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d draft folder ha.

Last night, when i was attempting to survey the mess in there...i found it again. So I am passing it along for what it is worth and so i don't forget again. I wondered to meeself, is this the "right time" (due to the tsunami situation which is gut wrenching and heartbreaking to the max)? Then i there a right time? There is always tragedy, loss, suffering and so on. Just because CNN is not doing full coverage on all the suffering and tragedy in this world, does not mean it is not going on in many places on any given day. To wait for the earth to be totally at peace before anything was shared, would mean it might never happen. Who knows...maybe some of this will help those who are trying to understand and/or aid others etc...

Anyway, thought i would try to add a couple more pieces to the puzzle. As always, take what you want and leave the rest.

His message is as follows

: **************************************************

Please know that what i am about to share with you is in NO WAY a "doom and gloom end of the world message." It is not being given in a yelling fashion or in a "lord-like" way. It is simply a sharing between friends, as has always been our way.

I wanted to explain something about federation forces/beings. There is a law that states NO MIND PROBING against a persons will is allowed or tolerated. This has ALWAYS been the case as it is a law of the Creator. That goes for out there as well as when those termed our people, come here to aid. (those affiliated directly with us, it is not a statement of better/worse, nor is the meaning behind it such, it is only the truth) Many here within the federation are shocked that people are saying and believing things contrary to this. Some are saddened over it too. We realize we have a long road ahead of us too if we EVER want more truth about us known. We know and understand things have gotten messy and the why's of it. And we place no blame in these areas.

We are not allowed to go around probing and knowing all about other people's lives and business uninvited. No matter who we are and what our job is. That is a serious offense. Not unless the person here is willing to share with us, can "mind links" take place. And no hurt or harm is done. It must be mutual. There are other ways for us to know what we are dealing with and to spot things without infringing upon the rights of others. It is usually a longer process, and it does require interaction at more of a ground level, but that is the way taken so as not to be disrespectful, or trample upon free will issues. These things also apply for those ones who have chosen to leave home in order to aid down here. Not that they left all that they had at home. But they are "muted" once in the flesh and for a time. Free will is given to all beings and cannot be gone against by any being/person. Nor would we want those things done to us either. (others barging in and probing our world with their minds when permission was not granted or it was not a mutual situation) Those that choose to stay closed off and refuse to partake of these things are not forced to do otherwise. Unlike many believe here. That is not the FEDERATION way, this i can assure you. Nor is it the way of the Creator. Even if there are some beings that are doing these things. It goes against everything we are. The consequences can come immediately from that. Let me explain further....

It is usually those down here who have certain abilities already, where things flood in, making reference to "knowing another persons thoughts", but it is not intentional probing on their part. There could be a several reasons, one being lack of experience and still learning about what is happening. Another reason being, that direct link with the source which does at times, over-ride ALL laws in ANY world so as to provide what is needed for the job being done. IT can be a life saving thing if one that has these abilities might be standing next to another who would lash out and/or injure others. It is NOT an offensive and "sneaky", "malicious" maneuver on the part of the person/being who has certain abilities given and attained, when those abilities begin to fire up. It is illegal to use them in "sneaky" ways. But sometimes a sudden rush of information can come in. At times like this, it is literally God given and very natural. Nor is there mind tampering or invasion ALWAYS going on (not if they are truly federation). Those that walk here today who are already past this stage and have the higher degrees of the source moving through them, are not in the public eye and for many reasons. This we know. Very few know them and most never will. Too many have given into worship scenarios for that to be productive. Therefore they have to stay working in the background. These things are a gift of the Creator and credit should also be placed there as well, it is how you will recognize them, when you do meet them.

