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A Planetary Message For All And The Crystalline Light

Channelled by Antoinette Moltzan

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Information is presented in many ways to unlock hidden awareness of the history of the human struggle to find the human reality of spirit in all of human nature. The influences most predominant are the vibrations of Cosmic Light.

Planetary energies you perceive as movement of planets in your universe do effect conditions of human nature. Each of you is a composite of planetary Light. Each of you is connected to the vibrations with each planet within your sphere or universe. Each of you has a composite of energies that are predominant for your life, for lessons and for your individual journey. But, the planetary frequencies affect what you believe, the stage of development of your consciousness, and the state of your physical wellness.

So we tell you in the now, Crystalline Light is the predominant frequency that will be the overseer of this millennium. It is this vibration of the Crystalline Light, that brings into human thought what is associated with the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, or what you would relate to as Cosmic Awareness as Cosmic Consciousness. To understand the Cosmic Awareness is to recognize there is a higher dimension of being, both in thought, in mind and in life activity and that the laws of Cosmic Awareness govern the principles of human experience.

So, for the millennium it is a time of raising human awareness to a unifying of humanities connection by mind, spirit and love. The detriment is the history of separation. Separation is that which has come in the beginning of the soul's own journey from its origin or its state of first cause. The separation began in the earliest phases of individuality of human thought and soul awareness.

Today the planet as you observe is struggling with many obstacles. The history of power, the history of the development of humanity is in conflict with the more evolved souls who have come from the higher planes in Light. You are observing the conflicts between the old historical civilizations and the new consciousness from the newest developed countries in the planet. You are observing struggle in the planet between the records of karma of old and the establishment of new opportunities for this next cycle of human life.

Individually you find yourself reviewing the way you think and feel regarding your own personal life. You are feeling and sensing relationships of your own being brought to the surface. You are looking at your connection with members in your family and the review of your individual life and how you have acted out your personal identity. You are also experiencing desire for change, desire for release from the negativity and the struggles of your earlier years. You are at the brink of a new stage of becoming empowered with your own soul's Light and your higher self's intent.

The Crystalline Energy brings into your thoughts and into your heart, a clearer understanding of your relationship to your highest intent, your life path and history of your soul from past lives. The desire is to achieve balance with the masculine self and the feminine self, and to unify these inner powers of your self, individually, consciously and actively.

So yes, we hear how you have observed struggles between the matriarch and patriarch of consciousness. We will tell you this; the matriarch part of human life was in its strongest power during the earlier Egyptian years. And the women were perceived to be the spiritual mothers, the spiritual beings that allowed the masculine self to walk through the challenges with greater wisdom and Light and opportunity. But, as the human race became more predominantly active in the search and creation of human needs, the feminine experience became less in its dominant stage and more of what is perceived to be the submissive energy. The years of these suppressed experiences have come to a head, and the lack of understanding the true power of the feminine self is brought to the surface. It will seem evident in the next decade how the equality of each will be more balanced than ever before. But, the soul of the feminine nature must achieve its state of inner Light and freed from the anger, suppressed and abused, that has been the history of its mass mind consciousness. So abuse has been put on the table and all that has been caused as a lack of respect and honor is being put on the table and there is a healing for all that are ready to receive their greater good.

A time comes when the power of both are in one expression, yet not lost of their individuality and not separated from the origin of their nature, but totally together as a connection of Spiritual Mind, Soul Essence and Divine Light. So, the frequencies of energy most in motion is that which brings a Cosmic Awareness into human nature.

Mars as you so recognize, moves into a position that will be seen by earth and it will be a very unusual event for this cycle of time. The influence of this closeness to the planet during the time of the month of August, will reveal a great deal of the unhappiness of a human's experience of living. It will cause the conflict of separation to be intense, but resolution comes with Divine Love, with the feminine principal of the healing Light of what is perceived as the Venus effect. With the Mars/Venus in motion as an equalized consciousness there will The frequency and influence of Neptune brings this into effect.

This summer there will be great struggles in the nations, in the conflicts that appear right now as undesirable conditioning. However, the human evolving life and Light will bring victory to the conflicts that now seem impossible, unjust and unfair. This is a time cycle of true focus on the integration of one's inner self with the outer activity.

We bring this word to you. The vibrations of the Radiant Crystalline Light is intensified, it is a magnification of what is perceived the Cosmic Consciousness into human activity. It is the frequency that is to be the visual image for planet earth. Visually see all the Light as Crystalline. A radiant diamond like in its radiance and see it as a shower or energy on human thinking and human need. Accept this is a constant flow, felt by many and all who will receive. The effect of this will seem different; some will appear in grave confusion and conflict, others will seem as though they walk through all the uncertainty with a clarity of mind, a radiance of spirit and a Lightness of heart. Some will find they truly are in a universal experience, a cosmic event, oneness with All That Is, one that sees the inner as total perfect unity.

The other aspect of energy most predominant is, the Silver ray of the Cosmic Mother, that which is the frequency that nurtures humanity with the feminine principal of Light. In this moment, perceive you are in, a radiant vibration that nurtures your mind and clears the body and centers you in being receptive to your creativity.

The events as you will see them; in a political arena will be very conflicting. It will be hard to see the truth. It will be hard to discern what is real. It will seem difficult to make choices. But, as you keep your thoughts on the heightened state of human development, you will know what the truth is and let it be a true revelation in you. Let go of the fear surrounding it. War and the conflict will continue to be a scramble between many that have been under cover with hidden realities. Be patient and visualize peace. Do not give up on what we see as the outcome to a greater reality.

The economic process, will waver for some time, but in this present stage it is moving through a more positive effect. Each of you can become more stable in your path. The more you believe in what you do and the more you are centered and focused on what you must do, the more the inner power comes to support you. Trust this, it is so. Do not lose sight of who you are, what you want to do.

If it is service to children it is a great gift. If it is service to humanity through teaching and writing and Light, it is so. If it is to become a representative of what you see as evolving humanity, this is all in your hands. Business needs the Light too and business is the arena most open for the Light to come through. Do not think you are, compromising your path because your vision is to be of service in business to, it is all part of the greater good. To recognize success is to expect your self in rightful power. So, let go of being limited. Let go of feeling out of sorts. Let go of feeling helpless and trust you are bringing Light to what must come.

This is a time that is very exciting, even though it appears very challenging. So from the Order of Melchizedek we bring this to you, let the message go out, let it touch the hearts of those who will see. Now, visualize the radiance of this Light magnified for all the earth and just let go of personal pain and be centered in the radiance of this Light and energy.

Peace is a project, it has not failed, it is becoming, it will become and is an absolute in the time cycle that is correct. Walk in peace and trust, and so it is.

The Council

In the Name of ONE , Sandy
