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Kuthumi: On The Body And Its Symbolism, May 17, 2003

Through Michelle Eloff

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ay as we hold each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ, and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, this is truly a very special time as we have gathered with all of you in the presence of Christ and bring forth the teachings of the 7th Dimension for all of you to utilise for your personal growth, and to share with those whom you trust will hold it in their truth, and with those who you feel will benefit from this divinity.

The wisdom of God is present in every aspect of life. Therefore, when Spirit shares this wisdom, It uses all of its resources to communicate with the environment, as well as through the environment. You are a part of the environment. Your actions and your thoughts impact on your environment. Therefore, when you focus on negativity, there is a negative impact on your environment, other people, energies within the atmosphere, as well as on yourselves.

Understanding the wisdom of the universe or the wisdom of God requires one to step out of the ego of fear. The Earth ego that governs the lower frequencies of the Earth body are not negative - they are simply more susceptible to lower vibrations. The Base Chakra, for instance, is part of your root to the Earth. It is all of the roots of your life: your family roots, your spiritual root, the root of your pain, the root of your anger, your fear, your shame, and your guilt - all are held within the Base Chakra. Guilt may be stored in the Heart Chakra, but the root can lie in the Base Chakra, and in truth, the root of all pain is stored in the Base.

Therefore, it is always important to address the core of one's issues, as opposed to skimming the surface. Yes, I have fear, and I will not look at it today; maybe tomorrow. Yes, I am afraid of losing my husband, but we will just hang in there a little longer because, you know, I don't have enough money to leave him, and well, I made an oath in front of God that I will stay with him.

And quickly, you justify remaining in the root of the problem. You justify reasons why not to address the root, and the pain gets worse. But now you say to yourself: I know the relationship is not supporting me, and you will say this to your friends, even your therapist. I know the relationship isn't supporting me - BUT, perhaps you need a kick in the BUTT to remind you that BUT paralyses you.

Whenever you use the word BUT, it paralyses you, because most times BUT is a justification for why you should not make positive change. So, if a relationship is not working, it is not working, and either you are going to do something to change it, or you are going to stay in it; but then do not complain if you choose to stay in it, because that is the lot that you have chosen.

That is the fear that your Earth ego holds onto, that prevents you from experiencing the freedom that your Soul wishes to show you - by embracing your Inner Courage, your Inner Strength, and your Divine Will to experience freedom in your life. Nobody has to be bound to any relationship of any kind that does not serve the upliftment of all who are concerned.

So, when we speak of lower vibrations, we speak of those that do not feed positivity. One will be in the relationship for a short period of time that might embody negative learning or negative energy, but the moment you realise the relationship is not right, this means you have been made aware of the fact that your lessons are complete. Or you have been made aware of the fact that you can now complete your lessons by taking action to bid the experience farewell.

But staying in a relationship out of fear only creates further karma. It begins to create a repetitive cycle of destructive behaviour; it dis-empowers the individuals, and keeps them further locked in Earth ego's experience. This keeps the consciousness trapped in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. Moving into the 5th Dimension enables the person to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture - that there is an opportunity to move beyond what is currently being experienced, and this is where one needs to relinquish control to the soul and say "God, you know what my plan is - I do not. All I know is that what I am experiencing now is not working for me. Please show me what the next step is. Therefore I completely surrender to the Divine will of my Soul." And then, you release it, and allow Spirit to bring you those answers, those opportunities.

And then, two days later, you are sitting at the office and somebody walks in and you overhear them speaking to one of your colleagues about this wonderful opportunity that entails work that perhaps you are very good at, and this particular company is so battling to meet their needs, and your heart begins to pound, and you get a twirl in your tummy, because you know you can do what they are speaking of.

That is your cue to then go forth and to introduce to yourself this opportunity by introducing yourself to the individual whom you have heard sharing this specific information, and then you have responded to the answer that has been brought.