Have you heard about the time frame when "all things will be revealed"? It is a direct process that occurs from the "source". The source is a green swirling mass of energy that one can see from our ships. That is the scientific part that is needed down here. Spirituality mixed with the scientific. This core is NOT a being portrayed in ANY religion on your planet. This is very misunderstood in your world. The Creator itself is NOT any of the super-beings portrayed in any religion. It is literally a force that is in all things, yet has a concentrated core that can be seen. When this core expands and fans out, which happens every so often to varying degrees, this is what is termed "a wave". This force or Creator "surveys" everything every now and again and these "waves" are part of that process. This only happens to the degree that is going to come, every so many thousand years. It intervenes directly. Whether people are aware of it or not. No mediators, no lord situations or upper beings from any religion, of any kind and no one is exempt from it. It is at a time that belongs to the Creator alone. In fact the Creator bypasses, as well as goes through the whole system of things. People have been promised and warned of the time coming. Both have been given.

People will receive from the source, that which they are deserving of. Whether anyone likes it or not, here or out there. NO being dishes things out directly at times like these. Even those at the very top will not make decisions and act on that, involving the fate of others, once this wave begins. The old ones and the masters would not do something so foolish. Not to mention the fact it is impossible to stop it because it IS the Creator. So NO WILL en mass or otherwise can over power it. It is not possible. "All things are possible with god"...UNLESS the Creator's "wave" begins which is the maximum of love, power, understanding, chastisement, punishment and all the things you know that make up everything.

During this wave, gifts can come to each soul ready, which is between them and the source. It can give gifts if one is deserving. (prophecy, healing a couple of examples). Each person getting something different, unique and all equally beautiful and special, no matter what level they are or will receive. For those that have attained some level of certain abilities already, it can be a time to increase that a bit. Where people err is when they take credit for these things without giving honor to the Creator for having the power moving through them, for whatever reasons.

Some words to carefully consider. No one should try to compare or fight over what each other is given, or it will be instantly taken away too, and again by the source. No judges, no super beings involved. No one should attempt to lord over others as well with what is attained. A very serious offence. Again you can lose what is attained. People who are doing these things now, need to stop themselves. They need to realize their mistakes before this next "wave" comes, or reap the consequences, and by their own hand. Those that acquire gifts will be on to the next learning phase, as far as how to use what is given without hurting oneself. This process can go on quietly as well. It can also backlash and become dangerous for those that would choose to use these things in wrong ways.

There is also protection given BY THE SOURCE to them while they learn and again directly from the source. NO TECHNOLOGY ANYWHERE can penetrate such. NO SUPER BEING can circumvent. The creator is also responsible for the levels of technology. ("All things are of the Creator") So suffice it to say that can be bypassed by the source as well. That is the truth whether believed or not here. It is what keeps "those at the top" in our world, quite humble to say the least. To doubt will automatically block one's own progression as well as not find favor with the source that created you. Those that have not gotten there yet will still have protection which involves other beings like "Kyador" as they should not have to endure situations beyond that which they can handle. But this comes only after the source has finished its process, however long that may last. Maximum love is given and shown by others because none are "the source" itself. It is shown however, in a slightly different way. Love on all levels, unbiased.

We wait to see what is given too, as it is given, and watch the process that is unfolding at this time. No being knows all things in this area and it is a special time for us as well. It will come as a shock to some and is many times unexpected to those it happens to. It is usually those who think or have been deemed by society as small, worthless and "not special" , "not loved", "not popular", "not deserving", among some other things too numerous to list. They may need aid at that point to keep from getting too unstable while they adjust to their new abilities, talents, whatever they might be, which will not be used in the ways that are known/portrayed here. A new way will come to be.

Others will need aid when they realize they did not live in the ways they should and receive the rewards for that, which is a rough lesson. However, even tho the Creator gives what is necessary and deserved, unbiased, there will be those standing by to give comfort as well, and attempt to show them where they have erred, so they can get in on things if they choose to at that time. Another situation that will be happening, those who did receive, will be passing the "love of the Creator" on to those who have not yet done so. Or using their gifts so as to benefit others. If a person refuses to do that, and horde what they have received for selfish reasons, they can lose what has been given. NO BEING ANYWHERE can stop this process except each soul that chooses not to listen and apply or those that become too offended and react in unproductive ways. Again sorting the wheat from the chaff is ultimately the Creator's job when done "en mass". After that stage, other people and beings carry out a variety of tasks, whether the majority of people are aware of it or not. Here and out there. There are beings and people that do these jobs when the source is not as active directly, so as to MAINTAIN the will of the Creator and for those who have not made it back or repaired that relationship. Especially in a time frame like this one. And no one is exempt from being chosen, so to speak. No one has to be a guru or a spiritual master to do so either. The Creator can pick and choose whom it will, no matter what station in life the person or being is.

At times in human history there are larger "waves" that come, which is about ready to commence. Souls can always return to the source, from where they stand, any time and individually as the source is already aware of all things. The Creator however, is what calls or chooses first. Ask and ye shall receive. Ask and it shall be done. (for those who have earned that right) This is just as true now as it was then. Obviously those that would ask for things more self serving in nature, will not get everything their way as they have not realized the things about the Creator's will versus their own and how to use that power properly. Those souls that bloom more individually rather than at the times of the en mass, larger wave, are never exempt or left behind or all of these things that are believed and portrayed here. ANYTIME is good for the Creator!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!! This has quietly happened in this world, and all others, since what you know as "the beginning". Because the Creator, the love and the truth has always been. This is the promise mentioned, as well as what has been foretold in reference to natural disasters and things of this nature. It will be both depending on what each soul has done, how they have chosen to live and so forth. The more that are gathered who are similar in nature, and have not lived loving, productive lives, the worse this wave is on those areas when it moves through. Again, this is by NO HAND that these things happen. It is by the source that this comes to be and is carried out.

No one should be made to feel any less special because of their mistakes made, level achieved or not achieved. People should not be rejoicing while "thine brother or sister falls", but should pity the fate that is coming for SOME, not all but SOME. Others should be grateful you are not one of those types. But in the act of rejoicing make sure you are not rejoicing over the down fall of another or you will become the same as they. Again to do so is to dishonor the ways of the Creator. It can cause a discharge or power failure to occur. The level will decrease, abilities can be lost no matter what stage you are at and what they are or where they reside. One risks losing what they were given or what they have when they behave like that.

The source has "its times" where this whole process can happen more en mass. It cannot be controlled, circumvented or stopped. It is that unique time humanity was informed about and has been talking about for a while now. The old ones or the masters are good at giving a guesstimate and usually when people begin to experience the influx of information given by beings like that, it is VERY close. They can also monitor this "core area" for familiar signs that this process has begun. It can take place and subside rather quickly, for those who are ready. Whether that be individually, in small groups, or even in larger groups. Take heaven for example. Doing manna daily circumvents any massive back lashes from occurring. It is a rather smooth process because each soul knows daily where they stand and so forth. It is also why it is a requirement to become a part of worlds out there. But it may reek some havoc in the lives of those who either do not understand or those who do not believe this happens, those who do not care or those who believe nothing will happen to them no matter how they act and what they do to others.

The ways of god are simply to apply what you have been given and what you have learned, no matter who you are, what gifts were received and to the best of your abilities, always giving honor and glory to the Creator, the source from whence you came and will return. Things have become unclear, or false due to the description that some people are giving when it comes topic. In addition, many things have been lost over time for whatever reasons. People are worshipping many other beings, instead of the Creator, which has given life to ALL of our souls. Or they are believing they "are god" which is just as inaccurate. This goes directly against the warnings given over time. It also goes directly against the Creator which is the responsible source for the creation of ALL BEINGS, and ALL THINGS, here and out there. If things are not clarified, those that are just about ready, may miss these special opportunities which can come. Not to mention the further damage that will come by NOT clarifying. All we can do is try, and our job is done. What people do with that is up to them.

