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Message From SpiritFeather: Global Lifeline Cleansing

By Spirit Feather

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ned a portal for spiritual guardians of Earth to come in to aid us in healing the planet. We are to guide these beings to bodies of water and, with their assistance, place an emerald green net flecked with sparkling gold in the water to act as a seive which will clean the lifelines of Mother Earth.

To support us in this project, which we hope will reach around the world, we ask you to visit the streams and rivers near where you live and invite these energies to join you. You may picture them anyway you wish...Master Kirael has called them "Aryan Nile" and there are hundreds of them waiting to be of service. Ask for two of them to lay a shimmering green and gold net in the stream or river as a fisherman might lay a net to catch fish. You may also do the same with lakes, bays, they all are conduits to the oceans. These nets will last for years if placed with intent and thanks.

As coordinator of this project, I would then ask you to report back in which streams or rivers these nets were cast. I have set up an e- mail account at where you can e-mail me your location. We feel that direct contact with these bodies of water is best. However, if you are unable to reach them personally or have a certain affinity to a body of water that you have had experience with, a long-distance net placing is highly reccommended.

I would invite anyone to read the history of this project on the Tribe of Light website. You can read about this mission under "Water Lifeline Cleansing Project" and post your net placements there if you are a member or become a member. I will make frequent updates from around the world to that site and keep everyone abreast of this project here as well.

This is an exciting project for me and the Tribe of Light. It is our greatest hope that this cleansing of Gaia's lifelines will spread around the world. Please feel free to send this to as many people as you know. Being a leader of a project like this is a new thing for me. It is exciting, yet a little daunting. I am hoping for the beautiful support of the lightworkers of the world.

Following the message, I have copied the question I posed to Master Kirael and his answer, which began the ball rolling on this project. My deep blessings on behalf of the Tribe of Light for you help around the world.

Amy (Spirit Feather)

Question: Is the work I've been doing with the Aryan Nile energy going in the right direction, and what is the next best direction for me in the next few months in relation to Mother Earth?

Kirael: I would suggest that if you're listening to Mother Earth, that you'll hear her pulse, and over the, actually the next 2 months is what I would be more interested in. As you listen to her pulse, and you're going to have to be very close to her, and before the wintertime sets in, and before she hardens up her Earth surface to , to revamp her energies, before she does that, you're going to need to listen to her pulse very clearly. Understand that those waterways of which you speak are her lifeline. That is what sends her energy from one part of her world to the other part of her world. And they will always have to be cleansed, not by running strainers through 'em and not by throwing sulfurs and everything in, but they're going to have to be, God Bless you for this question, they're going to have to be strained by LIGHT.

Which means, I need you to get to any of the waterways that you've got near your home and I need you to open up nets of light as the waters pass. You only have to place them and leave them. They'll last for 2 or 3 years if you put them in right. And start everybody, and you can coordinate this for me my friend. You can coordinate people around the world, telling you where they have put the nets in their waterways. And no matter where they're running from, from whatever part of what mountain down to what sea, every one of them has to be cleansed so that Mother Earth's ocean has as much cleansed water coming into it as we can get.

You have a journey to do. Test Mother Earth's heartbeat. Listen to her, make sure that she's in good order, and start clearing her lifelines. Not just the water, my friend, start clearing her lifelines.

Thank you, and Mahalo
