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Message From Kuthumi, Sept. 14, 2003

Channeled By Michelle Eloff

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in strength daily, which means that there is much to be excited about and much to look forward to. It was not part of the original plan for the 6th dimension star gate to be opened. It was originally decided by the Councils of Light that humanity would not be in a position to hold the responsibility of this energy. This has however changed and you are ready to hold this energy. The 6th dimension is the fluid energy of love. It flows everywhere and into everything thereby bringing immense opportunity for healing and growth. When one holds an intention and focuses on it through the 6th dimensional energy star gate, it is able to manifest within 3 - 5 days, sometimes between 3 - 5 hours.

This energy is also enabling the true Science of Love to become manifest, enabling all to come to understand the truth about love. The understanding of love has been greatly distorted, but now it's truth will come to embrace you and your world. This energy is acting like a homeopathic medication at present - things appear to be getting worse, but in fact they are getting better. You and Gaia, Mother Earth, are now being presented with the opportunity to shift your consciousness into the 6th diemnsion, which is also resulting in the profound shifts of consciousness presently being experienced and witnessed. One of the great illusions that has been manifested by your world has been created by feeding fear and disillusionment through the media by presenting only that which is negative to the people of the world. This obviously keeps all isolated from the truth, which is that there is also an incredible amount of good happening and positive experiences taking place.

As individuals, you can take some of your prayer/meditation time to focus on the mass consciousness and help that consciousness to begin shifting it's fear to a point of being embraced in love, which will eventually result in a far more peaceful environment, and activities occurring which are not coated in fear, anger &lust. The less people who focus on feeding the fear, the less calling there will be for it and so the light will take over completely. Some of you are saying in your mind right now that this is an idealistic concept, and in no way will this become a reality, not in the near future anyway. However, if you begin holding this ideal in your heart and mind NOW, you will make a difference for the generations to come, and what IS important is that a difference IS made. As Gaia shifts into a new vibrational frequency of experience, in the present reality, you as individuals are experiencing the same shifts inside. Your beliefs are being challenged and for some this is incredibly frightening, because there is more and more evidence presenting itself that some of the original structures that created most of humanity's belief systems upon has not been entirely based on Universal Truth, but rather coloured by the human ego. There is an uprising occuring inside rebelling against lies and illusion and demanding truth. Many are feeling a big emptiness inside that has been felt for a while now, but can no longer be ignored.

It is the time Beloved ones of moving out of DENIAL and into ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and ACCEPTANCE. It is in truth easier to experience the short term discomfort of moving out of one's comfort zones, as opposed to the long term discomfort of remaining within your destructive and debilitating comfort zones. Change is inevitable and even though you may not consciously feel ready for many of the changes that present themselves, know that your soul is ready and has brought you this opportunity. Anything that remains stagnant manifests disease, water that does not flow becomes bilharzia for example. Come together Leaders of Light and implement support structures that will assist those who are in dire need to make this transition. No one stands alone and there is never a call for help that falls upon deaf ears. You need to help one another as much as you need our help, love &support. Spirit always supports the process of growth and healing.

If you take time to reflect on that which has unfolded in your life you will see that you have always survived and that you have been supported in manifesting your present reality. Therefore, support is always present. If you are currently experiencing so called negative experiences, you have been supported in manifesting this so that you can learn from it, clear out the old energy, end a cycle and be able to move onto the next experience. But because one spends so much time, and energy focussing on anger and fear and interpreting the experience as being a lack of support from spirit and blaming spirit for your predicament, you, and only you prolong the uncomfortable experience. Instead now beloved ones learn to be grateful for all that you experience, and recognize that everything is taking you closer to goal, whether "good" or "bad". When you are in a "negative" experience, thank your soul and spirit for bringing you to the opportunity to shift, heal, learn, teach & grow.

Ask then that the Divine Presence of Spirit bless you with the grace to utilize your insight, intuition, inner strength and courage to recognize all the opportunities that will help you complete the lesson and move on. Ask that all you experience manifest in accordance with the highest will of your soul. Each morning when you rise ask that you be Divinely protected and guided and that you experience only that which is your Divine plan and that all else in dissolved through the presence of love. Ask that the Power of Spirit channel its Divine Wisdom, Divine Light, Divine Truth and Love through you in every word, thought and deed, and trust that ALL IS AND WILL BE WELL IN YOUR WORLD. Believe, beloved one's that there is a higher plan and that you are not entirely aware of it's greatness and where it is leading you, therefore you must relinquish control to your soul and the Power of Spirit to take you through the blind spots, around the tight corners, through the dark tunnels and up the steep hills to find your way to your destination safely and without having had to waste time because you weren't able to "see" where you were heading.

This year of 2002 has been a great lesson of learning to have to relinquish control to the soul in order to manifest any kind of sense and harmony in your life. It has also been the time where very often harmony could only be manifested through conflict. This was the opportunity to heal old cycles and climb off of the wheel of old karma and embrace your Soul Plan. You have until the end of this year to utilize the powerful energy that this year offers you to do this, take advantage brothers and sisters and set yourselves free. Bid the victim inside farewell and embrace your power to be all that you have ever dreamed in order to experience the full capacity of God's blessings for His/Her people. For those of you experiencing the Spring season, use this time to purge yourself of your old obsolete attitudes, beliefs and habits, and embrace the glory of being presented with the opportunity to welcome in this new cycle consciously and with greater awareness of what your intention should be. This will prepare you for the theme that you set for yourself for the new year of 2003.

For those of you experiencing the Autumn season, use this time to travel within to find what no longer serves your path and to embrace the opportunity to understand yourself and your needs on a deeper level and in a more conscious way. This too will prepare the theme for your new year's journey. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that we are only a thought away. May your hearts be filled with trust, healing, faith and love. I am Master Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai. Remind yourself often: All All thoughts create. Then decide what it is that you want to make.

In the Name of ONE , Sandy
