness and joy you could possibly wish for. Right now. For you. Love and peace and joy, and they are yours right now, in this very moment, underneath the busy chatter of your mind.
