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A Channeling From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner March 29, 2006

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apidly. She is having what you call labor pains. She is moaning and groaning. Can you feel her or hear her? She is reaching out to all of you for your loving support. We help her steady her course but these times are not easy. She does not want to cause major disruption to life but will do what is necessary to continue with her pathway. Remember that you are blessed by being allowed to remain on the planet as the Earth is making her own ascension. Most of the time a planet ascends life is not there. The planet does it without having to support its inhabitants. So the Earth has to be judicious by still allowing for other life forms to remain.

It is unfortunate that the human egos think they are separate and apart from the Earth. Many fail to acknowledge the Earth is the source of all that supports life. Even the paper money they consider to be so valuable would not be available if the Earth did not provide the natural resources for this production. No one likes to be taken for granted, not even your Earth. There are many on your planet that disrespect and disregard the Earth and all that she does for them.

In the years to come people will begin finding their way back to the oneness with the Earth. It will become part of the earth changes that will warrant a closer connection to nature. You will begin to rely on each other and to connect with the Earth, sun, sky, plants, minerals, animals and all of life. It will bring you back to your original roots that your indigenous peoples remember.

You will be faced with some obstacles on the way but if you stay connected to your inner guidance and to the Earth you will maneuver your way through the troubled waters. I say it this way because the waters right now are beginning to play a larger role in the earth changes. You are observing this around the planet. We are watching them carefully. We direct energies electro magnetically where we can to assist so that damage is minimized where possible.

The Earth is making large statements to her inhabitants about her natural resources. What she is showing you is that you cannot continue to disregard natural laws forever. Resources dry up or flow to set forth new balance and growth wherever possible. This cannot be forgotten and the Earth will bring this to your attention.

The force of nature is strong and runs currents where they need to be run. Wherever you are you will see the force of nature speaking up. You will notice and you will have to adapt. You will be finding this new adaptation rewarding in some ways and challenging in others. You will realize who is in charge and it is simply not humanity. Your Creator has a hand in all of this and your consciousness affects each weather pattern and change. What could be better than you working together hand in hand for a change? This is the best methodology for getting the job done. Begin trying this now. It is time for you to merge back into the sea of life whether you are in the mountains, desert, city or country. Make an effort to create this re-union with the Earth so that you can be of the utmost assistance to the Earth and to others. It is the beginning of making new patterns for existence. We will help with the template.

From our perspective things appear chaotic on your planet. We can see that there is movement upon, within and around the Earth. Much is happening. Much is at stake. The winds of change flow fiercely now in some places and will continue to accelerate. Your thought processes also flow wildly. Your minds flitter here and there. You are attempting to process information that is flowing to you in the dream state as well as the awakened state. Sometimes you feel the need to take a rest from it all by leaving your body for a nap or by simply being some place else in your mind. Hopefully you avoid this during your driving.

You might be prompted to get some extra supplies and provisions for your selves and your families. If this is so, please follow your guidance. It is a good idea to have a back up plan during these uncertain times. Please rest assured that you will be provided for but anything you can do to make this easier for your selves will be a step in the right direction.

If circumstances change rapidly where you live you will need to be able to respond accordingly. Some of this will happen quickly without notice. Plan ahead. Stay close to your inner knowledge. Access your inner knowingness. Rely on you own response mechanism. It will be there when you need it.