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Atmos 06.11.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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have no such problems but unlike you, we are able to work and travel in the Now. Our existence is not on the same physical level as yours, but much higher and demanding physical activities are not part of our functions. Most of what we are involved in is controlled by the power of thought and an interaction with the subject matter.

As you might imagine, in the Galactic Federation we have thousands of members and every one of them has ships for home planet or outer space travel. Generally speaking they conform in shape and size, as you will have noticed from the number of sightings you have seen from Earth. The discoid, triangular and rectangular shapes are more common, and you will also see spheroid craft. This you would expect bearing in mind that our method of travel is using the push and pull of what you call gravity. There is also an exchange of technology between members, and we do help each other quite freely.

What we cannot do is help you on Earth until a real and genuine peace has been declared. To this end we are assisting you to make that achievement. You have developed your own craft, but only with the help of another group of ET’s that are not part of our Federation. We cannot and would not stop that occurring, as it would be interference on our part. However, within the parameters of our authority we have drawn a line beyond which further information must not be given to you. This is because you use advancement for military means and conquest, and we will not allow weapons of mass destruction to be taken onto Space. Attempts have been made to do so, but with full authority we have used peaceful means to stop such actions.

We are the peacekeepers, and we seek civilizations that are very much like your own, sufficiently advanced to be helped to make that step forward and join our Federation. With technology there must also be a growth in spiritual development that matches it, as other civilizations would be at risk. Unfortunately, you have not overall grown sufficiently in your spiritual understanding to be let lose beyond the confines of your Earth. We cannot interfere with your progress and must allow you to experience what you create, and this is the Law of the Universe. However, in respecting the sovereignty of others, we are allowed to limit the affects of your experiments and wars to the Earth itself.

You are in a unique situation at present, as your dark cabal is trying to establish a Star Wars program. This is highly dangerous to the population upon Earth and it is being closely monitored by us. What can be turned towards Space, can also be turned inwards to Earth and we will not tolerate such action. You have weaponry that is so powerful that you do not realize its potential danger, and we prevent its use. We have been given an edict by the highest authority in the Universe to protect the Earth and all forms of consciousness that is upon it. This we will do and more, as when the plans are fulfilled that will see the removal of the last cabal, we will declare our responsibility to you all, and arrive in peaceful circumstances.

There is a higher plan that embraces all of you and your Earth. No longer will a realistic threat be allowed against you, and it will be removed. It is now time to learn of your true being, your past and your future. We shall give this information to you, and we shall join forces in great joy and happiness as we travel the path to enlightenment and full consciousness. There will be a peace beyond your present understanding, one that brings trust and friendship so that all can come together for the one purpose, your Ascension. We bring with us a great Love for you, and you will see this in all we do for you. It will be a wonderful occasion for you, and also for us as we have watched over you and cared for you for eons of time.

Would it be that we could convey how we truly feel about you and your conquest of the dark within the cycle of duality. It may seem to you that you have not yet won the day, but I assure you that everything is about to change upon Earth. We see your future already in the Now, and we will help you manifest it very shortly. The Light and Love that permeates Earth is rapidly grounding the energies that will bring about an end to your present chaos. There are so many good things that are coming your way, and you will soon forget all of the troubles and pain you have gone through. Indeed, it is time to start putting such experiences behind you, and live the perfect harmony and balance now as it forms around you.

I am Atmos, and trust that I have been able to lift your spirits a little higher. The Creator has ordained your future and it will manifest accordingly. Have no fears or doubts, your day of release from this journey has arrived. You are truly amazing people and I express my Love for you all.

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey

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