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Message From Diane 02.16.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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is bound by energy, and through the attraction of it you can distinctly affect your Chakric centres. In most Humans it is only the lower Chakras that are fully activated, but with the expanding consciousness of many who are purposefully increasing their Light quotient, their upper Chakras are being activated.

There are the major seven lower Chakras, and as you draw more light to yourselves the higher Chakras are also opening. They are a series of whirling energy centers of Light, placed mainly over the principle organs of the body. There is a relationship between the two, and providing the Chakra is fully open so will the physical counterpart function correctly. Given the reverse and it is malfunctioning, then physical illness may result. The Crown Chakra as you would expect, is slightly above the head, as are the rest of the higher charkas. As this final period proceeds to the time of Ascension, you will find that the higher Chakras will become fully activated, thus ensuring that you will be ready to step into a new body as a physical Angel.

You do not necessarily need to have a conscious awareness of what is taking place. The intention of drawing more Light to yourself, by your thoughts and deeds will naturally develop the Chakras as your vibration increases. With it you will find abilities surfacing such as telepathy and pre-cognition, and these are quite natural to someone who is successfully uplifting themselves. When we meet you, we will be the responsible for ensuring there can be telepathic communication between us.

This is our normal way, and has been almost exclusively used in previous contacts with you. We can easily place our thoughts into your mind, and equally have the ability to read yours. As soon as you have a thought we pick it up immediately, even before you have had time to express it in your own vocal language. Contacts will often recount how answers to their questions have been given before they have asked them, now you know how that was possible.

When we come openly to Earth, telepathy will be our chosen way of communication. But we shall also have broadcasts and films, so that the general populace are aware of our visit and the reasons why we are here. You have to remember that a large number of your people will be totally shocked by our appearance. We know we need to handle our introductions with loving care, so as to put people at ease. But when it is initially seen that we are here in your interests and our help explained, we have no doubt that we can win over those who carry doubt and suspicion. Uncertainty about us is something we have expected, as our existence has been denied by your governments, and they have tried to convey the impression that ET’s view the Earth with ulterior motives.

The fact is that we are no strangers to your Earth, and if you carefully read through your ancient history of contact with the Gods, you will understand that these largely refer to off-world visitors. In some accounts it is absolutely clear that the people of old not only accepted such visits, but that they were expected and looked forward to as a peaceful contact. At different periods in your evolution we have come to Earth with the express purpose of giving you knowledge that would enable you to move on. Ideas have been given for inventions that would overcome certain difficulties that you have encountered. We have sometimes come to people during their sleep period and planted the seeds of the idea, and allowed them to develop it. These are some of the more personal activities that we have been involved in, but on a wider scale we have monitored your Earth and where needed have kept it stable and on its course. Sometimes we have had to prevent uninvited visitors from taking up residence on Earth, although simple visitations are allowed. As a race of Beings you are looked upon as very special, and part of our service to you has been to ensure that you have reached this important time according to the Divine Plan. In that we have succeeded, and we now wait for the final stage when we can at last arrive openly on your planet. That time is upon us now, and we are so near to being given the authority to go ahead. But we patiently wait as indeed you also have, knowing that we can come as quick as a flash, but must do it after the initial steps have been taken to clear the way.

We know much about you and are no strangers to the Human Race, we have been your friends for eons of time. We now look forward to renewing our friendship and this really is an exciting time for us. That we will come soon is an absolute certainty, have no fear, as you could say “it is written in the stars”. I am Diane of the Galactic Federation and wish you all well.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey

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