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Daily Quado: That Feeling Of Deja Vu

By Carrie Hart

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find yourself in situations that are unexplainable. You tend to feel like you know this and you feel connected somehow even though it is new and unfamiliar yet quite exciting. It makes you want to follow up; why is this so?

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Yes, of course, of course.

The people that you meet in your life, new though they may be to this physical existence, this one little life, are already known to you on another level. For you are living on more than one level. You are existing here, in this physical life, having this great adventure, and yet you are also existing above this life on another level, the level of the soul self. And at that level, you are with all of the people; you are connected to them and side by side with them.

The level just above you is the level of the soul self, and there you exist as a unique soul, full of love and joy and connecting closely to everyone you have ever known in this life and others, and everyone you will ever know. You are there with people you have lost in this life, either through death or circumstance, and you are there with people you have yet to meet. You are all together, this group of souls, in quiet joy and harmony and deep love.

And at the level just above this, you are one with all spirit, with all that is, connected within the deep silence, the all. And at this level there is no differentiation, nothing that separates you at all.

And all of these levels, from the highest and widest to the intermediate where you are a souls and spirit without physical form, but made instead of energy, love , joy and peace, down to this physical existence, all of these levels exist at one and the same time.

As for events, these are a part of the physical life you are living. And you are living this life projected down from the soul self, with a cord of light coming down to you, pouring down the energy , joy and peace which is you at the soul level. And at the same time, or in linear time as it appears in the physical world but also in the timeless spaceless no-time of the soul, you have other lives, and these are also happening.

And all of these layers and levels are separate and at the same time are one, are joined, connected and all happening in the blink of an eye.

And so, yes, when you meet someone, you have in fact met before. When you go some place, you may in fact have gone there before, or simultaneously from another view, in another physical existence.

And all of this is true and not true, because it is all metaphor for what cannot be completely known, for what cannot be fully conveyed, for what does not translate from the great all of energy and being down into your meager understanding within this physical life.

And so, relax. Relax and enjoy the mysteries of life. Relax and enjoy the serendipities and the way things flow in and out of each other. Relax and believe that what you feel is meaningful, that things do in fact have a hidden character, a way of being in various levels. Relax and know that you are living a vital and exciting life on many levels.

And the most important thing to know is that in this physical life, with all of its limitations and yet all of its opportunities for adventure, within this, your happiness and peace can be greatly increased if you will but reach up into your own soul self, in quiet and peaceful meditation, reach up and open up the channel of energy which runs between you and your soul self, open it up and allow the joy, love and peace which are you to flood down upon you.

This is yours to do at any time. At any time you are in need, open up that channel and feel the energy, feel the deep peace which is you. At any time you wish to know more about others, just open up that channel and use your soul self to communicate with those around you. And at any time you need to know what it all means, just reach all the way up, up to the soul self and even farther and see if you can touch even the edge of the great oneness which is there, which encompasses and includes us all in the great and beautiful silence of the loving all.


If you have a question you believe might interest other Quado readers, please send it to me at Thank you!


Go to to hear a sample and order the Healthy Weight Meditation or the Quado Meditation on Self-Love.

Go to to learn how Carrie Hart became a spiritual healer, and what services she is now offering, including personal messages from Quado, shaman power animal retrieval and full spiritual healing sessions.


Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on
