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ings we would like to say at this time.

And they have to do with what is going on in the world at this time

you see.

If one is looking at the news, one would think that your world is

devolving back into the `dark ages' almost, with wars and threats of

wars, atrocities, and inhumanities making the headlines almost

everyday now.

What we'd like to say at this time is that this is a sham, it's an

illusion and a distraction. A `smoke screen' has been created by some

on your world to `overshadow' and disguise what's really going on

underneath all of this.

And that is that the process of ascension is accelerating more and

more each day now, and these persons know this. They're not dumb and

blind. They can see what's going on. They can see that there are

changes going on in front of their eyes. And this is what's causing

the turmoil, the anguish, the fear, and their feelings that they must

do something `right away' or it will be chaos for them.

That's what's really going on now at this time.

The other things, as we said, are designed to `cover this up', to

distract people's attention away from the changes that they feel

within themselves and that they see around them.

Nobody's talking about those things, you don't read about those

things in your newspapers or see it on your television news. But

they're going on nevertheless, people are changing, your world is


Soon there will be chaos on your world, seemingly, as this process

accelerates more and more now. Those individuals that don't want

people to know, are planning to disrupt normal activities and normal

living `patterns' to an even greater extent in the very near future,

you see.

But all of this will be in vain. It will be prove to be useless

activity because the `Great Changes' will overcome these other


It is like a `great storm' with heavy and thick clouds, obscuring all

light. Even though people are told there is light above the clouds,

they say `well maybe, but we can't see it. You tell us there is light

there but we can't see it. So until we can see it, we have to believe

that the clouds are all there is. There is no sunlight, there is no


But eventually the heat of the sun disperses the clouds and they

evaporate, gradually at first but more and more as the day progresses

until finally and at last, the light pours through the clouds and the

people say, `there was light there after all. Now we know, we can see

it, we know for sure now that there was light there all the time, but

we just didn't realize it.'

Well, even though the clouds are thick on your world at this time,

and they're due to get thicker from these activities, know that

there is light above and it will shine through. The chaotic

conditions will not work in the end. It will be seen as only a

subterfuge, a temporary ploy to delay the inevitable as long as


So have patience, dear people, until very soon now that light will

shine, and it will disperse the clouds. The chaos will come to an end.

There will be no more wars, no more killing of fellow human beings,

you see.

No more tears, no more `hurt'.

Instead, hope for the future and eventually a long awaited `Paradise'

for your beautiful planet.


All the best to all. Lyle.