These attempts are not being done to preach or lord over, but in an attempt to clarify, in friendship and love. It will also give those ones not living right a chance to wake up and realize what is yet to come. There are people and beings who are very skilled in determining when these "waves" are coming. And not only do they reside out there, but down here as well. Look at your own world and all the people reacting in various ways. It is not because they are crazy, but because there is also a mass awareness taking place. People just know. Nor does it mean your whole world will be ripped asunder and things of this nature. But it can bring with it some changes on the surface of the planet that can be quite tremulous. AGAIN, no being can control, prevent or stop it when it is the Creator itself that acts.

There are those who have tried to stop and/or alter information given for whatever reasons. No one has that right. Those that do try to block the process, block only of themselves. Not to mention the repercussions that will come by blocking others from receiving more information. In addition, it is no one's right to make judgment calls for all of humanity and what they are ready for. Each soul is at a different stage of development, so it goes without saying that some will accept things just fine while others may not. Nor is it our right to with hold information, which is why I am passing this on now. With the hopes that some will hear.

There are also ways that a reversal can happen in a person's life when touched by the Creator itself. So even the most wicked can suddenly be converted or "see the light". Another way this has been stated here is "god leaves a way back for ALL of his children". Those who spoke of converting energies in days past knew it could be done in love and to a DEGREE, IF the receiving person or being was open to that. BUT when the Creator itself moves, it can be instant and happen on a larger level. This is another reason why people are cautioned not to label other beings or people "enemy", because it may not be the final decision of the Creator. And that label can be reversed and placed upon you at that time as well. All things are possible with the Creator.

If those in a more awakened state do not hold onto the things they already have and know, as well as live it, they risk losing what they have attained. They stay quiet to watch those who are still practicing or not at the same level, without the students realizing it and to gently give aid if needed. They have in many ways been sentenced to silence due to other peoples reactions when they try to speak. Some here believe it is the PERSON that is trying to "brag", and all manner of accusations can come when information is shared, but this is not the case. If it is someone who brags, they are not genuine. There is a difference between bragging and sharing. Those that have TRUE, GENUINE power, never brag or threaten others with these things. They do not reveal the things "known" about others which can do more damage and harm than not. Those that have loving ET guides will not use their guide as a weapon against others or to raise themselves over others. Using this relationship wrongly can also strip it from you. These contactees will be the ones that always remind people it is of and by the Creator these things happen. It is not stated in arrogance, but in humbleness, and with the awareness that there is a source that gives to them. Nor can other people or other beings do any of this for another. Those that would show lying wonders with technology are just that...lying wonders.

A person will only receive the level that they can handle and are ready for at the time. Again, no being out there decides what is given, who receives, when and how these things happen. Once those who move into a new area or acquire new abilities, they will meet with others who will be available, because this stage also requires further training which too will come, as long as people stay open for that, thus the guidance part. Many people can be very good candidates for more, BUT will their own reactions prevent them from it? And you can lose things at any stage along the way. Gifts given are not always kept because of false pride issues, people not wanting to take guidance, or people trying to use things in wrong ways against each other. And when observations go out, these people and beings can adjust themselves, to keep themselves from losing all they wrought. Even if one does, it can come back again too. It is up to each soul, how long they wish to take to fix things, adjust and so forth. There can be no higher honor, nor can there be anyone that can stand in the way when gifts are given from the Creator itself. It is also why it was stated, fear ONLY the Creator, which is always a healthy thing to have in SMALL quantities. It keeps one humble. It also keeps one from thinking they know all things. Even the highest masters and old ones have a tiny bit of this in them no matter how advanced. It is natural to have, for all of us. Those who have seen more and do know more of how the Creator itself works, on a more factual basis, also have a huge amount of respect for the power involved. Again it keeps one humble.

