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Through Mike Quinsey

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of our function is to monitor the Earth itself, which is undergoing massive changes.

Our role is to ensure that it takes place as smoothly as possible, and with the minimum of damage or upheaval to you. We are able to do much work in this connection due to our experience and advanced technologies. Without our help, the changes would at times have caused widespread damage and loss of life. Mother Gaia has a consciousness and is aware that the time has come for the Earth to be cleansed, and it cannot take place without upheaval.

On one level, the negative energies that have accumulated over millennia of time have to be cleared. On another, it is the rape and pollution of your lands caused by the industrial era, which has to be completely eradicated. We can quickly restore the environment, once the cleansing has been completed. Because we have already surveyed the Earth, we can start immediately the signal is given to proceed. A lot of our work will be carried out from Space and you will not be aware it is taking place. We are no strangers to you and over the last century have often carried out cleansing work, particularly in respect of the fall out from your nuclear tests.

But for our help, you would have been in a dire situation by now and your food chains and health would have been seriously affected. You have an expression, that you make your bed and lie on it, and this is very much the case. If you do not learn the consequences of your actions, you will never seek to lift yourselves out of the problems you create. But Mother Gaia has been patient and put up with your disregard for her, but no longer because time is short and she too is now preparing for Ascension. I know that there are large numbers of you that find it difficult to comprehend an Earth that has a consciousness, but I would tell you that it is the same for all matter. It is a matter of degree, and some forms are very simplistic, but all learn through the inter-action with everything else.

Mother Gaia has a thinking, loving, and caring for all of the life forms she carries along with her. It would be nice if her part in your evolution was acknowledged, and your thanks given to her. But you are now beginning to understand the connectedness of everything and how you have a responsibility to all else. You were given what was needed to have domain over all else. However, you have lost your way, and not understood that this was meant to give you the custody and caring of it, not its destruction.

Because we can measure the energies of Earth, we are also aware that there is an upsurge of Light, and we see it beginning to transmute the areas of the dark. This is because of your newfound will and strength, enabling you to tackle the problems you have. You have realized that your most powerful weapon is your Light and Love, and that you can meet the dark on a level where they cannot handle it. It is wonderful to see the effect you are having, and its promise that in short time you will disembody the dark who will surely collapse. We help you where we can, but the task to reverse the situation has always been yours alone. We cannot be seen to interfere and unduly influence your actions, but play our part in ensuring that the Creator’s Plan is fulfilled.

We are very aware of the great Hierarchy that commands the legions of Heaven, but it is in no way forceful. Everyone is working in full co-operation with each other, and we come from all over the Universe to witness and take part in your Ascension. We have a command structure that will enable us to mobilize our Fleets and personnel at extremely short notice. Our parts have been well rehearsed, and for many this is by no means the first time they have been involved in such a venture. Our work is based on our love for all life forms, and we freely give of our time and resources for the momentous occasion that is soon to start.

We see how things are progressing, to the point that we can categorically say that we shall be openly amongst you by next year. Events are speeding up so dramatically, that they can no longer be held back and the outcome is assured. You are but a blink of the eye away from taking back control of your lives, and at the start of a new era of freedom and a great coming together of all the people. Relax, but keep your minds on what needs to be done, as a lot helping hands will required by your new leaders that are readying themselves to take over. These are beautiful souls just waiting to come into the open and lead you to the Promised Land.

I AM Atmos, and just one of the millions of your Space friends who are waiting to greet you. We shall come together very soon, and there shall be great celebrations all over the Earth. I send you the Love and dedication of your friends and fellow travelers, We Are All One.

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey
