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Through Dr. Norma Milanovich

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ic waves to enter the planet's auric shields. To receive these energies of the Divine, three portals of energy must be activated on July 18th, September 29th, and November 14th, 2003, that are destined to complete the harmonization patterns that need to be integrated into the grid.

Ultimately, the Earth's crystalline grid is preparing to receive the perfected force of the Twin Flame and Twin Ray energies as they pour forth from the Heavens into the souls of men and women alike. The flames shall burn the fragments of karmic residue that stand at the crossroads of each individual's destiny. The rays will bless the souls that struggle for union with the God of all there is. Human fragments and higher levels of consciousness must be prepared to receive these energies in the months that lie ahead, in order for the DNA to receive the coding necessary to hold the sacred geometric forms that will facilitate the re-unification that is assured. All this must manifest before the Winter Solstice of the year of our Lord, 2003.

All this will be put in place before the first warm wind of change blows across the prairies of time/space, and opens up the portal for the divine union to be experienced on Earth.

This experience contains three parts to assure its perfection and completion: the activation of the feminine; the activation of the masculine; and the activation of the beloved union of masculine and feminine energies on Earth.

The first of the portals should be activated over the ocean so the DNA coding can be aligned with the codes of both the emotional and the etheric bodies of wisdom. To successfully complete this step, only the feminine coding can participate. Thus, females of power (worldwide) are invited to participate in this memorable step for humanity's future evolution. The most ideal location is in an area of the world, where Earth's record keepers, the whales, are available to record the success of this venture. These magnificent mammals of honor and truth have the ability to connect with humanity's consciousness to hold the vision of unity that is necessary to bring the Twin Flame and Twin Ray energy together. These creatures of Light commit to holding the sacred codes in the future that will guarantee that these energies will indeed be reunified on Earth within the hearts and souls of humans everywhere.

We shall rename July 18th as a new Mother's Day for the women of Earth, as we celebrate the success of the Divine Mother in this millennium with these creatures of power. Women are asked to meditate for one hour on that day, at an hour of their choosing, to hold the Light of the Divine Mother within their hearts and minds, for the purpose of signaling the Celestial Hosts that Earth is prepared to receive the power and glory of the feminine codes that are preparing to come to the planet. A figure 8 must be held in the Third Eyes during this time surrounded by the purity of each heart's dream. The women are asked to be the dreamers of tomorrow, and to hold the perfected union in their hearts for this time on this sacred day.

We then, shall work with the heavenly hosts to instill the keys and codes into the grid that must be completed before any other step may be fulfilled. By consciously connecting and braiding together the DNA of women everywhere, we shall jointly create a portal of Light that will equal the strength of the divine masculine that is destined to be created in September. Nine blessings shall pour forth for the women who come forward with pure hearts to participate. These blessings will encompass a fulfillment of their dreams encompassing nine areas of their lives. Their visions, however, MUST come forth from their connections to their Higher Selves, and not from their individual egos. This is a requirement that must be met for the Creator's Divine Plan to unfold in its highest form on Earth. The Earth's grid will record that what is delivered; and we shall work with the DNA of the Light codes and the whales of power to assure that the Feminine Will, combined with the Will of God, shall manifest on Earth.

Date with Destiny - #1 of 3 Received from Kuthumi through Dr. Norma Milanovich


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