Or perhaps you are not sure if your marriage is simply going through a teething phase and perhaps this is an opportunity for all of you to simply settle your differences and allow the marriage to move to a next level. And you ask Spirit, "Is this truly the end of the marriage, or is there hope for us?" And perhaps a day or two, or an hour later, a friend happens to tell you about this brilliant marriage counsellor. There is your answer.

So do not limit the interpretation of God's language to just symbolism in the sense of - what does a dog mean? What does a bird mean? What does a chicken mean? Be open to the entire vocabulary of God. God speaks in many ways: through feelings, through thought, through colour, through the voices of your friends, your family, and even through strangers, and through nature. Educating humanity in understanding this is very important, because as your world is changing it is becoming more necessary - in fact, essential - for people to learn these skills of life.

It is essential that people train themselves as to how to participate in the game of life.

People have disassociated themselves from Spirit. Therefore they have disconnected themselves at a spiritual level. A person might say "But I go to church every Sunday". Do you truly listen to what Spirit is telling you? Do you honour the rest of God's creation in your reality? Do you understand what it means to live in harmony with all of God's creations? Very few people do, because people disassociate themselves with the other kingdoms. A dog is an animal; an animal is not a human. Yes, God did give man dominion over animals, but he did not say that this dominion means that they must be tortured, or savaged, or maltreated, or abused.

This is where people misunderstand and misinterpret a lot of what has already been shared. People make assumptions, draw their own conclusions, and very few are comfortable with the fact that a dog, or a cat, or a snail, or a worm has the same rights as a human being does, and that right is a Right to Life. Everything in God's creation has the right to life. That is the Divine right for all kingdoms of consciousness.

Even Goddess Gaia has that right. The reason we are speaking of this is to help you understand how, if there is no understanding of the connection between animals, plants, minerals, insects, nature and humans, that bridge to respect cannot be built. If a person abuses an animal, obviously there is an aspect of themselves that has been exposed to abuse that does not know how to heal that aspect of abuse. It is done to children as well.

Therefore, the more of you who understand the connection between all the kingdoms of life, the better, because then you can educate people; you can remind people that the flower, the dog, the human and the rock have been created by the same source of energy - and that is Love.

Evil only exists where there is a lack of love, a lack of understanding, a lack of wisdom, and a lack of knowledge. You take love away from anything, and you will see it changes face. So, now, through your divine intention to understand God's language, you will come to see the importance of recognising, acknowledging and respecting all of the media of communication that are used by God and Spirit.

In order to build ones psychic connection to Spirit, one needs to have understood the first half of what we have just spoken of, because psychic development is about being in harmony and in touch with your environment. It is about being able to tune into the subtler dimensions and receive communication. Very seldom is one able to have a clear connection if there are intense personal problems. If the person is abusing drugs in any way, or alcohol for that matter; if a person is not able to rest their body and is suffering from fatigue or depression, it is difficult to have a connection, because the abyss of darkness pulls one deeper and deeper, and this causes distortions in what one might consider communication.

Therefore, to build a clear system of communication with Spirit, you need to treat your body like a temple - sacred, holy, as well as whole. The way that this is done is by honouring and respecting yourself - physically, emotionally, mentally, as well as spiritually.

By honouring the body physically, you give it the physical resources to maintain energy levels. By honouring your body emotionally, you give it the resources to remain emotionally balanced, so that you can distinguish between emotion, and practicality and logic. Because when one makes decisions, one needs to be balanced in mind and in body in order to do this. If the emotional body is ignored, there will be many issues that will remain unresolved and that are going to impact on the physiology of your body, because what lives in your heart, and what lives in your mind creates the reality of your physical life, and your physical body. Honouring and respecting yourself mentally gives you the opportunity to feed your body with positive thoughts; with uplifting and positive self dialogue.

By criticising yourself, by belittling yourself, you are not feeding your body with positive energy. You are breaking down the atomic structure of vibrational energy around you, because anything negative - word, thought, or action - depletes energy. And of course you need to honour and respect your spirituality, thereby giving yourself space to live what you believe to be spiritually true and right for you