The gifts from heaven referred to are of a different nature. They are not as great as those that come DIRECTLY from the source. But it is also sad when those who did not heed what was told them have to go without. So we take care of our brothers and sisters non- judgmentally, knowing that they too will be ready at their time. I/we love them. So it is possible visiting and experiences out there will be granted for SOME, to give an example. Training can also be done in a variety of places as well. A preparation process is involved with these situations, and it takes time. We are not arrogant, and these accusations have nothing to do with anything. Nor are they helping anyone reach their desired outcome. Did those in days past come here to associate with people and do the things that were done because they believed people of "heaven" are better than all others? Is that how the message was received here? Because it was NEVER the message that was given. Not unless it was a mockery and being done by those that went astray a long time ago. (here and out there)

Opposing forces are hoping to wear out the basics of the message given. So many are focused on the messenger and trying to prove right/wrong, that they are missing the why's things were brought to begin with. Many here have heard, and even understand these basics, but when it comes to living it, they go against this message most often times. Do you know what the fate could be? These forces are attempting to use things against people here so as to bring about the TOTAL destruction of this planet in a very interesting way. To hold all of earth accountable for not hearing and trying to apply basic universal law given by the Creator, which means humans would be deemed as "not capable", and by choice. Worse yet, it would have brought about the final fate. (a point they have been trying to prove all along, in spite of the fact it is not ENTIRELY true) All beings out there in the more decent worlds, already know and live these ways. It has more to do with the ways not being heeded, than it does the messenger who brings these things.

The fallen ones KNOW WHY THEY FELL and can use that to their advantage. They also know about these "waves" that come and have been working THEIR plans in all along the way. They are trying to make people here, do it to themselves and by their own choices. I/we believe there are still those that can hear and apply without getting angry and pointing fingers or becoming offended and so on. All these things are unproductive and will breed more of what people will not want when that "wave" begins to roll and crest. I/we believe that these beings have already failed in their attempts to destroy this planet. Or better terminology would be to cause those here to destroy it. It does not take many to do the job that is necessary to prevent this. But there is still that "wave" of the creator that has been expected and is coming, which will be the final decision.

There are people who are not going to receive due to the ways they've chosen to live. Furthermore, they may not care too much about all of this to begin with. They would ridicule and even take the life of those who would attempt to bring this information in publicly because it "goes against what they believe", which can make some quite vicious. This is not attributed to ignorance or blindness either. But they have chosen to go against universal ways intentionally, and wish others to do the same. They really are happy at this point being what they are, whatever that is, and would hear not. It would be cruelty and tyranny to the maximum to attempt to force them to see all these things and demand they hear. Which is not even possible actually. Nor is it our way, it is highly illegal in our world. It is also not the Creator's way. We don't go against that. As stated by many, let God be the final judge. And so it will be.

Again, probing someone's mind without permission and authority is HIGHLY ILLEGAL, we need to get that message circulating and clear on this planet. People are allowed to say NO, and sometimes it will effectively make them leave. Things of this nature bring consequences to ANY who try it from more decent worlds out there who have and maintain their relationship with the Creator. So also will it do the same to anyone walking here as well. It is why information is given through "a contact" down here. The whole planet has not agreed to "mind-linking" and things of this nature, which leaves no other option for those trying to get more data circulated. People are very much allowed to say "NO. Sometimes doing just that will make the being/person leave.

To those that are not federation, they too will see consequences. There are also some who have come here to walk around like an open book for any of these probing and malicious beings to take what they will from them or do what they will. It was a mission of love, which they chose. It is also the final warning stage. The people that have chosen and done this job, really have been stripped bare and many cruel things have been done to them. They speak not of it usually and also because of the "wave" that is yet to come. Their faith lies in the fact the Creator will also see all things and act accordingly. It is out of compassion for what humanity has had to deal with that they are doing this job. It is for the hope that their wayward brothers/sister, will see the error of their ways while they still have time to do so and willingly stop their behavior. (here and out there) When that wave hits, it will expose the atrocities to the Creator IN FULL.

Yes it knows all things, but also has its times where it is more passive, and then more active. Repercussions will come and will seal the fate of certain ones that have full knowledge of what they are doing and permanently. It is for the sake of ALL BEINGS INVOLVED, that they are doing this job, whether understood or not. It is why they do no hurt or harm to anyone, even when they are wronged. These cruelties are NOT being denied. These certain ones also hold no hate/prejudice within for acts committed against them. They know why not to do that as well. Maybe some of the beings who are taking what does not belong to them by force have learned, even if they took things in a cruel way initially. We can only hope. It was their last chance. Please know, these are NOT threats given to instill fear. These are observations that the time is near.

For those that are Federation, they loose what they have and instantly due to their relationship with the "all that is" if they go against this probing, mind tampering law. No matter how much the person is liked or not liked, this does not figure into things. No matter which masters are watching that happen or have tried to warn them. It can happen right before the old ones and the masters and none can stop it. It is sad when it happens. Some lost these powers long ago and then they have no choice to attempt other things involving their personal will by using their technology. Which again will have automatic consequences when this "wave" comes. If the Creator sees improvement in these ones, when this wave hits, then access will be granted by it directly, whether any standing around like it or not. To react to those things can make some who have attained suddenly lose what they have.

Showing a prejudice side will also keep one from moving forward, until they change that. It is what is. The source is UNBIASED, just and fair and yes the MAXIMUM in understanding, knowledge and even love for ALL BEINGS/PEOPLE/LIFE, whether understood or not by too many here or even in some worlds out there. It is also the most powerful force to exist, over ALL of creation. Technology when used wrong, is next thing they will loose. I promise you that. It is the will of the Creator only they don't realize it. After this wave comes, and since they have no right to be doing these things to people against their will, it gives others the right to intervene on the Creators behalf, as well. If they don't cease and desist, they will be loosing far more than they believe. Some already have.

For those who have been victims of tampering and abuse we hope they do continue to come forward because we do have those watching and waiting to receive this information. And again, we are prohibited from probing, even if we do have those who have already shared with us what has happened to them willingly. There are those watching and these things can be stopped. Knowing the approximate location of where the person resides (city/state) would be a way to help us find them, as well as an indicator that is their wish as well. This is a very populated planet. We do have had access to maps and such. We have managed to find some already even if they are unaware of it. If it is not something that people want to go public with we hope they realize that there are ships scanning for any victims and their locations so as to make sure these things do not continue on. The details as to what they have endured can be sent WILLINGLY, up and out, and will be received by those waiting for the information "out there". All we can do is ask, whether believed or not and whether specifics are given as to what will happen from that point on and how. The most important thing is to stop it from continuing.

We believe humanity needs what is contained in this email so as to understand some of what is yet to come. I think people have failed to share this information down here for whatever reasons. It is what was and is meant by god's will. It is the source and NOTHING can block it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to block it when that source reaches out to people and does it's will. Nor is it moving through any other being out there and then coming to earth in that fashion at the times when this "wave" comes. It has no need for that in all honesty. For anyone in the universe to try intentionally "exercise their will" over this "wave", would be foolish. Not only foolish but dangerous and could bring about their own end. Yes it is true, the source is all around as well as within, but the CORE also has IT's will and does exercise that.

Please feel free to share what has been offered. Even as an "anonymous tip" which will hopefully be received in earth's favor and in larger quantities of people. And there might be some who are ready to hear and understand. And since too many people are getting wrapped up in the person that is sharing, and not reading the information, it is best to circulate things on a more "anonymous" basis for now. The unproductive responses will decrease their chances considerably of possibly being a part of what is yet to come. So it is for them that we think about the best way to approach the release of information. If they react, the creator/creative force will know all this and give or not give accordingly, and their rewards will be bitter. It can be no other way. We try to keep that from happening when we know what lies ahead. It is the best we can do. This time frame is no more governed by the person sending the information as it is by the person that receives it. But the information contained in this mail needs to get out to those who are ready, to those who will hear and to those who might be waiting for it. Which could be anyone in all fairness.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May the love of God guide you and keep you always in its care. Many blessings always, now and throughout eternity.

Peace be with you always,

"A Friend" *******************************************************

I wish everyone the best for a loving, safe and Happy New Year. Take care all.....


